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We Had A Dream... Sandy and I...



  • Yeah ^_^<br><br>With auto-trainers it'd be so easy just to pay you're way through the game.
  • Oriyana wrote:
    I'd like to point out that I don't think coding an auto trainer would be very easy, so the money in the pocket may not be worth the pita it would be to code and the potentional of causing massive issues to the game while integrating it :P<br><br>Secondly I bet that auto trainers would lag the site massively!
    <br><br>I'd have to ask a coder about that one, Orio... Maybe you're right. Maybe there's no way in the world this'll ever happen, but it's muh dream and I'ma pursue it till "Auto Trainers" is exploding out of every OP's ear. XD I kid! I'd have to look into the coding thingy though. That's ONE of the things that does flaw my "Auto Trainer" idea.<br><br>lag the site massively? Nah. Not if I can just make it *poof* into being trained like the gifties being dyed, don't know how the heck that'd happen... but I'm sure I can find a way. Maybe it would just have to happen with imports. <br><br>:O What if we had like... instead of "Auto Trainers" (not giving this idea up though, mind you all) we have it so that you could pay an extra 20$ to have your unmade imports imported already trained? Don't know how that'd work though...<br><br>*Computer Nerds...Come to Me!*<br><br>
    Doodle wrote:
    Yeah ^_^<br><br>With auto-trainers it'd be so easy just to pay you're way through the game.
    <br><br>Pah. Not for the sponsers/novices with a thousand + dogs laying in their kennels. XD I know they wouldn't pay 600 dollars (and wait weeks) to get their dogs trained no matter how rich they were...unless they were just wasteful or so rich they could careless how they spent money. :3
  • Meh, I just don't see this happening. There's too many flaws, even though you have a good answer for each one, it just is something that won't go so well no matter how you look at it. ;]
  • edited April 2007
    OMG I can't believe I'm reading this... <br><br>*hands Tasha chalk and makes her write on the chalkboard 500 times*
  • Jinxx wrote:
    OMG I can't believe I'm reading this... <br><br>*hands Tasha chalk and makes her write on teh chalkboard 500 times*
  • Jinxx wrote:
    OMG I can't believe I'm reading this... <br><br>*hands Tasha chalk and makes her write on the chalkboard 500 times*
    <br><br>lmao! <br><br>Pah! Believe it! XP I could have sworn you were in chat when Sandy and I came up with the idea. X3 I think I may have taken it to the extreme... but eh, you all should already know me. XD <br><br>Sandstone Kennels, the only flaw I see is the coding. XP <br><br>For almost every negative thing you could think of I've made it into a not-so-negative. Bwahaha! You all can't stop my smarts! X3 <br><br>I should start suggesting more things... :3 Like... an Auto Show'er', or Breeder.. XD <br><br>...<br><br>I'm kidding! XD I'm not <span style="font-style:italic">that </span>lazy. :3
  • Oh wow, I only skimmed because I only JUST woke up and there's waaay too many long ass posts so if someone's already said this then oh well XD <br><br>But... I like this idea, I don't think it should only be 5 bucks for a month though, I think it should be more along the lines of 30ish because this isn't some small thing, this is a whole new code that Neffers will have to write and I know for damn sure I will be using it if she does... Plus it's gonna save loads of time and possibly spare many from carpal tunnel sydrome.<br><br>Another thing is, if she does do this she should make it only max to about 200 in each stats so if you want to get over 200 you're gonna have to buckle your lazy ass down and do it yourself XD
  • *gives Nitty chalk and points to chalk board*<br><br>Tasha, how do you account for trainer error? Exhaustion or training in the wrong skills? Each time a trainer starts working a dog they chance messing up some how. Make it random? Then you punish those who avoid it as much as possible. <br><br>I say lets go back to 100 stats on all sponsors and make everyone work their rears off to get high statted dogs. Which is how the game started. People were lucky if a stat raised 1 point in several generations let alone increasing stars to x4 readily. Would make for easier training too.
