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We Had A Dream... Sandy and I...

edited January 2008 in Game Suggestions
We have come up with this wonderful plan! :3 It's like...amazing! It'll be a way to make Nef rich-er- and trainers, worldwide, happy I tell you! <br><br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-size:75">Ahem</span></span><br><br>We suggest, we being me and Sandy, Auto Trainers. <br><br>Yes.. Auto Trainers! :3<br>You'll have to pay 20(30?) real life dollars each month to activate them. Yes! Nef'll be rich! :D <br>And you don't necessarily have to be lazy in order to pay for one! Though you would have to be a sponser. :3 You could be sitting at home thinking, "Man.. I have to go to work tomorrow... and then I have to fix dinner that same day... I won't be able to train(!?8O)" Yes... the horror. Well! You'll look down and go to the goodies page and see "Auto Train". You'll think, "OMG! I can freakin pay the 20 dollars every month to have 20 dogs trained by the end of each month! MY GOSH! This is wonderful!" *Big smile* <br><br>Auto Trainer shall be a faster and less stressing way to train for all who are willing to pay and can afford it! X3 Yes! Sandy and I are geniuses! <br><br>Alright! Shower me with your Oh-so wonderful replies on the subject! :D I'd LOVE to hear your views! XD<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">What I have so far: </span><br> (<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:red">Updated</span></span><span style="font-size:75"> for people who wake up and don't read extra long posts. :3</span>)<br><br>You must be a sponser in order to activate "Auto Trainer"<br>You must pay 20(30? still pending) RL dollars a month to activate<br>Only 5 dogs are allowed to be trained every week<br>You get 20 dogs trained at the end of each month<br>There mayor may not be a holding kennel just for the "Auto Training"<br>It may act like you getting a dog dyed <span style="font-style:italic">(poofing trained dogs at the end of the week)</span><br><span style="font-size:75">*Any more suggestions/comments welcome*</span><br><br><span style="font-size:59">*Please...have a heart... go easy on us. XD* </span>


  • Tis truley Awesome! :D
  • It'll definitely take the stress of of training, but that's the only thing I do on VP these days =/ <br><br>Another thing. Maybe $5 shouldnt be for unlimited training. Like, I remember Nitty had something like that on her page, where you'd pay her through PayPal to have her train for you.
  • :shock: <br><br>I just realized I had a evil face on the post.. quickly took that thing off. XD <br><br>Silly me..
  • Love it, Totaly Geneous lmao<br><br>Gosh i cant type today i keep typeing rong letters and stuff.
  • Been suggested before ;)<br><br><br>I would agree, but I have to say I don't think we should have this.<br><br>I don't want to take up too much time to explain, but basically..<br><br>1) You could train dogs for playcash, gifties, etc. and get them done in a blink of a second, whilst the rest of us take 30+ minutes<br>2) Those of us who can't afford it or who would actually be doing work wouldn't be needed much, if at all<br>3) Completely unfair advantage<br>4) You couldn't really claim it as "your" training since a computer/automated system did it<br>5) Train offs? Why make a contest when you can just pay $5 to have your dogs "poof" into training-style?<br>6) What about the pride of knowing you did something? If you could just sit around and push a button that says "Auto Train", and all you do is dish out a couple bucks, do you learn? <br><br><br>Even though I've been bad and spent almost $2k USD between two online games in the past two years, I don't think too many people have the money to afford it, and those who do, shouldn't be left in the dark because of it.<br><br>I know it sounds like the "sponsor upgrades should be free to those who can't pay", and I don't support that, but I personally don't think anyone should be able to have that much more advantage. The difference between a sponsor/novice isn't much, but if you go and add something like this, there's this huge gap, and they're would be Super Sponsors, Sponsors, and novices.<br><br><br>I know how it is to have other things that interfere. I wish I could say "Yes! Add this!".. >.> But I think that, if you don't want to train - Don't. Nobody can blame you for having a life. If you have work/school/problems, don't offer to train if you think you'll be too busy.<br><br><br>Sorry Koshi, if I sound rude, I don't mean to ^^

    I no longer play the game. I'm sticking around the forum though.
