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Story titles

Hmm, here are some suggestions people have made about my story titles..<br><br><br> on which one you want..if you have a different suggestion..PM me it<br><br>Kali (15-years-old) and Nick (17-years-old) have a a baby girl together named Alexis. Things are rough between them, and when Nick graduates, he decides he wants to leave Alexis and Kali alone, with nothing. One day, they are having a picnic at a park, when Nick and Kali get into an argument. Nick almost hits Kali, but three strangers pull him off. That night, a mysterious car pulls up in front of Kali's house, the neighbors hear a bang, and then they see a man walk outside, with something small bundled up. He gets into his car and leaves. The neighbor's call the police, and the police show up and find Kali dead, shot in the head once, but no sign of the baby. Of course, the first person they suspect is Nick. He's staying at a hotel, and he has another girl there, they figure he couldn't of gone there, and come back in that short ammount of time. Nick is devastated, he realizes he does love Kali, and he wants to find his daughter. Soon, letters start coming in the mail, telling Nick little hints on who killed Kali, and where the baby is located


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