  • Geez, you're starting to sound like Squall
  • Oh wow, I only skimmed because I only JUST woke up and there's waaay too many long ass posts so if someone's already said this then oh well XD <br><br>But... I like this idea, I don't think it should only be 5 bucks for a month though, I think it should be more along the lines of 30ish because this isn't some small thing, this is a whole new code that Neffers will have to write and I know for damn sure I will be using it if she does... Plus it's gonna save loads of time and possibly spare many from carpal tunnel sydrome.<br><br>Another thing is, if she does do this she should make it only max to about 200 in each stats so if you want to get over 200 you're gonna have to buckle your lazy ass down and do it yourself XD
    <br><br>Nitty missed my price change. XD We'd decided 20 dollars for it and 5 dogs per week would be allowed per month. So 20 dogs altogether. XD It's more to it than that but I don't feel like typing it. :3<br><br>
    Jinxx wrote:
    *gives Nitty chalk and points to chalk board*<br><br>Tasha, how do you account for trainer error? Exhaustion or training in the wrong skills? Each time a trainer starts working a dog they chance messing up some how. Make it random? Then you punish those who avoid it as much as possible. <br><br>I say lets go back to 100 stats on all sponsors and make everyone work their rears off to get high statted dogs. Which is how the game started. People were lucky if a stat raised 1 point in several generations let alone increasing stars to x4 readily. Would make for easier training too.
    <br><br>Jinxx.... you'd still have to train the dogs. XD All the requirements and everything would still be there. People would still need to max their dogs the old fashioned way, maybe the skills would just be able to be done so it'd be 100/280 or something. I'm still working on it and need to get input from other players. <br><br>If you want to go back to 100 stats, make a suggestion for it. :3 "I" wont support it, but you can make it all the same. XD It started like that, but as you know, the games been changed since then. And with other ideas from other players, it'll keep on changing. Nothing stays the same forever and I see nothing wrong with that. I think this'd be a good idea to help myself and others alike. <br><br>Oh! And don't think I don't appreciate the way VP is now, it's just that I'm trying to find ways to make it better or maybe just to make it so that I can get training done while I'm in Florida! :D Bwaha!
  • I have no problem with change but Nef might as well charge $100 a year for sponsors, have a person click a few buttons, pick a few breeds, skills to train, groom/rh/fp for stats, what age to stop training stats at, at what point to breed, training for those pups, etc and let the new sponsor log in in a at the end of the year to perfectly trained, goodie dyed 10x4s of their chosen breeds sitting on their kennel when we start talking auto training. <br><br>Where does it end? Offer real cash paid for training, the breeder will want an auto breeder, the boarding will want an auto 'check dogs', the rescue will want auto 'random kennel checks' once a week or more (random number drawn by game and checks to see if dogs are rescuable on that kennel or rescue owner enters a few kennel numbers that the auto rescue then checks at the alotted time(s) until the kennel is rescued from/rescue owner then enters new kennel number to replace it), prestige will want auto club entries and event set ups. And if not by specialty and it's being offered to everyone who can afford to pay real cash then something from each specialty should be offered to everyone at a certain cost/per week/month/number per week. :P <br><br>I just think it's a step on a road we really don't need to take.<br><br>Changes to me are more like: (random)<br>New skills dogs can be trained in.<br>New sponsor types.<br>New breeds.<br>New look for the game.<br>Adding a 5th star to the stats.<br>Raising what number the stats will roll to the next star.