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We need Sponsers to donate and we need novices to apply<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Please join


  • I Can donate some stuff
  • okay umm what are you willing to donate
  • Trained, nutered show dogs<br>Layouts<br>Banners<br>High stared dogs<br>um maybe some cash to Novices<br><br>do you need any help running it, i started a Novice helpm program a wile agao, but the i got grounded forever so i had to stop it.
  • Sure you could help all you have to do is join and i will put you in as an asst manager and i will add you for your donations thanks so much
  • novices has to earn cash...<br><br>so if you want to donate cash they either go to buying rare dogs or you can do it through giving novices in the program tasks to work with to earn money<br><br>we want them to show some intiative themself and learn to help themself as well so before they get anything they have to double their cash amount to 100k...then we give them fully trained dogs
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