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Business Skill & Item Crafting *UPDATED*

edited October 2004 in Game Suggestions
<span style="color:red">TOTALLY new perspective for this idea. After a few days of brain storming, this is what I have some up with (at 3:am) XP Anything in Red has been newly added! I have left the original parts of the post.</span><br><br>Since you can only have 200 fame points...what to do with all the other points?<br><br>There is an option to buy +1 point in a stat for any were from 80-100 fame points, but that’s to high for my blood, and to me seems like defeating the purpose of training. <br><br>We have 4 skills and only can max 2 to 100%. Ands yes..we can move Fame points around to help other skills...but what about this instead. Maybe add Item Crafting as a 5th Skill and allow us to max 2 ½ or 3. <br><br>As players keep playing the game, they are bound to have way over 200 fame points. Im sure most of you already do. So how about being able to but toys and training items for your doggies?<br><br>There could be a Puppy Supplies Store were we could buy things with fame points (or money) and all the proceeds could go to VP Retirement or a shelter?<br><br>Or sponsers could have another skill of “Item Crafting”.<br><br>We could craft items to help our dogs focus and learn better. I know that some dogs in real life when training they get easily tired if it’s not a challenge..or they get distracted.<br><br><span style="color:red">Sponsers have business skills. At 50% skill our dogs are featured for sale and what not. After 50% what about working up crafting skills for managing a store? That’s business like right? LOL<br><br>If allowed to run a store we can create the following:</span><br><br>Friendly: <br>Toys-balls, frisbees, sticks, bubbles.<br>Supplies-Grooming brushes to keep them clean, and gain trust. <br><br>Aggression: <br>Toys-a Tug Toy<br>Supplies-a Foam Arm, an Attack Dummy.<br><br>Adaptability: <br>Toys-Stick, Bone (something natural and comforting)<br>Supplies-Doggy Beds, Blankets, Crates. <br><br>Loyalty: <br>Toys-<br>Supplies-Treats*<br>Little doggy treats that you can give to your dog after each time they learn a new skill. This could be a way of reinforcing good behavior, to let the dog know he did well.<br><br>Courage: <br>Toys-any kind of toys<br>Idea-You can assign two dogs to play with each other so they can socialize and develop courage. This Could Also help with adaptability. Since some times dogs need animal companions. This could also lower hyperness. I know for a fact that pointers in real life are extremely hyper animals, and behave better when they have a play mate that they can tier out. <br><br>Hyper: <br>Toys-There are these cookies made with natural things. Like oats and peanut butter. They are specifically made to give a an energy boost, and since it’s all natural, it wont harm the dog. However to much of a good thing can make a dog sick. The cookies would raise hyperness for active dogs. And the idea above about a play mate, would lower hyperness. <br><br>Strength: <br>Toys-Tug toy (even tho it could be used for aggression as well).<br>Supplies-Dogs have weight pulling you could build a harness and weights for your dogs pull and build up strength. <br><br>Intelligence: <br>Toys-These little Cubes that you fill with food. And it’s supposed to be a puzzle for the dog to figure out. <br>Supplies-“Dummies” you take a dogs favorite toy..hide it some where..and it’s their goal to search, rescue, and retrieve. <br><br>Endurance: <br>Endurance will slowly raise with other training. It should just come naturally. <br>Supplies-Treadmill. Show dogs are exercised on these so they do not mess up their coats. <br><br>Speed: <br>Supplies-Lures. You take a piece of fabric..or toy..something to resemble a rabbit maybe. And you tie it to this track..the dogs chase is and it helps their speed. It’s how they race dogs.