<br>Fixing loyalty when you couldn't max loyalty on a foundie that had traded hands a few times*<br>Fixing aggro when it only rose a fraction of what it does now*<br>New events<br>Consolidating sponsors (having 'one' sponsor kennel you can add each specialty to for x amount of money-full price per specialty added or a little extra).<br>Kennel linking so loyalty wouldn't drop when you moved your dogs around*<br>Not having to feed all the dogs on your rescue kennel each turn, including the ones in the rescue itself*<br>Auto auctions (set a sb, a reserve if any, ending date, enter dog, auction runs, winner automatically gets the dog at end of auction/money is paid, animal can not be altered in anyway or moved once auction is set up).<br>Page numbers you can click on when you look through your kennel, so one could go directly to page 5 instead of clicking next page repeatedly.<br>Being able to divide/organize your kennel the way you want or listing dogs by breed then age or something simlar.<br>Being able to choose if you look through events from newest to oldest or oldest to newest.<br><br>I'm sure there's others I'm missing.<br><br>(yes, I'm well aware some of those are implemented changes)
  • Jinxx wrote:
    I have no problem with change but Nef might as well charge $100 a year for sponsors, have a person click a few buttons, pick a few breeds, skills to train, groom/rh/fp for stats, what age to stop training stats at, at what point to breed, training for those pups, etc and let the new sponsor log in in a at the end of the year to perfectly trained, goodie dyed 10x4s of their chosen breeds sitting on their kennel when we start talking auto training. <br><br>Where does it end? Offer real cash paid for training, the breeder will want an auto breeder, the boarding will want an auto 'check dogs', the rescue will want auto 'random kennel checks' once a week or more (random number drawn by game and checks to see if dogs are rescuable on that kennel or rescue owner enters a few kennel numbers that the auto rescue then checks at the alotted time(s) until the kennel is rescued from/rescue owner then enters new kennel number to replace it), prestige will want auto club entries and event set ups. And if not by specialty and it's being offered to everyone who can afford to pay real cash then something from each specialty should be offered to everyone at a certain cost/per week/month/number per week. :P <br><br>I just think it's a step on a road we really don't need to take.<br><br>Changes to me are more like: (random)<br>New skills dogs can be trained in.<br>New sponsor types.<br>New breeds.<br>New look for the game.<br>Adding a 5th star to the stats.<br>Raising what number the stats will roll to the next star.<br>Fixing loyalty when you couldn't max loyalty on a foundie that had traded hands a few times*<br>Fixing aggro when it only rose a fraction of what it does now*<br>New events<br>Consolidating sponsors (having 'one' sponsor kennel you can add each specialty to for x amount of money-full price per specialty added or a little extra).<br>Kennel linking so loyalty wouldn't drop when you moved your dogs around*<br>Not having to feed all the dogs on your rescue kennel each turn, including the ones in the rescue itself*<br>Auto auctions (set a sb, a reserve if any, ending date, enter dog, auction runs, winner automatically gets the dog at end of auction/money is paid, animal can not be altered in anyway or moved once auction is set up).<br>Page numbers you can click on when you look through your kennel, so one could go directly to page 5 instead of clicking next page repeatedly.<br>Being able to divide/organize your kennel the way you want or listing dogs by breed then age or something simlar.<br>Being able to choose if you look through events from newest to oldest or oldest to newest.<br><br>I'm sure there's others I'm missing.<br><br>(yes, I'm well aware some of those are implemented changes)
    <br><br>Just want to say that I agree with everything in that post and also the proposed changes are great - I don't want a game where everything is done for those who can afford it, I want a challenge, I want to have to do things for myself or raise funds for other players to do it for me and I want the game to evolve - not get easier.
    Sponsor training, breeding and boarding always open - just PM me!
