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Giftie Color Making Contest! Finally Over!

<span style="font-size:150">Winners:</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">1) Graduation Giftie </span><br>Graduation Gown and Cap w/ 2007 Tassel Hanging Down and Diploma in Paw <span style="font-size:59">(Would need to make smaller maybe: Graduation Gown & Cap w. 2007 Tassel & Diploma XD) </span><br><span style="font-style:italic">SP-Training</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">2) Food Giftie </span><br>N/A <span style="font-size:75">(I was able to find a better color that was not listed, though they were all nice! Don't get me wrong!)</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">3) Seasonal Giftie </span><br>Snow White Bundled in Thick Jackets w/ Ear Muffs & Ice Blue Eyes <br><span style="font-style:italic">SP-Training</span><br><br>SP, send a negative 400k to TashaWasha<br><br>Thank you all for entering! It was hard for me to pick the winners but I managed to.<span style="font-size:59">.with the help of a few people</span>. ^_^ I must now figure out what to dye what. X3


  • 3) Frosted Coat w/ Icicle Draped Wings<br><br><br>Can't think of any more! *lol* :)
  • Since when is my Tashy rich? XD<br><br>I'll do number 1 for now, and the others later. :P <br><br>1. Graduation Smiles w/ Pinkish Undertones<br><br>(I dunno if that makes sense XD)<br><br>Another-<br><br>Diploma w/ Shouts of "I'm Free!""<br><br>I dunno. XD They're kind of weird. Oh well. <span style="font-size:59">Alrighty, I must go. Laptop time is up. >.<</span>
  • Spaghetti Brindle w/ Splashes of Meatballs<br>Peach Merle with Ice Cream Spotting or Splashes<br>Ice Cream Burst w/ Chocolate Crunch Ticking<br><br>haha<br><br>More shall come!
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:olive">Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy Dipped Paws<br>Chocolate Lace w/ Strawberry Wings<br>Strawberry Lace w/ Chocolate dipped paws.<br>Candy Heart Angel Wings w/ White lace.<br>Krispy Creme w/ Chocolate Glaze<br>Vanilla Lace w/ Sugar Coating</span><br><br>*Mwahahahah* I'll have you know, these are colors I was going to use,<br>but since i'm poor *cries* I can't make them. So, feel free to use!!</span>
    Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
  • Cookie Dough Coat w/ scattered melted chocolate chips
  • Graduation Scroll w/ Your Friends - for: any friendly breed of dog :><br>Beef Jerky w/ Seasoning - for: any breed of dog who likes to eat XD <br>Queen Bee - for: any female alpha dog, more for a wolf >.><br><br>hope ya like 'em :D
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • Omg! You all are entering! :D See! I TOLD Whatchamacallit all I had to do was annoy people enough to get them to enter. XD<br><br>Wonderful Colors so far! :D I'm still in awe by the fact I got Zoe to enter (I made VP history!!! X3) anything is possible when you're Tasha! ;P <br><br>Wonderous! ^_^<br><br>And I forgot to add an ending date.. X3 Hm.... When's a good day to end? o.0 <br><br>Alright, I'll go for next Sunday and if need be, I'll extend the date. ^_^ <br><br>Gracias so far!
  • Ummmmm.....<br>1. Ice Cream Sunday w/ Cherry On Top<br><br>I can't think of any more right now. Will have more later. I think.
  • Gracias Alpha ^_^<br><br>I find your banner cute, btw. :P
  • Thankies. Lol like the color I made up Tasha?
  • <span style="font-size:75"><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Graduation Colors:</span><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">*What are your school colors?</span><br><br>+ Graduation Gown and Cap w/ 2007 Tassle Hanging Down and Diploma in Paw<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Food Colors:</span><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">*What is your favorite dish, dessert, candy?</span><br><br>+ Pizza Dough and Sauce w/ Mozzerela Cheese and Pepperoni Eyes<br><br>+ Fettucini Alfredo w/ Olive Garden Breadsticks for Limbs<br><br>+ Rainbow Snowcone <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Seasonal Colors:</span><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">*What is your favorite season?</span><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Summer</span><br><br>+ Sunshine Yellow w/ Red and Orange Hibiscus Flower Swimming Trunks and Flip Flops on Feet<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Winter</span><br><br>+ Snow White Bundled in Thick Jackets w/ Ear Muffs and Ice Blue Eyes<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Autumn</span><br><br>+ Flowing Stream w/ a Chill in the Air, Leaves Changing Colors and Dropping into Water<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Spring</span><br><br>+ Warm Air and s Slight Breeze w/ Monarch Butterfly etched on Left Thigh<br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Hope you like them :D</span><br><br></span>
  • Bright Pink Roses w/Spring Glow <br><br>Olive Robe w/Graduation Cap&Diploma<br><br>Blizzard w/Ice Covered Paws
  • Oo! Nice! :D I'll have to update my color thingys in a few. ^_^ I posted the answers to the questions you asked SP-Training. :3 Hm.. I have one suggestion though, you guys should make sure the colors'll be able to fit in the giftie thingy box. XD <br><br>You all have great ideas so far. ^_^
  • Lmao! I'm the only one to say Old English Sheepdog in your poll!<br><br>I just think they're adorable!!!
