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More Sponsor Choices

edited October 2005 in Game Suggestions
i think that maybe there should be a like a special chaep sonsor kennel that doesn't have all the special stuff like a a kennel that only has the ability to stat max dogs to 200, and everything else is like the novice kennel, or the ability to loose stat caps but everything else is all novices. <br><br>also maybe half time knenls fo ronly like 6 months or somethingfor less money<br><br>pleeze post yur thoughs even if there negative


  • I think this would be a good idea with some revising! The 'semi-sponser' probably should'nt be able to sponser train, as this is one of the better perks of being a full sponser. Maybe though they could have the option of being a rescue? or bording? Or maybe there could be 'short term sponsers' who were only sponsers for 6 months (half a year) and they only paid10$ but still got all the perks a normal sponser would get :roll:
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • I don't the idea of semi-sponsor. Just be a sponsor or don't. <br>:P<br><br>I do like the idea of being able to buy 6 months at a time for sponsorship and I think it would be reasonably easy to impliment. <br><br>I know it's been mentioned for a while now both here and VHR.<br><br>VHR2 is going to have options to buy less than a year, I believe even monthly.
  • ok thats cool i would add another option to the poll but it just isn't working errg and when i say add anothe option it does this wierd thing
  • Yeah, I heard something about VHR2 being a month by month subscrition.
  • lol wonder if it'll be like the other game I play that's $13 a month per account..
  • im SO excited about VHR 2!!
  • ooh has it gone beta testing yet???? o.o *drooles*
  • I do like the semi-sponsor thing, but instead of <span style="font-style:italic">big</span> perks, something like unlimited breedings and unlimited dog places* would be good.<br><br>*Meaning you can have unlimited dogs in your kennel instead of just 20
  • Aren't you banned? Why are you still discussing things on the forum?
  • i like the ideas! the semi-sponser idea is great for people who can't afford to be a full sponser. it gives them an option that would be more affordable, and is better than a novice account :D
  • Aren't you banned? Why are you still discussing things on the forum?
    Last I checked, just because I'm <span style="font-weight:bold">suspended</span> on the site, doesn't mean I can't converse on the forum... :shock: And asides, maybe when I get around to messageing Nef, I <span style="font-style:italic">might</span> be able to return. Doubtful, but maybe. If you wish to ask me stupid questions, please PM me. :roll:
  • Not a stupid question and you had 28 accounts + a bad attitude about breaking the rules. I doubt you'll be playing VP again <span style="font-style:italic">any</span> time in the near future.
  • Not a stupid question and you had 28 accounts + a bad attitude about breaking the rules. I doubt you'll be playing VP again <span style="font-style:italic">any</span> time in the near future.
    28? Wow. And I didn't think I had a bad attitude. Again, if you wish to attack me over something, <span style="font-style:italic">please</span> PM me, for this is against the TOS if you read it...
  • It was not an attack, it was a question ND was asking you. Also you're suspended from the game so really I wouldn't start wanting the same TOS you broke to try and protect you. Not that the TOS were actually broken in this thread, I'm just saying. <br><br>And I was commenting on your mention of asking Nef about returning. Considering she is the one who decided on the ban I don't really think you should bother her about it. You break the rules you face the consequences. If you have questions about the suspension you can ask one of us, but you really don't need to go to Nef directly until you go through one of us first. If you don't want to talk to ND or I there are other admins you can message. <br><br>And with that I think that's the last this'll get mentioned in this thread from any of us.
  • Ashige wrote:
    Again, if you wish to attack me over something, <span style="font-style:italic">please</span> PM me, for this is against the TOS if you read it...
    <br><br>ROTFLMAO <br><br>If I were attacking you, trust me, you would know. I certainly wouldn't contain it in two small sentences, I'm more of a flipping out in multiple paragraphs kinda person. I merely asked a question, since you are suspended indefinitely for breaking the TOS so SEVERELY, I wouldn't think you would bother coming to the forum to discuss suggestions for a game that you are banned, suspended, however you want to put it, from.<br><br>Since I personally, would be far too embarrassed to show my face, or opinions in this case, anywhere near VP.<br><br>I may seem like I'm attacking you right now, but rudeness breeds rudeness, so there we go.
  • Heh yeah Nitty likes to write long shpeals that aren't boring to read. In fact, I look forward to them lol. And being banned? Sometimes I wish I never left VP because I have a LOT of stuff to catch up on. As for VHR2, and me not being much of a VHR fan, I am actually looking forward to it. Is it almost ready for beta?
  • Kiarei wrote:
    Heh yeah Nitty likes to write long shpeals that aren't boring to read. In fact, I look forward to them lol.
    <br><br>I HAVE A FAN!
  • Nitty you always had fans! you didn't know?
  • :wink: I may have to set up a section of my website dedicated to my fans.
  • Sigh, wasn't this about more sponsor accounts.....
  • Yes it was hannon... :? <br><br>While I -personally- don't care for the 'half-sponsor' idea, I think there are people that would like to see that implemented and would really get some enjoyment out of it. I could see the 6-month sponsor account working out really well as long as the option for year long sponsorship was still available. I would probably use it since I have a really short attention span.
    Sunflower Ridge:
    Home of the first 4x4-10x4 Rat Terriers
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