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About Novice Accounts....

edited September 2005 in Game Suggestions
ok....*deep breath*<br><br>I have seen all the comments about making novice accounts trial accounts or deleating them after several months and well...I needed to make an opinion on that.<br><br>First off, I do understand why you would want to deleate them after about 3 months but think about it. what if someone realy is a serious VP player and they go on vacation or their computer breaks and they have no way of accessing the internet for that ammount of time. Then when they finally get back they realize their account has been deleated. I think the new accounts should be moniterd or somthing to make sure no one is doing the whole dateing kennels or advertising of their own non-VP related sites. and you could make it a rule that anything like that will result in deleation of your account. I think that seems more fair then just deleating an account after 3 months......*deeeeeep breath*<br>Ok also...I think the novice accounts should be able to do a bit...more....Because I have one right now and I would love to get a sponser account but I cant afford im stuck, unable to stat max my dogs without them becoming old or without having to pay out a bunch of cash to have them trained. I mean...I understand why they do it but I think they should make it to where novice accounts can at least be able to train their dogs to where they have a good chance in a comp. against a dog from a training kennel. Ive seen on one website ( White oak stables) how they set it up to where there were a few different accounts, each with special features and the highest one having all the features. for VP you could have for novice accounts the limit of dogs, limited breedings, etc. but let them be able to train and then with the sponser accounts give them better features like more dogs and unlimited breedings ( I know this is how it is already) but I mean the training part should not be so different you know? because say you train your dog and max it out on a novice but then its only got a couple more years to live? and it may be too old to even compete so all that training went to the trash...*sigh* I hope everyone understands what im trying to get across and doesn't take this the wrong way.


  • I understand completely, and agree. But if this <span style="font-style:italic">did</span> go into play, which is doubtful, there'd have to be more for the sponsors... Like getting five free imports a month, or getting a certain amount of play cash per month.
  • yeah thats what i was thinking they could do. *sigh*
  • This is an opinion from a novice point of view. Opinions are obviously going to be different wether you are a novice or a sponser. Why don't we let Nef decide.
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • 'Tis a good idea, but then again, most of these 'Novice=Trial' things are from sponsor views. :roll:
  • Ya, I know. but theres nothing us lowly novices can do. *hides and sulks*
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • There's <span style="font-style:italic">plenty</span> us "lowly novices" can do!
  • Ok, great you think that way. I am right in the middle I supose, to little self-confidance
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • Get a sponsor account if you don't like how the training is on novice kennels. If you are a very serious VP player then you're going to want to upgrade to sponsor so you can have the serious benefits and be able to enjoy all the site has to offer.<br><br>Sorry to sound unsympathetic but that's the way it is. If you don't like the limitations of the novice account get a sponsor account. It's one of the reasons novice accounts have limits, to encourage you to get a sponsorship.
  • ok I know I said I was ready for the angry replys but thats just uncalled for ok. it was just a suggestion so chill the heck out. my god sorry I didn't read the entire post you wrote e_e but don't have a cow ok. *dies* ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!
  • ok I know I said I was ready for the angry replys but thats just uncalled for ok. it was just a suggestion so chill the heck out.
    <br>I think that <span style="font-style:italic">that</span> was uncalled for. Threads are for not only people who agree with you, but also for peoplewho don't. I know Sable dosn't need help defending his/herself, but come on people!
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • OMGosh, I just reread my post and realized how rude that sounded, I am so so sorry!
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • Okay....there was nothing rude in my post. I think you actually maybe be the one who needs to chill there shadowlupen.<br><br>And thanks HTW, but it is better just to let the person it was directed to to reply. Gets less people involved.
  • There was nothing rude about Sable's post... :shock: Just honost truth.
  • Sorry, Sable
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • No no no, my post wasnt to sable...>< dies! Someone posted somthing realy harsh that said stuff like as rude as it may sound...BITE ME! and stuff like that and I replyed to them but I think they erased the message so it looked like I was postin to sable...Sry..
  • Uh no I watching this thread and that didn't happen. Because a user can't delete a post once someoen else has replied and there was no point inbetween where there was a post like that.<br><br>But I'll acceot the apology. Thanks.<br> :)
  • thats really weird...yeah I was watching it too and thats when I saw the message...o.O maybe it was a PM or somthin...o.o
  • to tell you the truth although i am a novice, i think that there should be the same limitations to novices, or even more bucause the sponsors pay to have good kennels
  • that is a good point and I can completely understand what you mean. its just that the price to become a sponser isn't always affordable for those who want to become a sponser. I have seen some virtual sites whos prices are around 10-12-15 dollars.....even though they arn't as good as VP...its just it feels weird paying out money like that to play a game on the internet..even though its not JUST a game...its just...yeah...( the worst ive seen is furcadia when it comes to prices ><) so you can see why I was hoping novices had a little more to do...*sigh*
  • that is a good point and I can completely understand what you mean. its just that the price to become a sponser isn't always affordable for those who want to become a sponser. I have seen some virtual sites whos prices are around 10-12-15 dollars.....even though they arn't as good as VP...its just it feels weird paying out money like that to play a game on the internet..even though its not JUST a game...its just...yeah...( the worst ive seen is furcadia when it comes to prices ><) so you can see why I was hoping novices had a little more to do...*sigh*
    FURC ROCKS! +ish annoying obsessed+ But their prices aren't the worst- $20 a for the first three MONTHS, $22 after that, or $72 a year is the worst (Puzzle Pirates).