<br><br><span style="color:red"> At a certain % we can be able to create toys for a certain skill. Starting at 50% and gaining 6.25% for each skill obtained (to make it an even 50% more).<br><span style="font-weight:bold">LOYALTY </span> create at 56.25%<br>Treats<br><span style="font-weight:bold">HYPER</span> create at 62.5%<br>Cookies<br><span style="font-weight:bold">FRIENDLINESS</span> create at 68.75%<br>Balls<br>Frisbees<br>Sticks<br>Bones<br>Grooming Brushes<br><span style="font-weight:bold">COURAGE</span>–since you cant really buy anything for courage. You could have your dog play with other dogs to built up their confidence (tho playing with them and rewarding them do this naturally). <br><span style="font-weight:bold">INTELLIGENCE</span> create at 75%<br>Cubes<br>Decoys<br><span style="font-weight:bold">STRENGTH</span> create at 81.25%<br>Tug Toy<br>Weights<br>Harness<br><span style="font-weight:bold">ADAPTABILITY</span> create at 87.5%<br>Dog Bed<br>Dog Crate<br><span style="font-weight:bold">SPEED</span> create at 93.75%<br>Lures<br><span style="font-weight:bold">ENDURANCE</span> create at 100%<br>Treadmill<br><br>These items above could have a 1 time use. Like 1 toy for each dogs stat. Forgive me for saying this. Since I don’t know how to express it better. But how VHR has tack. Each Item of tack makes a certain skill raise 10%. These items could raise them a certain % BUT ONLY 1 TIME. <br><br>Example. For friendliness, there are 5 items there. Each item could give your dog a (2%) stat gain for Friendliness. And you would need to purchase these 5 these items to meet your full (10%) stat gain.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">FRIENDLINESS</span><br>Balls–(2%)<br>Frisbees–(2%)<br>Sticks–(2%)<br>Bones–(2%)<br>Grooming Brushes–(2%)<br>Total Gain: (10%) or 10pts. For Friendliness<br><br>However to create these Items, It would have to cost us something as well. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">FRIENDLINESS</span><br>Balls–$10<br>Frisbees–$10<br>Sticks–$15<br>Bones–$15<br>Grooming Brushes–$20<br><span style="font-weight:bold">ADAPTABILITY</span><br>Dog Bed–$50<br>Dog Crate–$100<br>LOYALTY<br>Treats–$25<br><span style="font-weight:bold">COURAGE</span>–since you cant really buy anything for courage. You could have your dog play with other dogs to built up their confidence (tho playing with them and rewarding them do this naturally). <br><span style="font-weight:bold">HYPER</span><br>Cookies–$25<br><span style="font-weight:bold">STRENGTH</span><br>Tug Toy–$15<br>Weights–$30<br>Harness–$60<br><span style="font-weight:bold">INTELLIGENCE</span><br>Cubes–$10<br>Decoys–$20<br><span style="font-weight:bold">ENDURANCE</span><br>Treadmill–$1,000<br><span style="font-weight:bold">SPEED</span><br>Lures–$20</span><br><br>Please feel free to add on to this. I want to have everyone brain storm.<br><br><\__~<br>..// \\..<br>Bara of Celtic Rose Kennels
"One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb


  • NO no buying items with fame points! That bad<br><br>Me never get fame points :cry:<br><br>Yeah! You should be able to put several dogs toghether, and see how they react. <br><br>Me like that idea<br><br><br>Courage should be a ball. They think its prey (yeah, weird) they need to have the courage to go after them
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • No.. see if VP had it;s own supplies could pay in Fame..or in cash.<br><br>But fame points are really strictly fopr sponsers. Sponsers piel up fame points quickly..and what are we to do with the extras? <br><br>We coudl take the extras, and make craftable items to sell to players like you and other people for enchange of cash instead of fame points.<br><br>And for curage i think its best if they have another animal to play with..instead of an object.
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • yeah, a skill! would work!<br><br>And mabye you should be able to put up to 4 dogs toghether.
