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We need to do something about it

I am sick & tired to death of seeing so many low-statted dog who are overbred. It makes it hard for us people with great statted dogs to get them sold because everyone has mutts and low statted dogs now. We all need to team up and stop this !! I frequently get onto marketplace and find these such dogs for sale cheap and buy them, neuter them and release them. Maybe if more people did that occasionally, VP would be a better place. We need more novice help groups also to help stop it too. If new members had someone more experienced to go to then they could get higher statted dogs to start with instead of low statted ones. I think when you join VP you should be required to join a novice player help group and get your first dog through them. Anyone else with more ideas on how to stop this epidemic post up guys !!


  • Well i disagree i realy dont care its all just a bunch of Data
  • edited May 2007
    Yes it is a lot of low statted dogs on Vp ,but what can we do about it?. We can't just "change" the stats of these dogs!!<br><br>The more low statted dogs there are the more our dogs(higher stats) are actually worth so I really don't know , but I do know that there is a lot of low statted dogs on Vp. So that is why I voted Yes because it is but it can bring in more money in for people that actually breed dogs right!! :wink:<br><br>I really don't care long as they aren't bred with my dogs...:wink:... :idea: and by the way a lot of people that breed low statted dogs are poor novices who just breed and neuter so they can have money so don't worry.<br><br>And yes it is just D-A-T-A so who cares if it isn't your dogs!! :wink: <br>It is also a game so if that is the way they make money by breeding low statted dogs let them do so if that is the way they enjoy the game.
  • The more low statted dogs there are, the more your high statted dogs are worth! <br><br>We should let people play the way they want to play. So what if all the dogs are overbred and low statted? It doesnt matter. If we buy each and everyone of them and release them ((or whatever the heck you want to do with them)) theres no point. The person who breeds it will think "Oh! Look! People are buying all my dogs! I should just breed more!"<br><br>Basically, you cant prevent anyone from doing anything. Instead, you should help these types of people out. Just give them maybe a trained pair of dogs, some cash, and advice and maybe, just maybe, these people will listen to you and begin anew. <br><br>So yea. That's pretty much my arguement over this... situation. You may not like which side I stand on, but... oh well.
  • I agree with sandeh. She is totaly right. I know that when i first started playing the game i was only wanting puppies and overbred dogs. and stuff but then i got some help and i dont do that now. We should just leave them be and they wont be able to breed as many because they are not selling.
  • Glad to know there are people on my side as well as against it.<br><br><br>Btw, Alpha I want some!
  • I say who cares because i dont, if they want to breed poor statted dogs let them, i mean its just D A T A and if they want to play the game that way let them. Besides it will make your dogs look better.
  • Like I said, it does make your dogs look better. And yes, I agress with Poison and 3521 because the dogs are JUST DATA. Nothing to really worry about.
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