  • Well, maybe instead of it being unlimited trainings it can be a certain amount of trainings.<br><br>That way it won't be extreme but still be a good idea.
  • FurKat wrote:
    Been suggested before ;)<br><br><br>I would agree, but I have to say I don't think we should have this.<br><br>I don't want to take up too much time to explain, but basically..<br><br>1) You could train dogs for playcash, gifties, etc. and get them done in a blink of a second, whilst the rest of us take 30+ minutes<br>2) Those of us who can't afford it or who would actually be doing work wouldn't be needed much, if at all<br>3) Completely unfair advantage<br>4) You couldn't really claim it as "your" training since a computer/automated system did it<br>5) Train offs? Why make a contest when you can just pay $5 to have your dogs "poof" into training-style?<br>6) What about the pride of knowing you did something? If you could just sit around and push a button that says "Auto Train", and all you do is dish out a couple bucks, do you learn? <br><br><br>Even though I've been bad and spent almost $2k USD between two online games in the past two years, I don't think too many people have the money to afford it, and those who do, shouldn't be left in the dark because of it.<br><br>I know it sounds like the "sponsor upgrades should be free to those who can't pay", and I don't support that, but I personally don't think anyone should be able to have that much more advantage. The difference between a sponsor/novice isn't much, but if you go and add something like this, there's this huge gap, and they're would be Super Sponsors, Sponsors, and novices.<br><br><br>I know how it is to have other things that interfere. I wish I could say "Yes! Add this!".. >.> But I think that, if you don't want to train - Don't. Nobody can blame you for having a life. If you have work/school/problems, don't offer to train if you think you'll be too busy.<br><br><br>Sorry Koshi, if I sound rude, I don't mean to ^^
    <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">*GASP!*</span><br><br>How DARE YOU!!! <br><br>No! I'm kidding! XD<br><br>Pah! Of course that's not rude. If you'd have said: "No Koshi, this idea sucks! AND You suck!" Now, <span style="font-style:italic">that </span>would have been rude. Nah. You were just stating your opinion and all that good stuff. :3 <br><br>Now I must show how my Suggestions are <span style="font-style:italic">always </span>the way to go! :D <span style="font-size:75">(I am <span style="font-style:italic">The One</span>, don't forget :3)</span><br><span style="font-size:59">(I'm kidding of course...about the "always the way to go" for you all who don't know XD)</span><br><br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-style:italic">Ahem</span></span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">1) You could train dogs for playcash, gifties, etc. and get them done in a blink of a second, whilst the rest of us take 30+ minutes -</span> Yes! But I'll be done faster! And the site'll be richer! :3's never good to compare, a person should be happy whether it takes 30 + minutes or 1 *Poof* as long as the dogs get trained. :P<br><span style="font-weight:bold">2) Those of us who can't afford it or who would actually be doing work wouldn't be needed much, if at all -</span> Whatcha mean? :3 I'm sure you could afford payin 5 dollars for a month of free training. If not, and your a sponser trainer, train the ol fashion way. :3 As long as the training gets done. <br><span style="font-weight:bold">3) Completely unfair advantage -</span> Pah! Never! Alright... only for people that can't afford it or don't want to pay it. X3 But heck... I wont have to train dern toys/imports for an hour.. X3 Dern imports...<br><span style="font-weight:bold">4) You couldn't really claim it as "your" training since a computer/automated system did it -</span> Do you really need that claim as long as the dog gets trained? XD I'm looking at how fast I'll get things done.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">5) Train offs? Why make a contest when you can just pay $5 to have your dogs "poof" into training-style? -</span> Dern right! :3 *Poof*ing is fun! <br><span style="font-weight:bold">6) What about the pride of knowing you did something? If you could just sit around and push a button that says "Auto Train", and all you do is dish out a couple bucks, do you learn? - </span>Heck yes! I learn the joys of relaxation! ^_^ Pride..? Who needs it!? No! I'm kiddin. X3 Prides important, so's learning but... Pah. I have enough pride from training to dish out for the rest of my life. Wait... what in the world am I learnin by pushin a button 100 times an hour 24/7? XD Maybe it could take like... a week for the dogs to be done being trained, though. :3<br><br><br>If you