  • Jinxx wrote:
    I have no problem with change but Nef might as well charge $100 a year for sponsors, have a person click a few buttons, pick a few breeds, skills to train, groom/rh/fp for stats, what age to stop training stats at, at what point to breed, training for those pups, etc and let the new sponsor log in in a at the end of the year to perfectly trained, goodie dyed 10x4s of their chosen breeds sitting on their kennel when we start talking auto training. <br><br>Where does it end? Offer real cash paid for training, the breeder will want an auto breeder, the boarding will want an auto 'check dogs', the rescue will want auto 'random kennel checks' once a week or more (random number drawn by game and checks to see if dogs are rescuable on that kennel or rescue owner enters a few kennel numbers that the auto rescue then checks at the alotted time(s) until the kennel is rescued from/rescue owner then enters new kennel number to replace it), prestige will want auto club entries and event set ups. And if not by specialty and it's being offered to everyone who can afford to pay real cash then something f<br>rom each specialty should be offered to everyone at a certain cost/per week/month/number per week. :P <br><br>I just think it's a step on a road we really don't need to take.<br><br>Changes to me are more like: (random)<br>New skills dogs can be trained in.<br>New sponsor types.<br>New breeds.<br>New look for the game.<br>Adding a 5th star to the stats.<br>Raising what number the stats will roll to the next star.<br>Fixing loyalty when you couldn't max loyalty on a foundie that had traded hands a few times*<br>Fixing aggro when it only rose a fraction of what it does now*<br>New events<br>Consolidating sponsors (having 'one' sponsor kennel you can add each specialty to for x amount of money-full price per specialty added or a little extra).<br>Kennel linking so loyalty wouldn't drop when you moved your dogs around*<br>Not having to feed all the dogs on your rescue kennel each turn, including the ones in the rescue itself*<br>Auto auctions (set a sb, a reserve if any, ending date, enter dog, auction runs, winner automatically gets the dog at end of auction/money is paid, animal can not be altered in anyway or moved once auction is set up).<br>Page numbers you can click on when you look through your kennel, so one could go directly to page 5 instead of clicking next page repeatedly.<br>Being able to divide/organize your kennel the way you want or listing dogs by breed then age or something simlar.<br>Being able to choose if you look through events from newest to oldest or oldest to newest.<br><br>I'm sure there's others I'm missing.<br><br>(yes, I'm well aware some of those are implemented changes)
    <br><br>Now why would Nef do that? O.o I don’t see how getting a dog’s skills trained automatically would mean Nef should say “Skip it all! I’ll just let them buy their way through the gameâ€
  • The idea is OK, but as someone else said earlier, it'd be an unfair advantage. <br><br>1. Since you have to upgrade you're sponsor every year, you'd be paying 40$ in 1 month just for a "auto" training and a sponsor.<br>2. It'd probably be harder to do, considering a certain "poof" doesn't know exactly how the dog must be trained, or how many years you must groom/rh.<br>3. People probably wouldn't pay nearly as much to have their dog "poofed" they pay now for the people's time they spend training their dogs. <br>4. You say 20$ a month, for 20 dogs. Ok, so, what if you have to train more dogs that month? You just hold them until next month comes around?<br>5. The "poof" would be used up really fast. Overbreeding would probably occur, because the faster the dogs get trained, the faster people breed.<br>6. There would probably be less breeding/boarding/rescue/prestige kennels, considering everyone would want to get richer and use the "poof" button.<br>7. What if the button totally messes the dog up? You'd be the one having to pay for the messed up dog, not Nef, nor the "poof" phase.<br><br>It'd be a better idea if it was totally thought through. <br><br>That's just my opinion on the idea.
  • I said it was a <span style="font-weight:bold">step</span> in a direction we didn't need to go down (ie..the example mentioned in the first paragraph). <br><br>And it's the skills when people screw up the training or exhaust the heck of dog. <br><br>We don't even need to go into the color change easy avoidance to work for something. I still hate it with a vengence and takes working for good lines while keeping your color rare away. :wink: And it's why you almost never see me bidding on gifties anymore.
  • The idea is OK, but as someone else said earlier, it'd be an unfair advantage. <br><br>1. Since you have to upgrade you're sponsor every year, you'd be paying 40$ in 1 month just for a "auto" training and a sponsor.<br>2. It'd probably be harder to do, considering a certain "poof" doesn't know exactly how the dog must be trained, or how many years you must groom/rh.<br>3. People probably wouldn't pay nearly as much to have their dog "poofed" they pay now for the people's time they spend training their dogs. <br>4. You say 20$ a month, for 20 dogs. Ok, so, what if you have to train more dogs that month? You just hold them until next month comes around?<br>5. The "poof" would be used up really fast. Overbreeding would probably occur, because the faster the dogs get trained, the faster people breed.<br>6. There would probably be less breeding/boarding/rescue/prestige kennels, considering everyone would want to get richer and use the "poof" button.<br>7. What if the button totally messes the dog up? You'd be the one having to pay for the messed up dog, not Nef, nor the "poof" phase.<br><br>It'd be a better idea if it was totally thought through. <br><br>That's just my opinion on the idea.
