Once again, thanks again Rally for this amazing idea, I've always wondered what people think is my sanity level.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Rate Queezle's Sanity:</span><br><br>1. Normal, calm, a bit boring. She never posts with smilies, and I don't read her posts because they are like a text book with the boringness.<br><br>2. Somewhat crazy, alot of smilies in posts, fun to talk too, never get's out of control. Great friend, but sometimes dull.<br><br>3. In between crazy and normal. Kinda a normal, average person, ocasional smilie or a lol here and there. A over-all great friend.<br><br>4. Crazy like no tommorow. Makes up words occasionally and laughs randomly. Too many smilies per post but great to talk to. Good to be on her good side, no close friends.<br><br>5. Watch out for this crazy chick. Don't get on her bad side. Smilies afer every sentance, and makes up random words like Supercalifragalisticsupermanalidocous.<br><br>1000000000000. <span style="font-size:167"><span style="color:red"><span style="font-weight:bold">Stay Away</span></span></span> You never know when she'll bite, or laugh randomly. Always know where the emergency exits are. One at the front, two on either side, and one through the back where you can run like hell.