can't afford it, don't buy it and be happy with the sponser training kennel that we've been using. There'd be no shame in it, really, pluse if it took like a week for the Auto Trainers to finish, you could be done faster then the richer/lazy people using the Auto Trainers. <br><br>There's a large difference between a novice and sponser account XD You're payin 20 dollars for unlimited dogs, unlimited breedings, 200 training, boarding not to mention rescuing dogs from other people's kennels... I think that's a huge difference between an account that can only have so much. :3 Pah. If you want to be Super, buy a sponser and pay for the Auto Trainers. XD<br><br>What if you want to train but can't...? Life comes at you fast. If you don't want to train, don't; but if you do and can't... Auto Trainers at your service! :D<br><br>Just defending my point. I am not at all saying what you say isn't true: you are right about the train offs... but people'd pay big for a sponser to auto train their dogs, I think. :3 There'll always be a way to make money. I seriously hope this doesn't sound like I'm attacking your opinion because I don't look at it like that... people do read things differently though. XD <br><br>Just remember! I'm too nice to attack an opinion! I already know many people aren't going to like this idea and many are, I'm not one to say "OMG! You don't like my idea! YOU COW! How dare you! I shall now down you and your ideas for they are not my own!" :3 See... I'd never say something like that to you because that's considered "disrespectful and immature". I may think you're crazy for not loving the oh-so wonderful and joyous ideas I (and Sandy) pop out our heads, but heck, I'd never let <span style="font-style:italic">you </span>know that. :P
  • I personally like training imports/toys. I'm just too lazy to really get around to training much anymore XD<br><br>2) I meant that, those of us who couldn't "poof" a dog into being trained wouldn't be hired as often or as much. If it took you 1 second to poof a pup into a trained adult [o.O That sounds odd XD] while it took another player 30 minutes to train and do the work, they could get 2 dogs done an hour compared to your 3,600 dogs.<br><br>[That's accepting/poofing one dog a second for an hour]<br><br><br>I forgot to mention it, but I also think it'd cause major inflation 'round here ^^ People would start auctioning off "Auto Training Upgrade", since it would only cost $5, dyes would be almost, if not 2x the going price for them, and the sponsors would be 4x as much as the Auto Training.<br><br>The law of supply and demand :3 <br>People with money = Selling them in limited quanities = People = training hungry = Higher demand = Inflation<br><br>I hope I wrote that right. XD<br><br><br><br>I like the statement about it being a week. Perhaps, it'd be nice, if people could 'deposit' their dogs in a 'holding cell', choose what they wanted it trained in, and wait 3-5 days. As well as putting a max. on how many dogs could be done..<br><br><br><br>Either way, if we could train so many dogs so quickly, there wouldn't really be any more need for trainers at all, unless you could buy an "Auto Breeder" [sarcasm].<br><br>But people would have to find some way to just keep breeding puppehs and breeding puppehs.. Otherwise the game would be boring :3<br><br><br><br>Eh, I really don't see much of a difference in a sponsor/novice account, just tiny perks. I don't really use mine though, so maybe that's why XD<br><br><br>Life does come at you fast. Since Oct. of last year, I've had to deal with so many medical problems, and recently, I've been having pain in both of my wrists, probably from all of the training and junk I've been doing on VP since Dec. 04. XD I still like to train, regardless of the pain that occurs afterwards, and I've accepted that I'll probably have to wear a brace if I continue playing VP..<br><br>Anywho, that's off topic.. But..<br>Things do happen quickly, and nobody really has the time to click a button repeatedly for hours on end. There's just not enough time in the day or week to cover your [torture :P] training needs. Heck, I don't see how anyone has the patience to sit for hours at a time, clicking the same button over and over and over.<br><br><br><br><br>I don't think you're attacking my opinion :3 I honestly wouldn't care if you did XD<br><br><br>Maybe, just maybe, if you could tweak a few things, suggest a max. of dogs, etc., it could possibly be accepted and used :) Let the lazy people be lazy, right? *flops*<br><br><br>Before anything is added, I think Nef should do something about site speed/add sponsor time again.. That's another topic entirely, however..<br><br><br>An' again, I hope I don't offend you :)

    I no longer play the game. I'm sticking around the forum though.
