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edited May 2007 in Game Suggestions
Hi, I have a new suggestion.<br><br>It would be nice to have (on dog pages) links to the next dog, previous, and main kennel.<br><br>Like so:<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><<<Previous Dog</span> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Main Kennel</span> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Next Dog>>></span><br><br>Or something like that. It's just kinda annoying to have to go back to your kennel a lot and wait for it to load, then you have to find the dog you were on, etc...


  • I love the idea.I wish I would have thought of it.
    Looking to buy African Wild Dogs.
  • I'm 1/2 way on this. I agree it IS a pain to go from your dog to your kennel but it doesn't actually take that long to load unless you have Dial-Up or some other less fast version of internet. <br><br>I like it because of the go to your dog then go back to your kennel page but I wouldn't have it done because even though it seems small it could make the site go slower.<br><br>So I'm 1/2 'n' 1/2
  • I don't think it make the site slower.I'm still all about this idea.
    Looking to buy African Wild Dogs.
  • Palecat5 wrote:
    I don't think it make the site slower.I'm still all about this idea.
    <br><br>every one has different opinions about things. And keyword: you don't <span style="font-style:italic">think</span> it'll make the site slower. Are you a website creator or anything alike it?
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