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VP Free use line art?

edited September 2005 in Game Suggestions
Maybe some of the many talented line artists on VP should think about donating simple linearts of the breeds that people could color themselves? <br><br>Because a lot of people aren't going to be able to afford to buy custom pics for 1-5 million for each of their dogs. <br><br>Anyone feel generous? I could probably do a few...if several artists pitched in and each did some then it wouldn't be too bad.


  • Kinda like a coloring book page, but for dogs? hrmmn If I had more time I would offer. At least this way if someone knows its free, they'd be less likely to theft not-free stuff. :)
  • i'll enter some just tell me some breeds and i'll draw them
  • I think this is a wonderful idea! I've paid for a few personal pics but I have so many dogs and realy no artistic talent :cry: It would be nice to have a pic for each of my dogs :D
  • Well if there's enough demand/support for the idea we can worry about breeds, probably popular ones first, or people can post here on what they'd like to see.
  • great idea!<br><br> i would contribute if i could draw but i can't<br><br>but i hope the artists out there are feeling generous! :D
  • I might be able to do a few. Maybe people intending to do some can say what breeds so we don't get like ten of the same breed and none of another.<br><br>I can do most any breed if I get time to do some line arts.
  • Great Idea Sable!.<br><br>Most folks may know these tips anyway, but for those who don''t I post this. :)<br><br>Keep them small. Make them .gif files. I would <span style="font-weight:bold">suggest</span> to not make them any bigger then 200pix by 200pix in size. Any bigger and some computer monitors may not be able to 'see' them, as they would make the page scroll. :)<br><br>I would also sugget not making them any Smaller then 50x50 pixels.., otherwise they get REALY hard to color. ;)<br><br>Suggesting #1: ( If you have Photoshop, you should be able to do this easily. :) Using layers for different colors. ) Color the dog in three colors. They have to be drastically different colors, like blue red and green. Tones should be different too, so say the red and green don't blend too much.<br><br>This allows for a selctable area. and makes it easier to re-color.<br><br>Suggesting #2: Make lineart with seperate areas ( example GSD's - The Saddle area, the legs, the "face mask", paws, tail, and body should all be seperated by a thin, but solid line. ) This makes the different areas selcetable, and easier to color. ;)<br><br><br>:D
  • 200x200 is pretty small... though easy on those with older computers, I guess.<br><br>And if the colorist has photoshop, they can use layers to color the lineart without having to select and fill the color in.
  • *sighs* There needs to be a size limit, otherwise folks may offer art that is massively huge.<br><br>200x200 isn't small. 100x100 is very small. 500x500 is way too big, imo. I post my artwork in lj at 500pixels either long or high, but never both. Too big. o.o 400pix is my preferred size limit.<br><br>but I've seen various sizes of photos snagged from all over the web. I just think there shoul dbe a standard for all the images.<br><br>*shrugs*
  • Yeah 200 x 200 would work for those with older computers, but that would be a speck on my laptop... I like the 400<br><br>Anyway, I'd forever kiss the butt of whoever could make eurasier lineart, or even just a general spitz type thing, although Eurasiers are like uber floofy.
  • If I could draw, I would help........<br><br>I think 200 by 200 is a good size, or maybe even 250 by 250 but no bigger.
  • Oh! Nice idea! I would love to see some Great Danes..but i have heard they are hard to draw so... I dont really have many other breeds except a BC, GSD, and..i think thats it...
  • Well as a webdesigner I've always used 300x300 or 350x350, 200x200 is too small (I consider it thumbnail size). And 200x200 would be hard to color because it's so small.<br><br>It doesn't matter how big the art is that people submit, I can shrink it to whatever size is decided on. <br><br>How many artists can do about any breed? Anyone specialize in a certain type? I can do just about anything I can find photo references for..
  • Yeah I don't mind doing anything you throw at me. I like a challange.<br><br>I say we look at the breed FAQs though and do the most popular breeds first.<br>My Suggestions(just looking at percents 1%+, omitting mutts/wolf hybrids):<br><br>BC<br>Greyhound<br>GSD<br>Chihuahua<br>Golden Retriever<br>Lab<br>Great Dane<br>Arctic Wolf<br>Dalmation<br>Pittie<br>Dobe<br>Siberian Husky<br>Mala<br>Alaskan Husky<br>Aussie<br>Beagle<br>Rottie<br>Boxer<br>Doxie<br><br><br>When I use line art to colour I like around 2000 by 2000 or bigger and I'm on the second cruddiest common use resolution there is these days (600 by 800). So I'd say offer a gallery of the pics in like 300 by 300 preview size in gif and then the option to download a 500 by 500 or 1000 by 1000 to colour in psp, psd and bmp format. Yes I know 1000 by 1000 bmp is a little sizey but only the people who know how to resize are going to be wanted the bigger one anyways so it's not like that'd be the linked one. <br><br>And I think we should make a base rule that any editing of line art is as long as the original artist's sig is left on. That way they get some due and also might get business by referal. Some of us make a lot of our VP living on doing art on here. ;)<br><br>Oh I also have breed icons and brand sized icons anyone is allowed to use for kennel graphics or whatever.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Updated when I get the chance, there's a thread in the game suggestions where you can request a breed and colour.