  • Oh My Goodness! I'm totally offended! You should be ashamed! :O <br><br>Pooh on you, you evil cow! >8(<br><br>...<br><br>That's what not to say to someone supporting (which is not attacking you or your opinion) their opinion. :3 <br><br>Ahem. <br><br>Inflation is so evil... -.- But pah! I'd have my Auto Trainers, "I" wouldn't have to worry about it! :D Glory to me! I'll be to busy gushing over all the wonderful dogs sitting in my kennel fully trained to worry about that inflation non-sense. X3 <br><br>....<br><br>Alright...alright! Fine! How about I make it so that the "Auto Trainers" *Poof* a suggested amount of dogs (say, 5 dogs per week? alright...maybe 3 -.-) into having only their skills maxxed? X3 Maybe half the stats too? X3 Then it'd take a week to get them all done. :3 <br><br>Oo! Maybe you could have an auto price for how much a person would have to pay for a sponser to auto train your dogs (up to 5 max)? :3 I like that holding cell idea. :D It's all... cool like. XD <br><br>OMG! 3,600 dogs trained at once would be so cool..! XS I'd be so much in heaven.. but that'd be crazy... maybe you could have a limited amount of Auto Trainings every month, like 5. So you'd be able to Auto Train 20 dogs for every month or something. :3 <br><br>Oh Pah! The game'll get boring for everyone sometime or another with or without the Auto Trainers... you just wanted to say that! XD <br><br>Power to us lazy people! ^_^ Forever trying to find the easy, less...straining way to live life! :3<br><br>But you're right... about the Nef doing the speed and (OMG! YES) sponser time (though <span style="font-style:italic">that </span>would add that huge gap you were talking about, not that I care of course XD sponser time! Come to me! X3)<br><br>About that attacking opinion and you not caring.. I bet you would care if I attacked your opinion! You just don't wanna say it! >:3 <br><br>If I'd said: <br><br>"FurKat, you dumb toad! How DARE you attack my opinion!? I have a RIGHT to my ideas! You can't tell me that I'm wrong! You're EVIL! I can't BELIEVE you! I have freedom of speech! I cannot believe your trying to say I'm stupid. Your opinion is so stupid! YOU'RE Stupid! Only an idiot would say that!" - and so on.<br>(no, attacking opinions don't always make sense from the non-attacking person's perspective, btw)<br><br>I'm sure you'd be compelled to say <span style="font-style:italic">something </span>smart back because of me irritating the hell out of you or you feeling disrespected. :3
  • I like the idea, but one thing:The price would need to be higher.<br>Maybe like, the price of a dye atleast?
  • Tattoo wrote:
    I like the idea, but one thing:The price would need to be higher.<br>Maybe like, the price of a dye atleast?
