Remember how Kite's hens hatched out 9 chicks weeks ago?<br><br>Remember how Kite picked one certain chick to be her's?<br><br>Well all the chicks are teenagers now and they're growing so fast. There's 5 roosters and 4 hens. <br><br>Mine is a hen, just as I had hoped =3<br>I don't have any new pictures but she's golden brown with some light black patterning on her wings, tail, and back. Her eyes are hazel =3 She loves her mama, she'll sit in my lap or on my arm for hours. She's BY FAR the tamest one of them.<br><br>I've narrowed it down to two names for her. October and Cheetah. <br><br>Your opinion? Which name?<br><br>I'll try to get a picture or two to help with the naming but no promises.
Boz's Art Dump
Boz's Art Dump