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edited December 2005 in Game Suggestions
Although most of you aren't familiar with this feature, but when you get a Sponsor Account on VHR, you are able to create clubs. With this, you may or may not allow certain breeds into your club (i.e allow only Paints).<br><br>I think that this feature should be used for events as well. <br><br>Many people post Racing events, and try to exclude Greyhounds from entering just because they seem to be programmed to win all Racing events, no matter the training. <br><br>This also goes for many other types of events and breeds. <br><br>I breed Borzois, and they do quite well, except for the fact that Greyhounds are entered in the Racing events. So, this then decreases all chances of winning if you are any other breed. <br><br>So, just one time I thought I'd try to make a Borzoi Only Racing event. It seems that no one really pays too much attention to event names, and although I know it's against the rules to Exclude others from events, people still continued to enter Greyhounds.<br><br>So what I'm trying to say is, possibly beside the 'Allow which type of dog only?' scroll-box, we can have another scroll-box titled 'Allow which breed of dog only?'. <br><br>And concluding this, I have nothing against Greyhounds (except for the fact that they always seem to win)


  • yes I totaly agree! I started to breed greyhounds because I got tired of people entering their greyhounds in my races and winning all the time when I clearly stated no greyhounds. :? I understand people can overlook this and I also understand that we can't do anything about it. It's been mentioned before about greyhounds always winning even if not fully trained :shock: Hopefully this will be fixed soon so racing can be fair :lol:
  • I made my Pride of the Sands club to keep greyhounds out of the races my Salukis are in (Borzois are welcome by the way). <br><br>Why? Because I had a 200 stat Saluki beaten by a Greyhound that had no training whatsoever.<br><br>Oh yeah, I'd like to see this added too (though some players say it's not fair to run certain breed only events..)
  • I still disagree with the idea. Only because certain breeds will have such a huge precentage more events than others and thus so many more chnaces to win fame and money.<br><br>It's kind of like how non-sporting dogs get slighted now show wise.
  • yes but people paying for the sponser kennels are allowed to make whatever type of events they want...if certain breeds are popular then that's what shows are made. Especially now that you can't make money on any event BUT sporting events because they don't fill up.
  • Isn't that the idea of having clubs? As above noted about the Pride of teh Sands Club, it was made to give other dog types a chance to run against their own type.<br><br>If you have a Prestige account ( though I wish they had something.., more for that kind fo account :/ ah well ), then set up a club for either a specific breed, or set of breeds. At least this way you'd be able to run dogs of a simialr type against each other, without worry that 'non memebrs' enter dogs that are not appropriate.<br><br>One idea I had, if the Cattle dog events are ever opened, is to make a prestige kennel - and thus club for high Agression dogs. The stipulation for memebrs is to READ the events carefully, and for dog types that are ment for cattle herding. :) AKA no Shelties. ;) hehe.<br><br>I like the idea of being able to select specific breed types, but again there is the issue with not being able to fill up events. At least not without "cheating" in some way. :/<br><br>There are already selection choices for Level of dog ( Novie, Junior, National, etc ) and Type of dog ( working, herding, non-sport, etc ). Having a third could make thinsg far more convulted then needed. *shrugs*<br><br>not to mention there are different types of events currently in the works. Maybe there could be a suggestion added for different terrians and enviroments to be added to the racing events. Like:<br><br>Race Track- dirt, Race Track-Grass, Open Field, Race Track- Coursing, Open Field- Coursing, Desert/Sandy Track, etc..,<br><br>?
