We have come up with this wonderful plan!
It's like...amazing! It'll be a way to make Nef rich-er- and trainers, worldwide, happy I tell you! <br><br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-size:75">Ahem</span></span><br><br>We suggest, we being me and Sandy, Auto Trainers. <br><br>Yes.. Auto Trainers!
<br>You'll have to pay 20(30?) real life dollars each month to activate them. Yes! Nef'll be rich!
<br>And you don't necessarily have to be lazy in order to pay for one! Though you would have to be a sponser.
You could be sitting at home thinking, "Man.. I have to go to work tomorrow... and then I have to fix dinner that same day... I won't be able to train(!?8O)" Yes... the horror. Well! You'll look down and go to the goodies page and see "Auto Train". You'll think, "OMG! I can freakin pay the 20 dollars every month to have 20 dogs trained by the end of each month! MY GOSH! This is wonderful!" *Big smile* <br><br>Auto Trainer shall be a faster and less stressing way to train for all who are willing to pay and can afford it! X3 Yes! Sandy and I are geniuses! <br><br>Alright! Shower me with your Oh-so wonderful replies on the subject!
I'd LOVE to hear your views! XD<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">What I have so far: </span><br> (<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:red">Updated</span></span><span style="font-size:75"> for people who wake up and don't read extra long posts.
</span>)<br><br>You must be a sponser in order to activate "Auto Trainer"<br>You must pay 20(30? still pending) RL dollars a month to activate<br>Only 5 dogs are allowed to be trained every week<br>You get 20 dogs trained at the end of each month<br>There mayor may not be a holding kennel just for the "Auto Training"<br>It may act like you getting a dog dyed <span style="font-style:italic">(poofing trained dogs at the end of the week)</span><br><span style="font-size:75">*Any more suggestions/comments welcome*</span><br><br><span style="font-size:59">*Please...have a heart... go easy on us. XD* </span>
I no longer play the game. I'm sticking around the forum though.
I no longer play the game. I'm sticking around the forum though.
I no longer play the game. I'm sticking around the forum though.