  • Breed i would suggest Chart Polski<br>1) Graduation Giftie <br>(My school colors are Blue and Gold) <br>Graduation Smiles w/ Pinkish Undertones <br><br>*Blue with Gold Robe and a Diploma in one paw<br><br>2) Food Giftie <br>(My favorite food is.. heck, mostly all candy and pizza and shrimp! :3 Oo! And Marbled cake! Yum!) <br> <br>* White with red paws and pepperoni Spots<br><br>3) Seasonal Giftie <br>(My favorite season is.. well... Hm.. Fall. :3 Yep, Fall. ^_^) <br>N/A (yet) <br><br>*Brown with leaves falling around and leaf on the head
  • <span style="font-size:75"><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Graduation Colors:</span><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">*What are your school colors?</span><br><br>+ Graduation Gown and Cap w/ 2007 Tassle Hanging Down and Diploma in Paw<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Food Colors:</span><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">*What is your favorite dish, dessert, candy?</span><br><br>+ Pizza Dough and Sauce w/ Mozzerela Cheese and Pepperoni Eyes<br><br>+ Fettucini Alfredo w/ Olive Garden Breadsticks for Limbs<br><br>+ Rainbow Snowcone <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Seasonal Colors:</span><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">*What is your favorite season?</span><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Summer</span><br><br>+ Sunshine Yellow w/ Red and Orange Hibiscus Flower Swimming Trunks and Flip Flops on Feet<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Winter</span><br><br>+ Snow White Bundled in Thick Jackets w/ Ear Muffs and Ice Blue Eyes<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Autumn</span><br><br>+ Flowing Stream w/ a Chill in the Air, Leaves Changing Colors and Dropping into Water<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Spring</span><br><br>+ Warm Air and s Slight Breeze w/ Monarch Butterfly etched on Left Thigh<br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Hope you like them :D</span><br><br></span>
    <br><br>SP, I love your color ideas but most are too long. XD Specially the seasons<span style="font-size:59">(Shorten them)</span>. :P<br><br>
    Seremela wrote:
    Lmao! I'm the only one to say Old English Sheepdog in your poll!<br><br>I just think they're adorable!!!
    <br><br>Indeed they are. ^_^ Heck, I'm going to end up dying 3 dogs, believe me when I say one of them WILL be the Old English Sheepdog. I just don't know WHICH color will go for what. X3 And no one's posting specific breed colors! XD ah well.. I'm just going to have to pick and choose myself.. XD <br><br>josidemoss nice color ideas :D
  • josidemoss wrote:
    <br>1)Graduation Smiles w/ Pinkish Undertones <br>
    <br><br>I think I already did that one. :) <br><br>BTW- I loved the pepperoni one. Yummy. ^.^
  • <span style="font-size:75">1) Graduation Giftie<br>Graduation Cap w/ blushed smile underneath<br>Huge Smile w/ Diploma In the Right hand<br>Scented paper diploma *hehe....*<br>Nervous Wreck w/ unbuttoned gown<br>Blue Signed Diploma w/ gold Bow on top<br><br>2) Food Giftie<br>Honey Glazed Shrimp w/ a hint of paprica<br>Peppermint Striped w/ sweet aftertaste<br>Perfect Pizza w/ too much sauce<br>Marbled something... CAKE *lol dunno where that came from*!<br>Triple Chocolate Truffle w/ A chocolate covered cherry<br><br><br>3) Seasonal Giftie<br>Sweet Morning Dew w/ Rising Sun<br>Brown leaves Falling w/ no where to hide<br>Rippling Water w/ a Red leaf going through the current<br>One Green Leaf on an Oak Tree</span><br><br><br>Tell me what ya think!!!
