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Novice Account Time Out



  • Well I skipped a couple pages so I don't know if anyone anwsered this, but Ashige, or anyone else, if your parents won't let you send money through mail the best thing to do is to come up with te money and then have your parents go online and buy it, then you give them the money in cash. That's what I did, that way your parents aren't losing any money.
  • and also if u BIG BAD sponsors had not as many novices then u wouldn't be so big and bad!
    <br><br>First of all no one is big and bad because they're a sponsor. That's not a fair statement to make and we try to discourage statements like that towards sponsors same as we do ones against novices.<br><br>And second of all you can't say that's not fair in sponsors versus novices accounts because at the heart it isn't fair. It's meant to not be fair, that's the point, to encourage you to sponsor up.
  • we go (I skipped a few pages so if i am repeating wat someone else said, srry)<br><br>I think it is a great idea about having a 3- 6 month time limit on novice accounts but, as a point that was raised before, it would not be rare to have a 200 stat maxxed dog, and it would become very common to be able to train dogs and having a sponsor account wouldn't mean as much anymore.<br><br> :roll: Ok so I agree with the time limit thing but I think it should be 6 months not 3. This would give novices time to create a kenel, get to know the game and it would give em time to creat a name for themselves and to really decide whether they want to pay $20 to continue playing.<br><br><br><br>Also, just a question. I have 2 sponsor accounts and I am probably going to get a third, if I have say 8 novice accounts altogether, to hold all my pups, how is it that they are not closed down. I know you answered this b4 but, my parents are separated so I have 2 houses, and several computers that I use, is the IP thinging picking up that they are joined to a sponsor kennel on all computers? (I may not be making sense, I cant think of a way to put it)<br><br>Could you use email adresses somehow. Like blocking that particular email account from signing up on vp. I kno people may just create more emails addresses but that is a way it could be done.<br><br><br><br>Personally, overall I believe that it would be better to have a lengthy time limit (min 6 months) or no time limit at all. probably 10-15% of all the money I make on vp is through novices and usually ones who have been playing a while.<br><br>And I love that whole, sponsor buddies thing where a sponsor helps a novice by saying their acc should not be block or whatever. But the money pool isn't the best idea because, even if novices dont know how much is in their pool, they will still beg and beg and beg and beg.
  • I was just reading back a few pages and I read the idea of linking accounts. That would be a perfect solution to my problem.................
  • and also if u BIG BAD sponsors had not as many novices then u wouldn't be so big and bad!
    <br><br>First of all no one is big and bad because they're a sponsor. That's not a fair statement to make and we try to discourage statements like that towards sponsors same as we do ones against novices.<br><br>And second of all you can't say that's not fair in sponsors versus novices accounts because at the heart it isn't fair. It's meant to not be fair, that's the point, to encourage you to sponsor up.
    <br><br><br>Yes i reread that after i posted it, i yes i did sound very mean and unresonalble im very sorry! :oops: o hope i didn't offend peopl TOO bad<br><br><br>ok what i really meant is that sponsor have alot of power and if theres less people on VP (witch there will be because she will loose business if she does that, i mean if there was only a 3 month limit then i probably wouldn't even play it) and there mostly sponsors then you all loose alot of power and im goign to become a sponsor someday and i want it to be that much more to be a sponosr! Like it wouldn't be THAT special to be a sponsor if there was not as many novices to make the poweres special, then half the dogs on VP would be perfect dogs and then it wouldnt be so special, if there wasn't bad then the good wouldn't seem so good<br><br>im not supportingthe people who use this site as a dating game though, or for advertisment, i think that if people use it as a dating game they should get suspended or banned for a feww months
  • People don't buy Sponsor accounts for a power trip. They do it to support the site and enjoy all the game features. If you want it because you can be more powerful than the novices you may want to rethink your reasons.
  • WELL duh, ug, i was only explaining that thing i said earlier<br>and the game will be alot funner when you have more power<br><br>also just out of curiousity, are you a game op?
  • I don't necessarily equate power with fun, but that's just me.<br><br>Yes I am an op.
  • well i do.. <br>its not SUPER fun but still its better than have barely any power <br><br><br>thats cool that yur an op
  • Personally I dont think that it is that fair to have to pay money to enjoy a site like VP. I am a novice and am not planning on becoming a sponser anytime soon... first because the money I get from allowence (its $4 a week and thats nothing) is used for other things that have a higher priority... and second I dont really agree with it. Im not saying off with the idea of sponsers (obviously the creaters of this site need money to keep it running) but I dont think it should be sponser only. I do think that to keep the site from being bogged down with tonnes of inactive accounts, novice accounts that are more then, say, 2 monthes old are deleted. And also I think that there are lots of novices that have multi accounts and things like that should be monitered more strictly.
  • I'd like to monitor mutiple accounts more strictly but nef disagrees so you gotta go with what the boss lady says.<br><br>And like I said before it's meant not to be fair so if you find it unfair just means it's working. *L*<br> :wink: <br><br>
    Personally I dont think that it is that fair to have to pay money to enjoy a site like VP.