  • I think having more varied events would solve some of the problems. I LOVE the idea of different track types. <br>Even like snow, sand, grass, drit. Saluki, azas and sloughi would tear up the sand, borzoi the snow, and greyhounds could keep the advantage on groomed tracks like dirt and grass.<br><br>The simple fact is that breeds were developed to be better at certain things than other breeds. That's why a greyhound doesn't look like a husky. :P<br><br>So some breeds <span style="font-style:italic">should</span> be better at certain events than others because of their make up. I know with the ability to juice almost any breed up to the 8x4 etc. if kind of takes away the specialness that hounds had at being 4 star speeds and mastiffs had at being four star stregnth, etc. (yes I don't like the training change even though I do have a training kennel, I haven't since it got changed, I wont bore everyone going further into it again) So we either need to round out the bonuses beyond the mushers and the greyhounds or eliminate it totally and let it be a battle of the super stats.<br><br>If you really desperately want a breed specific events option shell out the 19$ and make a club for that breed. Yes it stinks if there's only a few and you don't get to run full events but I just see breed specific events for all sponsors being used for the wrong reasons. (Everytime I think people wont take something on here and exploit it they do :P so excuse the pessimism.) Plus that's a huge perk about a club, being able to make breed specific events.<br><br>I <span style="font-style:italic">know </span>right now prestige clubs have been screwed up the wazoo by the event creation costs but you have to have faith it'll be fixed and make it a viable option again. I've mentioned and there was a poll about it and I'll keep mentioning it to Nef until something gets changed. Especially because I think she'll sell more prestige kennels if she plays up the 'you can make breed specific events!' side of the kennel type. <br>An over haul of clubs like the ability to withdraw our dogs from abandonded clubs and reapply them would renew some prestige value too.<br><br>I think leave event creation fees as is for regular sponsors. Make them 50% for prestige.
  • Mmm...that sounds good :D <br><br>Could you discuss the track types with Nef, Sable?
  • I definitely think that Nef is losing money on prestige kennels right now because of the costs of events. Club events should be free in my opinion (to make I mean) as a benefit of having a club/prestige kennels..normal events could still cost maybe 50%. Clubs don't get enough entries to be worth it right now. I bought three prestiges so I could have clubs for each of the breeds (and therefore run events only for those breeds) I thought needed them (like my Salukis), and I would've gotten another except for the change.
  • I'd like to see not only more types of events but more ways to narrow down entries.<br><br>Breed specific (and no, not just clubs having the ability to limit what breed(s) they allow in), training level, stat level, age maybe and anything else to divide it more. If an event holder choses to use those options then they're taking the risk of fewer entries, it'll be their choice.<br><br>Before prestige gets any other 'perks' I think they need to be fixed now..points and $$ showing on dogs who show in clubs, maybe kept seperately from that shown for open shows. I barely show anymore because I'm so annoyed with how club events are and people are ignorant when it comes to event titles in open shows (which is why we need more specific ways to run them).I got excited over entering DeeDee's flyball club and actually started showing again, you know what? In the 16 events I ran my team in, they place no less than 3 in any of them. All that effort doesn't show unless I click the events history so I find myself not wanting to show again. And nothing like being able to hold a bazillion shows a day when you can barely make money holding them.
  • The last four shows I ran I lost the 10k entry fees on all four of them because no one entered them and I had to delete them. <br><br>I really don't see what the big deal is with making breed shows, I mean they have them in real life don't they? If people think their breeds are being slighted by people who choose to make shows that THEY show in, maybe they need to do the same thing and buy 3 prestige kennels and run the shows they want to enter instead of expecting everyone else to make ones they can enter.
  • WoS I couldn't agree with you more! I think that <span style="font-weight:bold">all</span> sponcers should get to choose what breeds are allowed in their events. I believe most of the people entering events are sponcers and all sponcers get to make at least 4 events a day per kennel so why can't we have more control over our events? Personaly I wouldn't make all 8 events (I have 2 sponcer kennels) just for, say my dachshunds but I would make at least a couple of them breed specific. <br>
    Breed specific (and no, not just clubs having the ability to limit what breed(s) they allow in), training level, stat level, age maybe and anything else to divide it more. If an event holder choses to use those options then they're taking the risk of fewer entries, it'll be their choice. <br>
    <br>Heck I have that problem now (hardly any entries) and I make at least 75% of my events <span style="font-style:italic">open for all</span> in fact I've never ever run a full event! Something needs to be done about events, period :x
  • Well I guess I don't understand why people get in knots when they're sponsers and could just make the type of events they want instead of griping about what others are making. But then I only really show in my own events, and I have 3 prestige and four other sponsers so I can run a lot of shows a day if I want. <br><br>Not that I will until something's done about entry fees..
