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Okay a lot of people have quit and recently come back to see all thier dogs have been rescued and sold. Now they are trying to get them back but don't know how many pups the dog has had. This creates an issue because you have to find a pup and see if it's related by going through its lines. Therefore to make sure you had every single pup you would have to search everydog of the breed and every single mutt. (That would not be fun) So I was thinking what if For every dog you should be able to see all the pups he had using a link such as the one for seeing the competitions adog has entered, that brings up a page with all the dog's pups links. This way Once you get your dog back you could go through the lines and get all dogs possibly for sale and maybe ask the owner if they would be willing to trade that dog to you for something and you may even get complete controll of your lines again.<br><br><br>I don't know just a thought!<br><br><br>(oh and sorry if this has been asked before and turned down I don't come her often enough to know)


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