  • Ashige wrote:
    that is a good point and I can completely understand what you mean. its just that the price to become a sponser isn't always affordable for those who want to become a sponser. I have seen some virtual sites whos prices are around 10-12-15 dollars.....even though they arn't as good as VP...its just it feels weird paying out money like that to play a game on the internet..even though its not JUST a game...its just...yeah...( the worst ive seen is furcadia when it comes to prices ><) so you can see why I was hoping novices had a little more to do...*sigh*
    FURC ROCKS! +ish annoying obsessed+ But their prices aren't the worst- $20 a for the first three MONTHS, $22 after that, or $72 a year is the worst (Puzzle Pirates).
    <br><br>lol no I was talkin about the price of wings and digo stuff on furcadia lol hey whats your Furc name?? just curious :D :D
  • I was the one who made the fabled "rude message"<br><br>I deleted it when I noticed just how mean spirited it was, but since it seems to be a topic of conversation, I'm going to reiterate. When whoever made this thread, made it, I felt it was in complete opposition to mine: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>I felt that the author made me out to be some cold, heartless witch who was out to get novices since I was the one who suggested a time out, IP bans, and sponsor account linking.<br><br>Now if the author had actually bothered to READ my thread, they would have noticed that I didn't want all novices locked out, that I was suggesting a way for sponsors to be able to take novices under their wing, so to speak, so the novices who actually gave a damn wouldn't get their kennels deleted.<br><br>The players I want locked out are the ones who don't abide by the rules and spam players and swear at them all day long. I'm tired of getting messages about players sending them uber rude messages, calling them horrific names, and even threatening violence! THOSE are the people that would get locked out of the site if my suggestions were implemented.<br><br>What I'm also so VERY sick of seeing, are these kinds of threads. The ones where novices whine that they should have the same perks as sponsors do... Now, this once again, is an instance of no one bothering to read anything. These kinds of threads have been popping up since the damn game opened, A YEAR AGO. If it hasn't happened yet, it's not gonna happen anytime soon.<br><br>Do you know what these threads boil down to? Pure SELFISHNESS, you can't/won't/aren't allowed to/don't wanna pay 20 bucks to become a sponsor then it isn't the VP communities problem... Yet you want to go around whining that it's not fair, believe me, it is. I don't know about you, but I'm not gonna dump a hundred bucks a year into a game if I can get the same perks on it without spending a dime.<br><br>Money makes the world go round, and Nefertete has bills to pay, she has server costs to cover and she runs a COMPANY! With people who have to be paid, do you know where most of their pay comes from? Sponsors, thats who. Thats why WE get the perks, that's why WE can stat max dogs soon, that's why WE can host events and make more money...<br><br>I know most of you are thinking about how mean I am and that I'm some kind of jerk... You're probably right, but only when I feel attacked, and I felt that I was. No ones nice when they're being nitpicked so oh well... Plus if you'd care to notice, more people agreed than oppsed my suggestions, so I must have a valid point.<br><br>Also, Furcadia isn't a game, so it can hardly be compared to VP, or VHR. Furcadias nothing but a big animorphic chatroom with role playing on the side... Yet, there ARE people willing to pay hundreds of dollars to get sparkly wings and custom pictures, so to be fair, shouldn't you be posting threads about that somewhere on Furcadia?
  • Amen! *nods*
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • no offense, nitara, but your ideas ARE mean. if you aren't freinds with a sponser, you can't play the game, even if you really like it! i know they sound great to sponsers, but it's completely unfair to novices! especially the ones who don't want to suck up to someone. (i know you aren't trying to be mean, you just want the sponsers to have ALL of the power. don't you think they have enough, if not more than enough, already?)
  • Ok, another example of no one bothering to read anything, there was aso a suggestion in there where sponsors had to option to pool money, be it the full 20 bucks or 50 cents, if it's all they can afford, to purchase an upgrade for noivces who can't afford or aren't allowed to upgrade. So once again, before you whine and call people mean, take a sec and actually read.<br><br>I wasn't going to suggest deleting accounts anyway, what I was going to suggest to Nef was having slots, like an unlimited amount of sponsors online at any given time (don't even bothering argueing that part) and a certain amount of open "slots" for novice account. Say 40 or 50. Once there's 40 or so novices online, more can not log in until some log out.<br><br>Before you go and start saying "That's not fair!" Remember, VHR does the same thing, so obviously it works...
