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Great Game but ocaisionaly... (novices especially)

Sometimes I find that sponsers are kend of rude/mean to novices. Not ALL sponsers, but some are really hurtful! I don't mean like them saying no to training or something, I mean like when they write you after you post something or when they msg you and say that you are a puppy mill. but not like 'Hey, um ya know your kimd of a puppy mill. Thats not good ya know.' It's more like 'Your a really bad player! You over breed puppys and are always trying to sell bad pups!!! You don't like the game and don't even try!' <br><br>This is not the fault of all the sponsers, any of the game ops or Nef. This is just some mean, or possibly just inconsiderate sponsers. <span style="font-weight:bold">Just because you have an sponser acount dosn't mean you're better than novices.</span> If there were no novices, than who would pay the sponsers and why would the sponsers pay nef?
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"


  • Yeah,they are.SOME,not ALL,are bieng a total n00b about it.Just beacause they could afford the upgrde doesnt by no means mean thier better.Heck,I am a novice and look at how well **Sarge** is doing,and its only my second day her!Though I dont think the time waiting is fair but oh well,watche ya gonna do?
  • Ya! I know a lot of great sponsers! Like pom_suger_lump, she.he's so great! She's been helping me by training some dogs for really cheap and is always considerate. She used to be a novice and now is a nice sponser! But SOME sponsers... need I continue?
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • Its not just sponsers. I'm a sponser and I've gotten a lot of hate messages from novices. Some of them are rude too because they don't have sponsers.
  • At least we're not all like that. I am not mean or rude so please don't diss sponsors. But I agree some are rude but I haven't met any, luckily.
  • I need a sponser.
  • If you act moronic whether you're a sponsor or novice chances are someone's going to call you on it.<br><br>And if you try to sell lousy pups for crazy high prices or post pointless garbage on the BB like 'do u liek greenday?!!1' chnaces are someone is going to say something.<br><br>Though I do agree if you say something you should say why. Like if you reply and say 'puppymill' or whatever you explain that the parents aren't trained, or etc.. <br><br>You're free to breed all the untrained dogs you want but if you post on the BB or forum people are also free to reply with their comment.
  • yeah, I totally agree. Gwen is the nicest, I think. i have noticed one in paticular... lol. She's been on evr board of mine, and my friend. She's here, too! (well, she was here) She's mad because I never sold her my Canis Panther<br><br><br> I think that it's not fair of that one sponser wrote that they will pay novices, if they stay off their accunt. just becaue we aren't sponser, and don't trut sending money in 2 yhis, DOESN'T mean we should get off.
  • sing4me11 wrote:
    yeah, I totally agree. Gwen is the nicest, I think. i have noticed one in paticular... lol. She's been on evr board of mine, and my friend. She's here, too! (well, she was here) She's mad because I never sold her my Canis Panther
    <br><br>Dude, I have 11 imports left and over 8 million dollars in one account alone. If I wanted a CP I could get one. I just thought I would be nice and buy that one since you(yes you, just admit it already, you're not fooling anyone) were so desperate to sell them. Then you acted like a dork about it. Plus you have two kennels under the names Chelsea and summertime and you're a novice which is against the rules, both of them with same sob story about your dog so unless two seperate people had the exact same thing happen to their same named dog Shadow it's you, and now here on the forum you're pretending to be two people to get higher bids on your dogs or something. I don't really even know why exactly except you've ticked alot of people off under your other name. <br><br>So don't go trying to say I was mad about your lousy CP that was not even a foundie and had foundie stats. If I wanted a CP I could get a heck of a lot better one than that.
  • Well, this is right... <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"><span style="color:#00CCFF">buspar tablet</span></a> <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"><span style="color:#00CCFF">arava withdrawal</span></a> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"><span style="color:#00CCFF">prilosec overdose</span></a> <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"><span style="color:#00CCFF">pravachol picture</span></a> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"><span style="color:#00CCFF">denavir ingredient</span></a>
  • Oh, I'm sorry if I offended anyone. Some sponsers are GREAT! AND VERY, VERY HELPFUL! It's the one's that refuse to talk to novices or threaten to turn other sponsers against you if you disagree with their ideas or views that really tick me off.
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • A sponser just cursed at me...
  • Don't be ridiculous. A <span style="font-style:italic">Person</span> cursed at you, and depending on what you were asking them about, it doesn't matter if they were novices or sponsors when they did it. It could've been the Queen of England who said that, for all you know about them, it doesn't make a difference <span style="font-style:italic">what</span> someone is when they say something.<br><br>All a sponsorship means is that we've shelled out $20 to do some extra stuff on the game. Anyone can do it, maybe you were just talking to a Sponsor who acts like a brat, guess what, they probably were a novice brat too. A <span style="font-style:italic">person</span> cursed you out, it doesn't matter if they were a sponsor or not.
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • There is a queen of england?
  • .... *rolls eyes*<br><br>You're just frantically trying to raise that post count of yours, aren't ya?
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • No...I thought there was no queen of england...
  • You're not familiar with rhetoric then.
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • it just me..or are we have deja vu all over again? Please people, read the history of topics on this thread. Im getting rather tired of different people, posting the same thing. And getting the same result.<br><br>Ya know, if we didn’t change our minds the first 3 times, what makes you think we’d change our minds the 4th time?
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • Okay then,I dunno about sponser some are nicew some that wish there were no novices are not.
  • and that can go both ways. <br><br>Everyones crap stinks, I don’t care if your mother tells you otherwise XP.<br><br>*sighs* and this is the last time im going to respond to tightly closed minded and one sided threads like this.<br><br>IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITHER YOU ARE A NOVICE OR A SPONSER. =_= lordy. <br><br>It wasn’t a ‘sponser’ that was rude to you, it was a PERSON. <br><br>That’s like me going and saying: Man, this white guy was so rude to me at work today. And then say that people are rude based off of my experiences with certain races. <br><br>GET OVER IT. -_- <br><br>so some one told you off, cry me a river. How does that effect your game play? How does that effect anybodys game play? You shouldn’t let it effect you at all, we are only a bunch of text. If it effects people this much (since this is not the first time this has been brought up in the last month) then maybe you should reconsider your options, cause if people are this easily offended, I’d hate to see what they are like when mommy and daddy kick them out of the nest.
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • I WANT to have my own house.I'll just report the suckers,I mean pepole...
  • *gets out the can of raid* die you roach!! *sprays* XP lol
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • Wich roach? :twisted:
  • ..-_- it didn't work. damnit. time for the roach bombs.
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • Down Bara, she's waving a red flag for you. If you like, come sit over here with me, I've got soda, chips and a couple of poking sticks.
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • *runs around bara*
  • wee! Pokeing sticks *cuddels mage*
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • Chips mmm*stuffs all chips in big no actually HUGE face*
  • Hah! *pokes the now chip-bloated and immobile Lupess* That's why I brought those out first, knew you'd jump on them. *offers Bara brownies, and pets Anubis Heir (one of my 4x4 High aggression dobies) a la <span style="font-style:italic">Goldfinger</span>*
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • XP bad mage..i got work and college tomorrow and here you are offering me sugar at 3am XP
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • And let's not forget that chocolate has caffeine in it too. *grins innocently*
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
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