    <br><br>1. It’s your money, if you want to spend 40 + dollars, that’s the buyers business. No one would have to pay for it if they didn’t want to.<br>2. The poof would just be skill and maybe stat maxing. There’d be no excess grooming or Rhing, that’d be left up to you to do.<br>3. You’d be surprised what people would pay. <br>4. Then you find a trainer to train the rest or pay for a renewal like a sponser the next month.<br>5. O.o Really? I never would think people would spend 20 dollars to waste on over breeding but they could do whatever they wanted with their trained dogs: it’s their money and their virtual pups.<br>6. O.o What? That doesn’t make since. There’d be the same amount of breeding/boarding/rescue/prestige kennels as before because people would still need them with or without the *poof* button. <br>7. That’s why you should know how you’d want the dern dog trained. You’d be paying for the dog to be skilled and maybe mixed in whatever skills you choose for the dog to be trained in.<br><br>I appreciate your opinions though I still don't think it would be an unfair advantage. Why would it be considered unfair? O.o Because only sponsers could get it? Pah! I paid for it, a novice could pay for one or train or whatever for one and be happy. Or they'd be able to get a sponser to do it for them for VP money or something. I don't see this as an unfair advantage, I see it as a new goodie.
  • Like somebody said in a previous post, you seem to have an answer for everything :P<br><br>I actually think this will cause many glitches in the sight, and it'll definitely slow it down with people "poofing" all over the place. It'll cause over breeding as well.<br><br>The point of the game is not for people to buy there way through it. Without auto-trainers the site has been doing fine. It is very easy for an experienced trainer to get a 10x4. If you were a trainer in real life and you were magically able to train dogs, there would be no reward and no point to whatever you do.
  • The overbreeding will be caused because as more people get their dogs trained uber fast, the more they are breeding, the more the dogs are getting overbred. <br><br>That does make sense, if you would think about it.
  • Doodle wrote:
    Like somebody said in a previous post, you seem to have an answer for everything :P<br><br>I actually think this will cause many glitches in the sight, and it'll definitely slow it down with people "poofing" all over the place. It'll cause over breeding as well.<br><br>The point of the game is not for people to buy there way through it. Without auto-trainers the site has been doing fine. It is very easy for an experienced trainer to get a 10x4. If you were a trainer in real life and you were magically able to train dogs, there would be no reward and no point to whatever you do.
    <br><br>You know, after thinking about that "Got an answer for everything" that whatchamacallit said, I've decided I don't because of the fact I'm not a computer nerd. It's times like these that I wish I was, then I could describe in detail how I'd make *Poofing* dogs possible. :P<br><br>Omg... How in the world could it cause something that's already happening? People are going to overbreed with or without this. Also: People can do whatever they want with their dogs... why would I not suggest something because people would want to do something I don't do? o.0 What they do with their dogs is their own business.<br><br>I have no idea about the glitches, but I'm sure you're right. But like most glitches, I'm sure they'd be able to be fixed. <br><br>I refuse to get into that "People buying their way through the game" thing again, I've already answered that, repeatedly. XD I <span style="font-style:italic">refuse </span>to comment on it again! XP<br><br>You all really don't like reading my extra, extra long explanatory posts... I've commented on so many of you alls already posted concerns... I think I shall go and quote them for now on instead of restating them. X3 Nah. Maybe later on today... I don't feel up to it at this moment...
  • It could be more that people aren't buying the 'explanations/answers' you're giving and that's why the things people see wrong with it are continously brought up. <br><br>No one forces any player to train their dogs passed 200 stats either so using the long grooming/playing excuse doesn't cut it. When we pushed for 200 stats it was counter balanced by the longer training it took for us to get there. Just as you keep telling us no one will be forced to use it the same goes for training beyond 200 stats, which honestly isn't hard.<br><br>Someone is going away and wants dogs trained while they're not online? Hire a trainer and make out your leases before you go. But..they might not train like they said they would? Well, that's part of the game..part of the strategy to playing.
