Last year someone tried to address this topic, and it got locked. I was hoping we could try discuss this again, albeit more civilly this time?<br><br>I have a few requests for my breed. The first is to change the name "pit bull" -- a nickname which is applied haphazardly across many breeds and crosses -- to American Pit Bull Terrier. I have heard the argument "APBT is the same as Pit Bull," but I must disagree. (Just like "shepherd" doesn't necessarily mean GSD, and a MinPin is not a mini Doberman. Its a matter of wanting to be able to take pride in your breed.) All I am asking for is the proper, recognized breed name, as is written on my dog's papers.<br><br>I would also like to see the size corrected. As outlined in the <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url">United Kennel Club</a>'s breed standard for the APBT, the preferred weight for an adult dog in good condition is 30-60 pounds. I have a dog in my kennel which is 106 pounds when converted from the metric system. This is a very large, out-of-standard dog.<br><br>Some are going to decry this as nitpicking, but as some of us deal with these dogs in the real world, it does mean something to us. I would just like to see it cleaned up a little bit.<br><br>Thoughts? (Nicely?
Boz's Art Dump
Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
1.)Darkness Lies-Layout 50% done
2.)karolina 4-Banner 15% done
3.)Angel Of Serenity-0% done (out of 10 banners)
4.)riosaris- Layout 0% done
Remember, somthings take more time and my list is first come first serve ^^
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Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.