    <br><br>Hm... makes sense. XD <br><br>Lets see:<br><br>Pay 20$ for "Auto Trainers" per month of training (= 5$ per 5 group pairs of dogs)<br>Have a special place to hold dogs that are being "Auto Trained"<br>Up to 5 dogs trained per week per sponser<br>200/140 (Or should it be 200/280 since the price is higher?) <br>Auto price for novices/sponser (never know) to have dogs (up to 5) trained, like... what? 200k per dog that's "Auto Trained"? 500k?<br><br>Did I miss anything? :3 What do you think about the training thingy? Should it be 200/280, or 200/140, or 200 only or what? :3 Opinions are loved. ^_^ <br><br>I really wont push this idea until the site's other main problems (like sponser time!!) are addressed but this'll give me something to dream for. XD
  • Speaking about other main problems, some of the breeds still need the hyper stat fixed. *kicks her stubborn CzWs*
  • SandPiper wrote:
    Speaking about other main problems, some of the breeds still need the hyper stat fixed. *kicks her stubborn CzWs*
    <br><br>O.O<br><br>Take that crap somewhere else, Sandy! We're talkin about important things... like trainin for with a push of a button! <br><br>...<br><br>I'm kidding! XD I care! I want that hyper fixed too. -.- My EB...OES...and I think TWCs need it! X3<br><br>OO! Maybe with "Auto Trainers" you'd be able to get a star in hyper ^_^ <br><br>That'd just make my little day. XD
  • It's a good idea, but I don't really agree with it very much. It would totally demolish the purpose of training. And how would you show the computer how you want it trained? It would probably take a lot of coding. <br><br>I just think that it would take away from the purpose of the game. It is a "massive multiplayer STRATEGY". We are ENCOURAGED to work hard to earn things, like training those difficult imports or toy breeds. If you could just press a button and there it is, that wouldn't be much fun at all and would take away from the realism. In the real world, you don't just push a button and your dog is potty-trained, or knows how to sit. ;] <br><br>So far, purchases available from VP have been productive or fair things, like sponsor kennels that still make you work hard, or goodie dyes to increase variety on the game. I think that something like this auto-training would really take away from the game's center, which is working hard to get to the top. =]
  • Now I'm a toad :P Wow, and I thought I was human.. Mm.. ;P<br><br><br><br>
    <br>In the real world, you don't just push a button and your dog is potty-trained, or knows how to sit. ;] <br><br>
    <br><br>I would so want a button like that! XD I would love to see what would happen if I kept pushing it, over and over o.o <br><br><br>An' that's all I'm going to say.. :3 I just had to comment on Sandstone's statement XD<br><br><br>-poofehs-

    I no longer play the game. I'm sticking around the forum though.
  • xD, it definitely would be nice. Easy-Train Button, ha, Petsmart or something needs to copy staples with one of those. xP
  • It's a good idea, but I don't really agree with it very much. It would totally demolish the purpose of training. And how would you show the computer how you want it trained? It would probably take a lot of coding. <br><br>I just think that it would take away from the purpose of the game. It is a "massive multiplayer STRATEGY". We are ENCOURAGED to work hard to earn things, like training those difficult imports or toy breeds. If you could just press a button and there it is, that wouldn't be much fun at all and would take away from the realism. In the real world, you don't just push a button and your dog is potty-trained, or knows how to sit. ;] <br><br>So far, purchases available from VP have been productive or fair things, like sponsor kennels that still make you work hard, or goodie dyes to increase variety on the game. I think that something like this auto-training would really take away from the game's center, which is working hard to get to the top. =]
    <br><br>Not attacking! XD Just making sure you know. Many people are known to get the wrong idea. :3 <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Ahem </span><span style="font-size:59">*before I go to bed*</span><br><br>Nah I don't think it would demolish the purpose of training. Just make it easier. The purpose of training is to get 200/280 dogs. Doesn't really matter how you get it. <br><br>Oo! Good point about the "how would it know"! :D We'd need buttons! Maybe we'd select the order we want it trained, or maybe it wouldn't matter, if you want skills trained, just select which skills and high, low or no agro. :3 Lots of codes, but it could be done (after I get my hyper and sponser time)<br><br>There is nothing realistic about VP. You know good an dern well you would never in real life be able to train a dog to um... come by just repeatedly telling a dog to stay..or is it groom (been so long since I looked at what a dog learned) XD But that's not the purpose, purpose is: It'd be plenty of fun to push a button and *poof* trained dogs. I don't find pushing buttons fun at all... but I do it cause I want my 10x4s! :3 Wouldn't defeat the strategy, just make it that more easy to get that 10x4. The purpose of Vp is to get high, good stared dogs (at least for me xD), nope wouldn't defeat my purpose at all. =P My startagy would be to pick which skills I want trained... and then maybe train a few dogs the old fashion way as the "Auto Trainers" did the other 5-3. XD <br><br>I respect your opinions, btw. :3 But I don't think it'd take away anything cept my fingers getting tiered and my eyeballs falling out. I think Auto Trainers would add to the popularity of Vp. More money for the site, less dogs for m -er poeple to train. XD <br><br>Pah. You make a good point though. <br><br>