    I'm a SURVIVOR
  • <span style="text-decoration:underline">Graduation</span><br><br>Navy and Gold Gown w. 2007 Diploma<br><br>Navy Blue w. Gold Tips,Engraved 2007 on hip<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Food Colors</span><br>Burned Tones of Tan&Yellow Speckled w. Red Tips (pizza)<br><br>Dark Chocolate and Beige Swirled w. Frosting Mask<br><br>Ice Cream sundae Interpretation<br><br>Food Fight Slob XD English Bulldog deff.<br><br>Wasabi Green w. Cucumber eyes,Shrimp Textured<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Seasons</span><br><br>Fall<br><br>Crisp Natural Leaves w. Auburn Eyes,Beige Tips<br><br>Red,Orange,Brown Parti w. Flamed Yellow eyes<br><br><br>Summer<br><br>Sunbathed Tan w. Flaming Eyes,Ocean Breeze<br><br>Beach Bum<br><br><br>Winter<br><br>Snow man<br><br>Spring<br><br>Sky Blue w. Fresh Mourning Dew
    My dogs :)
  • Alright, I've updated the first post. :3 <br><br>It's going to be kinda hard for me to pick out which colors to dye what dog. XD I may have to make another post asking Vpians their advice on which dogs should be dyed what color and all that good stuff... Hm. Ah well. ^_^
  • <span style="font-size:75">Lets see here...<br><br>Navy and Gold Polka Dotted w/ and I'm Free Sign [randomness xD]<br>Classic Gown and Cap w/ Navy and Gold Diploma<br>Navy w/ Gold Tips and 2007 on hip<br><br>Black and White Marbled w/ Sprinkles on Top<br>Vanilla Ice Cream w/ Gummy Bears [yum]<br>Hot Chocolate w/ Marshmellows<br>Shrimp Cocktail<br><br>Green Leaved Tree w/ Red Leaves Surronding [no idea]<br>Multi-Color Leaves<br><br>Fresh Grass w/ Birds Singing<br><br>More later- brain overload :D </span>
  • Thank you all so far ^_^
  • Favorites so far: <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">1) Graduation Giftie </span><br>(My school colors are Blue and Gold) <br>Graduation Gown and Cap w/ 2007 Tassel Hanging Down and Diploma in Paw (Would need to make smaller maybe: Graduation Gown & Cap w. 2007 Tassel & Diploma XD) <br>Blue with Gold Robe and a Diploma in one paw <br><span style="color:orange">Nervous Wreck w/ Unbuttoned Gown </span><br>Navy and Gold Gown w. 2007 Diploma<br><br>YAY mine is a fave! i am gunna enter more if thats okay...<br><br><span style="font-size:75">Olive Stuck On Paws<br>Pasta Merle w/ Meatball Eyes<br>Pink Polka-dots w/ Wagging tail<br>Sneaky Smile w/ Eye on a Cookie<br>Cupcake Frosting w/ Cherry on top<br>Triple dip icecream cone<br>Murderous Screaming Soul<br>Big Bubblegum Bubble popped all over face<br>Red Shimmering Lipstick w/ Pink Charming Eyeshadow<br>Sun Soaked w/ Small Sunburn <br>Dazzling Eyes w. Diamond tips<br>Cellphone buttons w. dialing number<br>Raged Eyes<br>Purple Coat w. Pink Tips<br>Glammerous Jewlrey w. Queens Touch</span><br><br><br>all of a sudden i just started those.. :D
    I'm a SURVIVOR
  • :shock: <br><br>Clacie? What category would those go under? XD I see some food but after that your categories went wild. :P
  • oh.. my baaaaad.. i will fix it..kk ??
    I'm a SURVIVOR
  • I'm going to have to extend this until I come back from my vacationing with family: This'll be over when I get back... more likely next Sunday or Monday. <br><br>Bubye till then. ^_^
  • Now I'm back and I must make up my color ideas. XD <br><br>Winners will be posted in a moment. :3<br><br>Oh! And I had loved my fluffy pink idea from the first post so much I just had to make it: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; Don't ya love it!? :D
  • grad- blue w/ gold dipped paws and 07 tassle tail<br><br>food- pepperoni pizza w/ burnt crust line down back <br>(like a ridgeback)<br><br>seasonal- Forest Green w/ Autumn Sod Dipped Paws
  • Alas! My contest is over! XD
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