  • I'm standing with Tashy on this one. :P <br><br><br>There are already glitches in the game, most of which because something was added to make the game even <span style="font-style:italic">better</span>. They'll all be worked out eventually, right? And having the new stuff added seemed to make it worth it, did it not?<br><br>Example-<br><br>I don't like the color change option. Yet, I do see that it has advantages that outweigh some of the disadvantages. <br><br><br>I like this idea. I really do.<br><br><br>I think it is a great idea, and we should be glad that someone came up with it, after all, don't people want suggestions? Isn't that what this board is for? Theres no need to jump on people for suggesting something they believe in, we should all be brave enough to do that. But most of us aren't.<br><br>Anyway.<br><br><br>Love it Tashy.
  • People can suggest and people can disagree with what is suggested, as long as it doesn't get nasty there's nothing wrong with it. :wink: <br><br>Everyone is entitled to their opinion, doesn't mean everyone sees suggestions as making the game better.
  • Oh yes, what you said. XD<br><br><br>I think I worded what I said wrong. Oh well. XD<br><br><br>I -think- this is what I meant.<br><br>People should suggest everything they think would make the game better since thats what they believe, and they shouldn't worry about what other people think because they did their part and from there, thats all they can do. But not enough people do that, since other people shoot them down, and even if you don't like an idea, you should think about how it would affect the whole game, and not just yourself?<br><br>Aurg. I dunno. I think I'm just confusing myself now. XD<br><br><br>I like the idea. -shrugs-
  • :3 Gracias Mel. ^_^ I love it too. :3 May not happen but it's fun seeing what others come up with. <br><br>
    Jinxx wrote:
    It could be more that people aren't buying the 'explanations/answers' you're giving and that's why the things people see wrong with it are continously brought up. <br><br>No one forces any player to train their dogs passed 200 stats either so using the long grooming/playing excuse doesn't cut it. When we pushed for 200 stats it was counter balanced by the longer training it took for us to get there. Just as you keep telling us no one will be forced to use it the same goes for training beyond 200 stats, which honestly isn't hard.<br><br>Someone is going away and wants dogs trained while they're not online? Hire a trainer and make out your leases before you go. But..they might not train like they said they would? Well, that's part of the game..part of the strategy to playing.
    <br><br>Guess you're right (about that explanation/answer thing). Pah. I hate repeating my views when It takes so long for me to type them though. X3 <br><br>Jinxx...? What excuse wasn't going to cut it? O.o I'm getting confused. -.-<br><br>n/m. If a person wanted to use the training thingy, they would. If they didn't they don't have to. I already listed the pros and you've all listed your cons I tried to um... smooth over some of the cons but pah, if it happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't. :3
  • I just have one bitty concern with this. Tried to stay out of it but I didn't see anyone mentioning this.<br><br>How will this not destroy people paying 'normal' trainers to train? Everyone will want their dog poofed instead of waiting for a normal trainer. They'll pay 10x as much to trainers who don't have to 'work' to train it, while those who are unfortunate enough not to be able to 'buy' their way through the game have to work 100x harder to train the dogs they're paid to train and they'll get paid less than someone with a poof button.<br><br>Normal trainers won't be able to make any money, and it will kill training as a viable money making option unless you have real cash to blow on the game left and right, and I don't know about everyone else but I don't have money growing on a tree outside my window.<br><br>Unless you make the 'poof' take longer than a good trainer takes to train a dog..then why would anyone want to buy it?<br><br>Just some thoughts...heck I'd love a button that trained all 3k of my dogs for nothing then bred/sorted them until I got 10x4s...then I could 'beat' this game in a day and not have to waste any more money on it.<br><br>Maybe if you made it only work on dogs the person owned themselves then it wouldn't be a problem.