  • ok I understand where your going and actually I was considering becoming a sponser on VP once I get ENOUGH money come VHR is more expensive? just curious >> but no, you do have a point and I am sorry about...well attacking you on that subject..<br><br>lol the whole thing about furcadia was just to point out their prices are...someone must seriously have no life if they are willing to pay over $200 to have a pair of pixilized wings appear on their charecter...*ahem...* anyways...sry for flamin you..^^;
  • vhr used to only cost the same as vp does now, the price went up after a while... its a bit of a shame because for some reason its easier for me to talk myself into buying a bunch of sponsors that way (when cash sit was better) ... i know at that price en used to offer sponsorships as prizes of events and things like that.<br> in general i really don't think vp should ever raise the price of sponsor nonprestiege types to the same as vhr (barring inflation over years of course *L*) because a vhr sponsor is pretty much selfinclusive, you can do everything with just one if you fiddle with skills over time. (this is assuming skills are working properly..*as if*) on vp you have to buy seperate sponsors for every special ability. for example, any sponsor without a training kennel right now is basically stuck getting another sponsor if they want to do anything worthwhile with thier dogs without shelling out vp cash as well for training. The lower price makes it easier swallow that for sure. <br> I miss vhr having the lower price, i think in the long run more money is made with a slightly lower price because of the increased volume of sponsors... but to be frank, the money comming in on custom colour outweighs sponsor by like.. a zillion times. think of it, you make 9 bucks for changing one db table entry without having to sacrafice any db space for unlimited storage of creatures (not that vhr sponsors actually had thier contracts honored...), pretty sweet.<br> i just hope vhr2 and probably someday vp 2 isn't working how ive heard... as in our animals moved to the new game but the price is much much more expensive. i can understand the increased price, but frankly i don't want to be forced into paying it by having my accounts moved there. it was mentioned very early on, that accounts were to be moved, so it may have been reconsidered.<br><br> anywhoo, i love the idea of being able to pool resources to pay for sponsor for someone.... it ms.nef doesnt have her own money handling system however... she'd have to figure out some deal with, say, paypal or code in the "shopping cart system" (which would be a haul on resources for sure)... if she could work it would be very cool.. i was thinking perhaps run it through rescue kennels? a player could nominate a player through the rescue ranch, the ranch reviews it and then it hosts the code. one at a time...and perhaps for each sponsor sold through the rescue pooling you get a day extra on your own rescue subscription. that'd be rather neat. <br> i think the issue would be holding the funds until it reaches the 20$ then run the buy code... not allowing over run, keeping the amount secure, keeping the records for quick refunds. what the time limit would be etc... <br> <br> this wasnt the power thread i think..but the vibe is really the same subject... <br> but..really sponsors have no more power than any one else... if you get enough together then you have power to a degree. its the same mob mentality as anywhere else on earth though.. i've been a sponsor on orbis games for a long time on both games and i've been ignored by staff as much as anyone else. *shrugs* we also have our contracts broken at whim. so what power is that?<br> a sponsor cant do anything to you as a novice that you don't let them. (even rescuing doesn't distinguish between sponsor novice accounts). Here on vp, other sponsors are as dependant on training kennels to get to 200 as any novice. i don't get where the huge rift comes in... i guess maybe lingering resentment over sponsor only time? the only other option to that was to close the site to any new novice players period (which often happens on site like this)... not to mention sponsors were locked out of thier novice accounts also. i'm showing my age, but does anyone remember in the early 90's the fad of "shareware" gaming? this was usually giving out a limited version of a game that you could play as much as you like. (usually just a first level so it would fit on one hd floppy..*L* then later on cd's just full of trial programs!) If you really enjoyed the shareware free version you'd send in the registration fee and get the full version with all its perks and fun things. the other version never expired, but if you really liked the game concept you got bored pretty quick with its limitations. <br> I guess i see the sponsor novice thing as similar to that situation. Sometimes i was frusterated i couldn't afford the full version of a game, but i never considered it some horribly unfair situation in which i was at the mercy of registered owners ... you either could get the full version or you couldn't. (there were some bbs out there, but nothing really like wmx or kazaa where you could just steal things without thinking about it. not that no one pirated back then..*L* but...) ...i hate to say this, but i think people have gotten used to getting around paying for things on thier comp... i mean how many times do you see on this fourm someone ask about adobe PS, balk at the price and then *poof* the next day have a copy regardless. I think actually having to pay for vp sponsor is almost forgien concept due to the rampant and "clean" piracy options for many things...
    a.k.a  kazamidori
    vp username 風見鶏 kiminnasarukiicon.gif
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