    <br>Personally I don't think it's fair I have to shell out $600 bucks a course to go to university but I want to enjoy the benefits so I have to pay. It's the way the world works. <br><br>Makes me think of ' The Wealth of Nations' ;)
  • Personally I don't think it's fair I have to shell out $600 bucks a course to go to university but I want to enjoy the benefits so I have to pay. It's the way the world works.
    <br><br>I disagree...that is not the way the world works. You can have fun and recieve 'benefits' without paying a dime. On other sites (such as PowerPets) you are equal to someone who donates, they dont recieve special benefits or powers or freebies. Its defeatly possible to make this site a lot better without making people pay.
  • lululemons wrote:
    Personally I don't think it's fair I have to shell out $600 bucks a course to go to university but I want to enjoy the benefits so I have to pay. It's the way the world works.
    <br><br>I disagree...that is not the way the world works. You can have fun and recieve 'benefits' without paying a dime. On other sites (such as PowerPets) you are equal to someone who donates, they dont recieve special benefits or powers or freebies. Its defeatly possible to make this site a lot better without making people pay.
    <br><br>Soooo, go play PowerPets, if you think that this site is run poorly, leave, I don't see you shackled to the server.<br><br>Plus the idea of novice accounts having the same perks as sponsors is ludicris... Nefertete pays her sever bill, which is pretty hefty I might add, with the money sponsors pay to upgrade so they can max dogs sooner and such. If you want to go ahead and donate millions to her to make the site free for everyone (which it already is) and make EVERY account a sponsor (which then would have no meaning since no ones "sponsoring" anything), please be my guest.<br><br>Also, enough with the bashing people, I can't stand seeing my threads turn into "You're evil!" or have stupid things said like "SPonsors are big and bad!" Get a job and pay 20 bucks.<br><br>It's not even like she's asking for much... I've seen games not even HALF as good as this asking for a hundred bucks a year. So I highly doubt that 20 bucks is gonna break the bank. Money is how the world goes round kiddo, without people paying none of us would have a game to play.
  • It also boils down to the fact that Nef runs a business. She wants to turn a profit so she wants more sponsors than just it takes to pay the bandwidth bills. <br>It's not a charity to amuse the bored people of the internet.<br><br>I'm sorry that sponsor versus novice seems to be unfair to so many people, but it's the way the site has been from the very beginning and likely always will be.
  • hate to break it to you, but not everybody can afford a sponser account! just because you aren't a sponser doesn't mean you don't enjoy it as much as someone who does upgrade, it just means that you don't have enough money. but hey, if you want to turn this site into yet another thing that you can only do if you have lots of extra money, there's nothing i can do to stop you. all i can do is post my opinions and hope you realize what you're doing. mabe it's time to try and see this through another person's eyes who isn't as priveleged as you are. but like i said, if you want to treat people who have lots of money better than you do people who don't, there's nothing i can do but hope you choose to be a decent person
  • Personally I think a year before time out is good.<br><br>And it's not choosing people with money over people without..I have paid for accounts with play cash (2 of the 7 sponsors I have I have purchased this way) so just because a person doesn't have money to purchase a sponsor in real life doesn't mean they can't work towards making play cash and bidding on auctions or working a deal with someone who has the real money to get one.
  • crazyhorse wrote:
    hate to break it to you, but not everybody can afford a sponser account! just because you aren't a sponser doesn't mean you don't enjoy it as much as someone who does upgrade, it just means that you don't have enough money. but hey, if you want to turn this site into yet another thing that you can only do if you have lots of extra money, there's nothing i can do to stop you. all i can do is post my opinions and hope you realize what you're doing. mabe it's time to try and see this through another person's eyes who isn't as priveleged as you are. but like i said, if you want to treat people who have lots of money better than you do people who don't, there's nothing i can do but hope you choose to be a decent person
    <br><br>It's a business, not a humanitarian movement or charity. Businesses are about making money. Therefore more money=better services.<br><br>I wish I could eat cheesecake and derby steak every night for dinner but I don't have the money, so I make the best of and enjoy what I <span style="font-style:italic">can</span> afford. <br><br>It's nothing personal. People need to stop taking it that way. It's no one's <span style="font-style:italic">right</span> to play VP or VHR. It's a service you enjoy if you have the rescources(ie: internet connection, free time) to enjoy it. If you have the rescources to get a sponsor account you get special benefits. It's not like Nef is taking something from you if you can't afford a sponsor account, or even if she times out your novice account. She's giving you something for nothing in the first place.
  • I would honestly hate it if we only had a certain amount of time to play VP if we weren't a sponser account or whatever. I also think people that think novice accounts should have this or should be gotten rid of are kind of rude.... once upon a time they were probably novices too... I would much rather spend money on RL things than on a game. I appreciate Nef or whatever her name is for paying for the server and all that but if something were to happen to VP what do all you sponsers have to show for it? I would rather continue playing for free whenever i like and if something happens then i dont lose anything important. but thats just me....
  • this post is over 5 years old, please don't necro.
  • 5 year old thread :|<br><br>Let's not drag up threads from years ago shall we?
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