1 yes if the clubs have not been used and are 'dead'<br><br>2 yes and no, yes if they are kennels that have NOTHING in them (ie: some one joined and quit because they decided they didn't like the game) <br><br>and no if there is still stiff on there (like if I went away for a long while and came back and wanted all my gifties and such)<br><br><br>I think that there might be a 'delete' kennel in the management page if there is nothing on the kennel (ie dogs, cash, and such)
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1 yes if the clubs have not been used and are 'dead'<br><br>2 yes and no, yes if they are kennels that have NOTHING in them (ie: some one joined and quit because they decided they didn't like the game) <br><br>and no if there is still stiff on there (like if I went away for a long while and came back and wanted all my gifties and such)<br><br><br>I think that there might be a 'delete' kennel in the management page if there is nothing on the kennel (ie dogs, cash, and such)
i like they whole no stuff thing<br><br>but what about if your dogs get rescued
your dogs can't be rescued if they are in a boarding kennel ^^ (o.0 of courses there would be major boarding bills unless you owned the boarding kennel like I do ^^)
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
your dogs can't be rescued if they are in a boarding kennel ^^ (o.0 of courses there would be major boarding bills unless you owned the boarding kennel like I do ^^)
<br><br>Actually... I have rescued quite a number of dogs that were in boarding kennels. I just had to pay the bills once I rescued them.
I think that kennels 2 years and up should go. All of the dogs in them should go to a rescue kennel that wants to help. If they come back, they won't remember the username/pass anymore. They can start a new account. I think 2 years is plenty of time.
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
eh... I agree with 1, and sort of 2. I agree on 2 that it should be if they haven't been on for years and the kennel is empty. Invalid clubs have got to go though.
1 yes if the clubs have not been used and are 'dead'<br><br>2 yes and no, yes if they are kennels that have NOTHING in them (ie: some one joined and quit because they decided they didn't like the game) <br><br>and no if there is still stiff on there (like if I went away for a long while and came back and wanted all my gifties and such)<br><br><br>I think that there might be a 'delete' kennel in the management page if there is nothing on the kennel (ie dogs, cash, and such)
<br>Evlon you hit the nail on the head xD.I used to be a rescue and whenever i went to a kennel most of the time it was emty.so ppl with no dogs in their kennel can be deleted.
I agree, but I share some of the same feelings about #2. However if the kennel is already empty and has been for like 2years, i think either someone should get to use it or it should be deleted
Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.