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Up For Brood?

Well I was thinking and I came up with this idea...<br><br>Ok so you know how you can put a male dog up for stud right? Well what if you could put a female up for brood?<br><br>So you could go to the females page and like the males there could be an option like: Offer This Dog As A Brood: ___________(the blank would be where you fill in how much you want money you want for the brood). Then you could decide the price and stuff. Then when you saw the owners page it would say: For Brood ______ (amount of cash you put her as). Then others could use your female and breed it with their male. They would age their male for a few weeks. And then they would see a button saying: Deliver (the males name)'s Pups. Then the pups would appear in their kennel.<br><br>If you don't like the idea that is ok with me just don't be mean about it. You can use the poll...


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