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Layout Contest! 10million dollar 1st prize!

Rally is in dire need of a new<br>Layout for her myspace, so.....<br>She is holding a layout contest!<br>With a first prize of 10 million dollars<br>In Virtual Pups Playcash!<br><br>PLEASE PRIVATE MESSAGE ME FOR THE LINKS TO THE PICS!<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">RULES:</span><br>The layout will have to consist of the following:<br>-A base color of black<br>-A secondary color of red<br>-A main banner<br> -Needs to say:<br> -N` Zayne Lee Dead<br> -The Dead Bury The Living<br>-A contact table<br>-A background<br>-Separate tables for:<br> -videos<br> -banners/icons<br> -band pictures<br> -other pictures<br>-At least 3 separate scrolling text boxes<br>for my rants, ramblings, etc. xD<br>-And then whatever else you want to add xD<br><br>PLEASE PRIVATE MESSAGE ME FOR THE LINKS TO THE PICS!<br><br>The layout will be judged by the follwing:<br> -How well it pertains to the "rules"<br> -Creativity<br> -Uniqueness<br> -Dont forget...... Rally likes<br>Different, crazy, fabtastic crap..... lol<br>Don't be afraid to step outside of<br>The box.... xP I like just about everything<br>Thats non cutesy fluffy-wuffy though.......<br>The more blood and gore, the better.<br><br>This will be ending as soon<br>As possible, hopefully within<br>A week or so, because I really,<br>Really, REALLY, need this layout<br>More than anything else in the<br>Whole world, right now. xD<br><br>Contact me through a VP private message<br>for extra information about my myspace,<br>a link to it, screen names, etc.<br><br>And when the layout is finished, <br>Please private message me on VP<br>A link to the layout, instead of <br>posting it on the forums.<br>(teehee, others may steal your ideas)<br><br>Thanks for taking time out<br>Of your life to read this,<br>It's very much appriciated,<br><br>-Thanks again<br>-Rally<br><br>PLEASE PRIVATE MESSAGE ME FOR THE LINKS TO THE PICS!


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