    FurKat wrote:
    Now I'm a toad :P Wow, and I thought I was human.. Mm.. ;P
    <br><br>Of course not, silly if I'd call you a toad to your face (in my <span style="font-style:italic">head</span>, yeah, never to the face though). =P
  • I personally don't like the idea of being able to buy your way through the game :P I mean what would come next? Buy yourself a 10x4 in any breed? If you want to pay for training pay someone else to train your dog :P
  • I agree with Ori and Furkat. <br><br>I mean, it'd be a good Idea, but it just wouldn't be fair to those who may not be able to afford it. I haven't spent a dollar on the game, and I've still be able to train my lines.<br><br>You'd just be able to speed your way through the game by paying for it. Money doesn't buy everything :lol:
  • I dont agree with it either, it would take a lot of fun out of the game and make it unfair, yes I have several sponsor accounts but I work hard to raise the money to pay for them, I dont have bags of cash that I can dish out wherever and whenever I want. <br><br>It is a stategy game, it is about choosing and taking pride in a breed, working hard to improve the stats through the correct training and breeding, etc. Just being able to push a button would take so much out of the game and I think it would actually make people *bored*. This game is addictive because you take pride and want to work hard on a breed, if you could just press a button it would take seconds and you could have a line of 10x4s within an hour? Surely after doing that a couple of times you'd get a bit bored with the whole thing - I personally think of this game as a challenge and pressing a button just takes that challenge away.<br><br>You said earlier that sponsors have unlimited:<br><br>
    <br>There's a large difference between a novice and sponser account XD You're payin 20 dollars for unlimited dogs, unlimited breedings, 200 training, boarding not to mention rescuing dogs from other people's kennels... I think that's a huge difference between an account that can only have so much. :3 Pah. If you want to be Super, buy a sponser and pay for the Auto Trainers. XD :)
    <br><br>dogs - nope, only as many as you can put in your kennels.<br>breedings - yep, but unless you're a sponsor breeder you dont really get any benefit.<br>200 training - nope, only if you're a sponsor trainer. Other sponsors only get 100 stats like everyone else. <br>boarding/rescuing - only if you choose this as your speciality.<br><br>Being a sponsor doesnt get you *everything* and you still have to play the game and pay for things the same as novices although being a sponsor does make things easier, I know of novices who are successful without the need for being a sponsor. So there is a difference between novice and sponsor but not as huge as you are making out.
    Sponsor training, breeding and boarding always open - just PM me!
  • <span style="font-size:75">Ahem</span><br><br>I'd like to say I appreciate all your views and opinions, now I shall comment like the irritating person that I am. ^_^ <br><br>
    Oriyana wrote:
    I personally don't like the idea of being able to buy your way through the game :P I mean what would come next? Buy yourself a 10x4 in any breed? If you want to pay for training pay someone else to train your dog :P
    <br><br>OMG! I wish! I can just picture that happening… buying myself a 10x4… XD Nah! That’d be way too easy. <br><br>Pay trainers to train for me, you say? o.0 I’d rather pay “Auto Trainersâ€
  • You seem to have answers for everything. 'bout the unlimited dog thing I was thinking in regards to my sponsors, I dont have unlimited dogs as I train and breeds and taking dogs in and out of boarding all the time drives me crazy but yes, you are right sponsor have unlimited dogs.<br><br>Just one question though. You say it isnt a button that suddenly trains your dog in a second, that it takes time to do, etc, so how would that work? Vp is a turn based game, so even if you had auto training you would still need to take turns - so you'd still have to click hundreds of times . . . <span style="font-weight:bold">I personally think you have come up with a very good idea </span>(although I dont agree with it) but I dont think it would actually be possible coding wise (or would be a LOT of work to do) and you'd still need to take turns so you can't avoid the clicking, and you cant take away the turn based system without having to completely recode the site as everything else runs on it. So it would have to be a button that does the training instantly which does mean you could have 10x4s in minutes . . . <br><br>And how would you tell it to groom till hyper then rh to max then groom till 11? :D
    Sponsor training, breeding and boarding always open - just PM me!
