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VP holidays :))

edited September 2005 in Game Suggestions
We should get special free giftie colors on holidays like on christmas you should get a free griftie :)<br><br>Many people may not like it but i think it would be awsome.. :) OOH or an import!! Lol pleasee!! THat wou;d rock well yeah just would rock lol..
Sry no banner yet >.<" Gotta go get one :P
**runs away**

My kennel--


  • LMAO I'm probably gonna sound like a jerk but meh...<br><br>What you're basically asking for is a handout for playing a game, I didn't do any research cuz I kinda don't feel like it, but i'm assuming you're a novice?<br><br>The majority of Nefs income from this game comes from gift dyes, so half demanding that she give you free dyes just for playing is a tad ludicris. I mean if someone was taking up my bandwidth without purchasing a sponsorship to help me pay for the bandwidth they're taking up, then said that I should give them free stuff every year, I'd go nuts.<br><br>She's a tad more diplomatic than I, so I'll just say it, this has to be one of the most selfish threads I've ever seen in my life. You should be happy you're getting something for free instead of sticking your hand out and demanding more like a spoiled version of Oliver Twist.<br><br>Now that I've said my piece, carry on.
  • lol nitty.. besides it's been done before, if anything maybe something that isn't so costly like 5 extra novice breedings but yeah whatever :P nef makes her money to keep this game running
  • I'd understand a holiday as RL, but not with gifts..<br><br>Maybe a script that changes VP's layout to Thanksgiving style for Thanksgiving, and one for Christmas, etc. etc. etc.<br><br>But gifts? That's like saying "Mommy, can you buy me my own hotel?" to Nef (No, I ain't saying she's poor, I'm saying for the holidays gifts. It's up to Nef.)
    back for a bitt. =D
  • I don't want to see holiday layouts just because not everyone celebrates the same holidays.<br><br>We have Christians, Jews, Muslims, Non-State Shintouists, non-traditional spiritualists, atheists, all sorts of faiths and it's better to leave things as welcoming to everyone as possible.
  • but i thought last year during the holidays Nef gave novices a choice between 50k or an import and gift color of their choice?
  • Maybe for the major holidays (like christmas or mid-winter or watever you wanna call it) there could be holiday colours were 5 people get the same colour, so it's not RARE exactly, but it is less common
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • Major holidays... Like Sable said, not everyone her is Christian or Catholic and celebrates Christmas, so if you were saying major holidays then someone who was Jewish could demand that they get 1 present each day during Chankukah... Are you seeing what we're saying? Or we should get Easter presents, or Yom Kippur (sp?) or Kwanza gifts... It doesn't matter what Nef did in the past, if she saw this thread she probably would throw the whole idea out the window.<br><br>Also being that it's still September, don't you think you're starting a bit too early?
  • lol.. it can be called! Chrismunnikawnza! heh! actually, if it were layouts it could be autumn or winter based, like sledding, water activites in the spring racing in the summer, etc.
  • I like the idea of Seasonal-based skin themes for the site. But then there are a lot of places that do that. :P So its not like it'd be original. heh.<br><br>Plus if you keep it to Seasonal, rather then holiday based, there'd be a lot less hassle for all invovled. *smiles*<br><br>But on the flip side, keep in mind that this would invovle some extra coding, as well as origanl graphics. That takes time out of Nef's day. Not to mention she could be working on updates to the OTHER games she runs. <br><br>So she could be coding this place to make it skinable for different "looks", or she could be fixing bugs and other issues with the other sites ( as well as this one ) instead. ;)<br><br>Plus for as long as I've played both VP and VHR, she's always found something original to give to her users at the end of the year. Its the one time that things are offered as such.., and should never be asked for.<br><br>Suggestions for types of things, maybe. Because that would be at least somewhat helpful, ya know. But asking for something for one-self is not a good way to make a good impression. :/
  • also if this did happen everyone (ok not everyone but lots of people) would go and make a zillion accounts just to get more than one dye/import and we all know novices making more than 1 account is bad <br><br>sure it would be nice but stop thinking of yourselves!! <br><br>well bah...<br><br>-Aurora D
  • Yeah, thats another thing, I think she has a block or something so it's one gift per household, at least thats how VHR was last time she gave presents out.
  • also has a date check, at least on vhr..the ranch had to be two weeks old i believe to recieve the gift.<br><br>i suggested site skins ages ago, even offered to do skeleton codework and mock up a few ideas..there are some ubertalented designers and graphic workers kicking around orbis that would work for a colour and some for the exposure..<br> response of course..but..i see it happening in the future sometime soon.<br><br>even seasonal wouldn't work if were looking for inclusiveness though, around the world seasons occur at different time..<br><br> i think we had red and green text one year on the site banner around "holiday time"...was a cute touch, not too loud, not in your face..just a cute little touch on the site. <br> i'd say regardless of its origin, christmas has become a time that has secular appeal (think of japan were its mainly a secular holiday, fun lead in to emperor bday(if you still do that) and the newyear funstuff) as well as to certian groups keeping its religous meaning. i think in north america (where the site creator lives, though i'm not saying its secular to her) most people don't find general traditions of christmas that offensive regardless of religon, as certian aspects of it have become a part of north american(usa and can. at least) mass culture by now... <br><br>as for the whole talk about presents thing, i voiced my thoughts on the first thread about this not long ago...*shrugs*
    a.k.a  kazamidori
    vp username 風見鶏 kiminnasarukiicon.gif
  • I dunno my friend and i thought it would be inresting lol :P
    Sry no banner yet >.<" Gotta go get one :P
    **runs away**

    My kennel--
  • amayakoi wrote:
    <br>even seasonal wouldn't work if were looking for inclusiveness though, around the world seasons occur at different time..
    <br><br>Not so if an added bit was coded into the site.<br><br>;)<br><br>One could give their hemisphere, and or time code into their user profile. :)<br>Let the site to the update automatically. ;)
  • since this thread is about VP holidays, I must say, We members never threw a 1 year anniversary for the game. I think this calls for a party!
  • Whoo hoo! Can we wear party hats and throw streamers? *starts running colored paper through the shredder for confetti*
    Guardian Angels
    Well, my dog loves me.
  • Why not! *steals Ashige's confetti huskies and trows them about the room to make things more party like*
  • I have to put my .02 cents in on this. I missed out on the Christmas Gifts last year because I didn't know this site existed. I also have to say that even if Nef never gives out anything else I will still be around because I have fallen in love with this game *grins*. I have to agree that I think it's a little rude to even bring up the topic of what we should be given for Christmas. I'm just happy to have found a game that is fun to play and stress relieving.
  • lol Nitty, she made gifty pups that she was supposed to share with me, so i steals her dog in concept :P it's fun.. I only wish she gave them to me before she got suspended so i could train them :(
  • Dude, I should get henna dogs for Eid (end of Ramadan celebration) this year XD<br><br>[edit] By which I meant, I should create a custom color, not that stuff should be handed out to me XD
    I am always willing to train for gift-colored Pit Bulls. Running 28 shows a day and counting ^_^
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