  • Squall wrote:
    I just have one bitty concern with this. Tried to stay out of it but I didn't see anyone mentioning this.<br><br>How will this not destroy people paying 'normal' trainers to train? Everyone will want their dog poofed instead of waiting for a normal trainer. They'll pay 10x as much to trainers who don't have to 'work' to train it, while those who are unfortunate enough not to be able to 'buy' their way through the game have to work 100x harder to train the dogs they're paid to train and they'll get paid less than someone with a poof button.<br>Normal trainers won't be able to make any money, and it will kill training as a viable money making option unless you have real cash to blow on the game left and right, and I don't know about everyone else but I don't have money growing on a tree outside my window.<br><br>Unless you make the 'poof' take longer than a good trainer takes to train a dog..then why would anyone want to buy it?<br><br>Just some thoughts...heck I'd love a button that trained all 3k of my dogs for nothing then bred/sorted them until I got 10x4s...then I could 'beat' this game in a day and not have to waste any more money on it.<br><br>Maybe if you made it only work on dogs the person owned themselves then it wouldn't be a problem.
    <br><br>The dogs would still have to be trained/maxed by a sponser trainer unless you're happy with half maxed dogs. There'd still be dogs in your kennel not being trained. There'd only be a limited amount of dogs being trained at a time. Partially trained dogs are better than non-trained dogs. <br><br>If you wanted someone to *poof* your dogs then it'd take longer- time listed on the first post- to get them done. Trainers would still be in business because most people don't want to wait however long for a dog to be trained. The button would help people that aren't always able to get on to get their training done like they'd want to. <br><br>Ex: <span style="font-style:italic">I'm going on vacation and I don't want to come back to a kennel full of dogs untrained. I'd use the button to train my dogs However way they'll be trained seeing as I still haven't figured out how it would work exactly. Maybe half trained, maybe fully. Then you'd just have to worry about the other 20k sitting in your kennel. I'd be glade to have gotten at least 5 dogs (or maybe 20 dogs?) trained instead of none.</span><br><br><span style="font-size:75">Another problem I have is: should we be able to put all the dogs we wanted trained in the holding kennel to be trained and then it only trains the first 5 or do you have to be there to put the five in when the first 5 are up... ah well... I'll figure it out later. </span>
  • I think there's basically two ways that are effective and have been since forever: <br><br>a] you train your own dogs <br><br>or <br><br>b] you pay virtual cash to have your dogs trained <br><br>It's been working since the beginning and there's no real need to change this. I just don't see the need to bring this in, when if you want to go on vacation and can't train, you can surely cough up the 500k or so to have your dog trained by someone else, and if you can't, then you simply wait. If you're too lazy to train your own dogs and too cheap to have someone else train them, then that's you're problem. And if you're a novice who's too 'poor' to spend it but have enough cash in real life to "poof" your dogs, then spend a little more and buy a sponsor account. End of story. =/
  • Pah! End of your story! XD <br><br>My story's never ending! :3<br><br>I still think my idea's good and cool and all that wonderfulness! I think it'd be a great idea for change (later on in VP history :3). <br><br>"Auto Trainers" The future of VP! ^_^
  • It could be a good idea..if you thought thoroughly through it..But..I don't think a bunch of people would do this, paying quite a bit of money every so often just to have dogs trained amazingly fast...
  • It could be a good idea..if you thought thoroughly through it..But..I don't think a bunch of people would do this, paying quite a bit of money every so often just to have dogs trained amazingly fast...
    <br><br>:O<br><br>How thorough do I need to be? XP <br><br>Pah, you did read my extra long post on this, yes? Fine! I'll think some more on it, then make it even more thorough! I need to find me a computer nerd... Gosh... I'll show you all "thorough"! <br><br>Also, I think many people would use it. Pfft. As many rich, lazy kids sitting around the computer with money in their pockets (not that you HAVE to be lazy in order to use this), I know more than a few people would use this (once I thoroughlize the idea, of course) XD
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