  • Honestly, I think the only thing I'd use this for is imports.<br>I take pride in training atleast 1/4 of my own lines.<br>AND, you'd still need to groom/RH as much as you need.
  • For someone like me, this will help alot.<br><br>I can't spend all of my time training because life just isn't that kind to me xD<br><br>Plus, I don't have the money to get trainers to groom my dogs till 11, that's about 2 mill Minimum each.. I can't afford that.<br><br>So therefore, I have at least 20 imports just sitting there untill the end of time because no one will train for me & I can't train them myself.
  • Wolfsbayne wrote:
    You seem to have answers for everything. 'bout the unlimited dog thing I was thinking in regards to my sponsors, I dont have unlimited dogs as I train and breeds and taking dogs in and out of boarding all the time drives me crazy but yes, you are right sponsor have unlimited dogs.<br><br>Just one question though. You say it isnt a button that suddenly trains your dog in a second, that it takes time to do, etc, so how would that work? Vp is a turn based game, so even if you had auto training you would still need to take turns - so you'd still have to click hundreds of times . . . <span style="font-weight:bold">I personally think you have come up with a very good idea </span>(although I dont agree with it) but I dont think it would actually be possible coding wise (or would be a LOT of work to do) and you'd still need to take turns so you can't avoid the clicking, and you cant take away the turn based system without having to completely recode the site as everything else runs on it. So it would have to be a button that does the training instantly which does mean you could have 10x4s in minutes . . . <br><br>And how would you tell it to groom till hyper then rh to max then groom till 11? :D
    <br><br>Lmao <br><br>I must have, if not all, most of the answers for the things I come up with. I mean... come on now! XD If I suggested something and couldn't back it up... I really shouldn't have posted it. :3<br><br>Pah! XD I'm sure there's SOME way to get my idea to work. Heck, maybe it'd work like the gifty thingy. Pay Nef (aka "Auto Trainers") to train the dogs and they'd wait a week before giving you trained dogs. <br><br>You ask about the grooming to 11. Pah. I never said anything about "Auto Trainers" doing anything excessive, it'd be up to you to do that extra grooming. So I guess Sponser trainers would still be making bucks. :3 <br><br>Bwahaaha! You can't stop my Oh-So knowing smarts! XD<br><br>
    Tattoo wrote:
    Honestly, I think the only thing I'd use this for is imports.<br>I take pride in training atleast 1/4 of my own lines.<br>AND, you'd still need to groom/RH as much as you need.
    <br><br>You'd still be able to train the 1/4 (or more) of your lines. No one would be able to force anyone into buying an "Auto Training". :3 <br><br>You know.. I wonder if it should only be able to train imports... o.0 that'd be something... like 200/280 imports only... Nah! What am I thinking? XD<br><br>I think "Auto Train" would mainly be for the lazy people and the people who would want to train but couldn't because of RL issues or whatever. :3 Of course they'd have to be able to afford it... Eh, more money in Nef's pocket. XD<br><br>Grooming and Rhing? Yep, very right about that. I was still debating on whether it'd be a good idea for "Auto Trainers" to only be able to 100/280 a dog... o.0 This idea is still being processed in my brain. XD
  • Well, I'm impressed by how well you can back up your material, but I still just don't like the thought of it. It would seriously take all strategy out of the game. You would not have the hard work involved, and it just seems like it would make things too easy. I like this game because it's not a Neopets type thing where you get four pets and earn money by playing silly games. This game is meant to be a challenge, solve problems, and to me, if you need to find a way to make money so you can afford to get you're dog trained, that's part of the game. =3 . The purpose of the game is not to have some auto-trainer go ahead and train for you really quick. It's hard to explain in full what I mean, but I just don't like this. However, don't take that as an insult, because it's clear you have a good idea here, I just don't agree.