  • I think having more varied events would solve some of the problems. I LOVE the idea of different track types. <br>Even like snow, sand, grass, drit. Saluki, azas and sloughi would tear up the sand, borzoi the snow, and greyhounds could keep the advantage on groomed tracks like dirt and grass.<br><br>The simple fact is that breeds were developed to be better at certain things than other breeds. That's why a greyhound doesn't look like a husky. :P<br><br>So some breeds <span style="font-style:italic">should</span> be better at certain events than others because of their make up. I know with the ability to juice almost any breed up to the 8x4 etc. if kind of takes away the specialness that hounds had at being 4 star speeds and mastiffs had at being four star stregnth, etc. (yes I don't like the training change even though I do have a training kennel, I haven't since it got changed, I wont bore everyone going further into it again) So we either need to round out the bonuses beyond the mushers and the greyhounds or eliminate it totally and let it be a battle of the super stats.<br><br>If you really desperately want a breed specific events option shell out the 19$ and make a club for that breed. Yes it stinks if there's only a few and you don't get to run full events but I just see breed specific events for all sponsors being used for the wrong reasons. (Everytime I think people wont take something on here and exploit it they do :P so excuse the pessimism.) Plus that's a huge perk about a club, being able to make breed specific events.<br><br>I <span style="font-style:italic">know </span>right now prestige clubs have been screwed up the wazoo by the event creation costs but you have to have faith it'll be fixed and make it a viable option again. I've mentioned and there was a poll about it and I'll keep mentioning it to Nef until something gets changed. Especially because I think she'll sell more prestige kennels if she plays up the 'you can make breed specific events!' side of the kennel type. <br>An over haul of clubs like the ability to withdraw our dogs from abandonded clubs and reapply them would renew some prestige value too.<br><br>I think leave event creation fees as is for regular sponsors. Make them 50% for prestige.
    <br><br>I like the idea of over-hauling the Prestige kennels, and fixing the clubs.<br><br>Giving the Prestige kennels the added bonuc of 50% off event fees would be awesome! They already have the added bonus of running multiple events.., but the issue of peopl enot filling the events makes it not as cost effective. So teh combination of 50% off event fees, plus theability to create more then one event would make teh Prestige Kennel type more worhtwhile.<br><br><br>Why not have the clubs set up in a simialr fashion as teh VHR Horse clubs are? Wherein teh club itself gets an amount of money to put forth for events - it is reimbursed by the entry fees of memebrs? This way you'd not have folks worring about how much money THEY are personally spending on CLUB events.<br><br>Maybe have a Club fee, option ( or donation option for clubs ) with a min/max setting. This way memebrs of a club can help build up the event $$ for teh clubs.<br><br>I suggest the Min max value for donations, thus someone can't just drop 5 mil into a club. Trying to keep it 'fair' after all. :) As some clubs may not have the types of memebrs who have that kind of money. ;)<br><br><br><br>I've been waiting for something of a fix for teh Prestige kennels, since I want my second account ( Milleneum Shepards ) to be a Prestige. I got 20 bucks waiting! ;) *chuckles*<br><br>(( Off Topic - is there a way to get a Kennel name changed? ))<br><br>~~~~~~~~~~~<br><br>As for the need of filling events.., Yeah that needs to be fixed too.<br><br>I know that in VHR ( unless its been change since last I looked ) If an event is -underfull- or only has like 2 entries, the system 'inserts' horses in said events. I noticed that that bit was never implemented here.<br><br>I think it would help a bunch, honestly.
  • i disagree b/c i own 17 fully trained shar-pei's and 2 almost fully trained shar-pei and i never see any other shar-pei's in events and it would be unfair to the ppl who own rare breeds and can't enter them in events b/c no one want to creater an event for them
  • Whoa, this post died a natural death back in September ... let's not dig up old posts needlessly.
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