  • I Luff this idea. ^^ However, I had a question.. Would there be one line art per breed or (If time an' whatnot permits) would there be more than one.. say a male and a female of that breed... ?<br>An' I think the artists of VP should get together an' decide on what breeds they'd like to take on. I think we should start with Sable's list first, however. Most popular done first and then on down to the other breeds. xD
  • Yeah I'm thinking do the breeds with 1%+ first, then >0.5<1%, then >.05%<1%, on down, etc. <br><br>I imagine it'd be like the VHR colouring book. Whatever poses and etc. people come up with gets added. Though I think in the beginning it'd be nice if we divvied it up so that as many breeds as possible get done.
  • Yeah. I was thinkin' maybe creating another thread where there'd be a list of the dog breeds and then artists would come and pick one or two(or more) Off that list then as the list is being filled up add more dogs to the list. *shrugs* Might be a more organized way of doing it.. rather than everyone wanting to do Greys or GSDs.. That way people know what's available and what's not.
  • Well so far we only have three artists offering to help (unless I missed a post?) me, Sable, and Taurus. I doubt any three of us wants to take on a LOT of breeds like we'd have to if it was just us three doing it, I was waiting to see if there was more interest/artists that would donate before jumping right into it.<br><br>I can donate some but I can't go through and draw 2 of each breed, and I doubt Sable or Taurus want to either.
  • I can make some sort of an attempt.
  • Cool...<br><br>And yes, I think going by how many dogs of a breed are on the game (popular breeds) first is a good idea. Maybe a male and female version if everyone thinks its needed..or maybe just poses that look gender neutral?<br><br>We could limit it to 2 per breed for now (one male one female, or one standing one action pose? something like that), but maybe once we have a good bunch people could add more for popular breeds so there's more to choose from.
  • I could help. I bet if more artist jump in, we can get 'em done relativly fast. ^^
  • Yeah I don't mind doing anything you throw at me. I like a challange.<br><br>I say we look at the breed FAQs though and do the most popular breeds first.<br>My Suggestions(just looking at percents 1%+, omitting mutts/wolf hybrids):<br><br>BC<br>Greyhound<br>GSD<br>Chihuahua<br>Golden Retriever<br>Lab<br>Great Dane<br>Arctic Wolf<br>Dalmation<br>Pittie<br>Dobe<br>Siberian Husky<br>Mala<br>Alaskan Husky<br>Aussie<br>Beagle<br>Rottie<br>Boxer<br>Doxie<br><br><br>When I use line art to colour I like around 2000 by 2000 or bigger and I'm on the second cruddiest common use resolution there is these days (600 by 800). So I'd say offer a gallery of the pics in like 300 by 300 preview size in gif and then the option to download a 500 by 500 or 1000 by 1000 to colour in psp, psd and bmp format. Yes I know 1000 by 1000 bmp is a little sizey but only the people who know how to resize are going to be wanted the bigger one anyways so it's not like that'd be the linked one. <br><br>And I think we should make a base rule that any editing of line art is as long as the original artist's sig is left on. That way they get some due and also might get business by referal. Some of us make a lot of our VP living on doing art on here. ;)<br><br>Oh I also have breed icons and brand sized icons anyone is allowed to use for kennel graphics or whatever.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Updated when I get the chance, there's a thread in the game suggestions where you can request a breed and colour.
    <br><br>And this is a BIG HUGE IF...,<br><br>If Nef allows for it, she could possibly add a section that lists teh images, as you suggested. but she could also list on the same page the COntributors, and a link to their kennels ( or personal webpages if any ).<br><br>Wolfhome was a VERY popular graphical chat. They had a strict artist team that would verify applications. Once accepted, teh artist got a 'art bio' on the 'art for free' section of teh WH website.<br><br>People LOVED creating poses for this chat, and would pay IRL $$$ for poses or sets of poses. Poeple would trade $$ for upgrading their own account, or upgrades To their accounts.<br><br><br><br>I agre with the idea of trying to cover as many breeds as possible, but allowing for overlaps.<br><br>The larger sized version of the images are also a great idea too, for folks who like working on detail. :)<br><br>Mhhnnn.., My two cents. ;)
  • VP is like VHR's redheaded stepchild, if we can make it work on our own, then she'd probably let us do it. She hosts VHR's newsletter for cryin out loud.
  • I am in, lineart as long as I got a piccy to look at is no problem at all, I already got a front view saluki done in strong colors (Red etc) that can be used<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>thats what it looks like after being colored :D
  • OH WOW. That's sweet. :D
  • Sure is..makes mine look sorry lol...
  • I love this idea :D Hopefully someone will make a Belgian Tervuren :P Theres only maybe 200 or so but I own around half of them and way too expensive to buy pics for them all :P
  • I think this project is a great idea. While I can't say I'll ever have the time/skill to contribute any more, I do have two pieces of Silken Windhound lineart that I'd be willing to contribute:<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>;(drawn entirely freehand/mouse on the computer, though used photo reference)<br><br>And here's a small example of them colored: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
  • :D<br><br>*gives out cookies to all the non-artistically challenged*<br><br>Also Alana nice to see you back :) always loved your art.

    Vixen Kennels brands star with VX .
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