  • Well, I'm impressed by how well you can back up your material, but I still just don't like the thought of it. It would seriously take all strategy out of the game. You would not have the hard work involved, and it just seems like it would make things too easy. I like this game because it's not a Neopets type thing where you get four pets and earn money by playing silly games. This game is meant to be a challenge, solve problems, and to me, if you need to find a way to make money so you can afford to get you're dog trained, that's part of the game. =3 . The purpose of the game is not to have some auto-trainer go ahead and train for you really quick. It's hard to explain in full what I mean, but I just don't like this. However, don't take that as an insult, because it's clear you have a good idea here, I just don't agree.
    <br><br>Why thank you! ^_^ <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Ahem</span><br><br>I do like the thought of "Auto Trainers". I don't think it would take the strategy out of the game, seeing as you'd still have to train the dogs if you want them maxed plus the others sitting in the kennel not being "Auto Trained". <br><br>I'd still have to work hard to get the dogs maxed and the others trained. Most people aren't going to want to wait a whole week for 5 dogs to get trained, which is why this would seriously be more helpful with people having RL issues and just not wanting to do them themselves. <br><br>The reason "I" like the game (Yes! You wanna know! XD) is posted on one or two of my extended posts. X3 I'm too lazy to retype them. <br><br>The game would still be a challenge. Once again, not all the dogs would be trained by "Auto Trainers" if you don't want them to be. Plus, if you really want a challenge, don't use Auto Trainers, let the people who need the Auto Trainer use it. You could still try to find a way to get the 20 + (give or take a few dogs) trained that aren't being "Auto Trained", that'd be strategy enough to me. XD<br><br>The purpose of the game is to put money in Nefs pocket and for use to try and get 10x4s by any means necessary. =3 (< = What I think.)<br><br>I understand what you mean, wheather I agree with your meaning or not, and I appreciate you posting it even if you don't know how. <br><br>I know you aren't insulting me, pah. I just hope you aren't insulted now that I've posted what I just did. XD<br><br>BTW, Thanks for responding logically and all mature like while telling me my idea sucks and <span style="font-style:italic">I </span>suck and I have not a clue in my head, you all. I appreciate it. :3<br><br>No! I'm kidding! XD But I do appreciate you all responding logically and maturely; I've seen alot of suggestion posts closed off because people wanted to gang up on others or the suggestion'er' took other people's oppinions the wrong way. X3<br><br><span style="font-size:59">*I think I'm going to go take a nap now, though... X3*</span>
  • I thought about it some more, and I think if this were to be done at all, it would be easier if the auto-trainers just completed skills for you. Skills, at least, would take far less coding, and would still create the demand for sponsor trainers. So that's my little input that might make me like the idea a bit more. Leave stats alone, do the skills, I think that's really the way to go if it's going to have a shot. ^^
  • I thought about it some more, and I think if this were to be done at all, it would be easier if the auto-trainers just completed skills for you. Skills, at least, would take far less coding, and would still create the demand for sponsor trainers. So that's my little input that might make me like the idea a bit more. Leave stats alone, do the skills, I think that's really the way to go if it's going to have a shot. ^^
    <br><br>Pah Shaw (< = My new slogan! :3) I think 200/280's the way to go, but I'm sure if this were to ever take root with the VP creators, you all'd be able to vote on what'd be the best thingy. :3 Or she'd just say skip it! 200/280! XD <br><br>Maybe skills and stats to 100? XD I can freakin hope! XD
  • I'd like to point out that I don't think coding an auto trainer would be very easy, so the money in the pocket may not be worth the pita it would be to code and the potentional of causing massive issues to the game while integrating it :P<br><br>Secondly I bet that auto trainers would lag the site massively!
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