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Great Game but ocaisionaly... (novices especially)



  • *whacks* your out to destroy me like the rest of them XP ha. take a number and get in line!
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • Heh, found out....<br><br>*takes number* <br><br>468?<br><br>*looks up at board* <br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Now Serving: 5</span><br><br>... dang it... ;)
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • Must have brownies*rolls ofer to brownies*
  • Heh, Lupess, I think they're only for mage and Bara...Can I have one? :P

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • *shares* XP
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • Sponsers and Novices are the same people just Sponser get more thing becasue they <span style="text-decoration:underline">Paid</span> for the game so they get more<br><br>you can't just say sponsers are mean to people when there are tons of novices out there the are just as mean to the sponsers. <span style="text-decoration:underline">Example</span> What about the Chain letter novices and some sponser started to send most of them were novices so you think sponser would have done that to you novices. Well i no i wouldn't have so think about that.
  • Why are we bumping old threads? Let them lie please when they get a few months old.
  • I like a few but the rest act like we are scum :cry: ecpeasialy SableAntelope<br> :x
    Nothing is good or evil, unless you choose it to be. Do you want to befreind or betray me? But for all thoose who choose betray this is your first and final warning I BITE.

  • Please just drop this post! I wrote it awhile ago and am quite ashamed that it has reapered. For the record, Sable is a very fair sponser. Now please just drop the post, thanks
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • *shrugs* All the ops get labelled big bad meanies because we have to enforce the rules. <br><br>More often than not novices are the ones breaking those rules so they tend to be the ones who have a problem with us especially. (just because there are so many more novices than sponsers, and people are less likely to risk getting a kennel frozen or getting a full site ban when they have paid to play here)<br><br>The ip of the person that wrote that comment is some who has been kicked and banned from chat many, many times and I've been one of the ops who has banned them on occassion. So they wnt to take it personally, that's fine. There's any easy way to not get banned or have the ops botehr you and that is just to obey the rules and behave.<br><br>Anyways old threads need to stay dead.
  • You know what maked me <span style="font-size:200">Realy</span> mad?? Novice and sponsers fighting. I was a novice for about 5 months and I had novices and sponsers be rude to me. I just didn't messege them back.I am now a sponser and novice and sponsers are beign rude. I IGNORE THEM. We are people novices can be kids to adults, Sponser can be kids and adults. We are the same, sponsers or novice. Most sponsers have played the game and probley know more about the game than most novices but not all. But that doesn't mean they can be rude. Some people just may be having a bad day. I think if someone is bugging you, just put them on ignore user, or quit whining.
  • Gosh, people should just let it go. We are people, not sponsors, or novices. You should only look to see if someone is a sponsor or a novice for training and breeding... or if you just want to know. :P But, don't label people, because I am a novice, and I might decide to be a big fat meanie to another novice. lol j/k What would happen then? A giant group of upset novices, that are mad because ALL people are mean. hehe, novice or sponsor, you are going to find some sour grapes in the bunch. :D<br><br>If I went up to someone on the street and said " a sponsor was mean to me!" they would walk away... scared.<br><br>If I said "someone, a PERSON was mean to me!" they would acknowledge my existance, then walk away.<br><br>Moral of the story, ignore the rude messages you get! :D
    PM me if I win/BIN on anything, I forget. xD
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