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • i agree i would love to be able to use my extra fame points on that that would be alsome :)
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • Thats a great idea. It is such a waste when you have all these leftover fame points with really nothing to do with them. Also crafting items gives you a break from training for awhile.<br><br>I certainly vote for this idea to become reality :D
  • well no. you woudl still ahve to train your dog. This woudl just got a little booster for them. and I dont think you'd be able to sue them every turn..or else peole woudl be going crazy with them<br><br>daand can spend 80-100 fame to get +1 point in one of the dogs stats..but eh.
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • I really like the idea as well, great thinking! :D
  • Steel wrote:
    I really like the idea as well, great thinking! :D
    <br><br>Ditto!<br><br>But we have to add a couple things just for fun like Trophies and studed or spicked collars and little sweaters for toy breeds and big dogs too (I dont do little dogs) ect.....<br><br>You know like how VHR has saddle pads, the dont really do anything, but are there just because........<br><br>Oh, let me add, please no choke chains or pinch collars though.. I have seen too many idiots walking around litterally choking thier dogs... you know all it takes is a week or so to train a dog to walk by your side instead of dragging you down the street! Urrg it makes me so mad!
    I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Grow your own dope... plant a man.
  • with you on the choke chains Tiffany! :D<br>its the same sort of ppl that punnish their dog for running away once its back, and any one with common sence can see what that leads to lol no pups gonna come to you when you start yelling if it knows it will be punnished once you get a hold of it.
  • Choke and prong collars are only bad when used wrong. Sometimes a dog needs one for many different reasons. I've trained using all different types of collars and buckle collars are impossible to use for many big dogs because it has no effect on them at ALL. Choke chains are not meant to CHOKE the dog thus the reason trainers call them slip or training collars, prong collars are great for dogs that have HUGE amount of hair because they can't feel any pressure from a slip or buckle. My sisters 130lb AkitaXMalamute needs a prong when on walks or training because she will not listen to anything else , even treats. Well I'll stop before I say more that people don't like to hear.

    Vixen Kennels brands star with VX .
  • Tiffany wrote:
    Oh, let me add, please no choke chains or pinch collars though..
    <br><br>Well, I use choke chains but that is because I walk 4 golden and flatcoated retrievers when I walk and it does /sometimes/ get hard when you have to control all these dogs. And these dogs ARE trained but sometimes the dogs may see something eg. a pheasant and try and run/fly lol after it cause these are gun dogs.. but yeah, I do not think they hurt them much. Like when I just stop to tie my shoelace etc, Indi (little flatie lol) always tries to jump up at me and lick me :P and she doesn't actually notice she is wearing it. We use these on all the dogs except Jazz (who is a bit old and you have to pull her along :P) and the two pups, Teal and Star, and Rags, their father. Teal, Star and Rags don't have it because they show A LOT (Rags has been to Crufts since he was a pup - 3 years nearly and Teal or/and Star will be going next year) and it can sometimes mess up the fur. And also, if they do pull (like Shelley who always wants to eat grass and Kai who just had a litter of pups and has only just started going on walks again, has been very excited the past month because she hasn't been out and about for ages), we use Haltis which slip over the ears and mouth. It is then fastened below the mouth and so when they pull, if you pull back, the head is pulled back and they slow down. Shelley doesn't mind it because she is just used to it (on the starts of walks, she always rubs her nose against the ground trying to get it off but then stops cause she can'tbe bothered to do it any longer) and so doesn't hurt her :)
  • I have found that large breeds with lots of hair that tends to pull can easily be walked just by using A) a Harness since they can feal the pressure better B) by takeing the leach and make a noos around their tummy and they will stop pulling at once although you gotta be carefull if they do rush of at first since they can hurt themselfes if you hold em to hard.<br>as for using harder things on pups that dont obey-you are approaching the issue from the wrong way, its just like with horses you dont use a hard bit on an untrained horse, its first once the horse knows whats is expected from him you can ride with an easy hand and a hard bit.
  • I'm not completely against choke chains and pinch collars, because they do have their place, and some people find that they work very well. It's only certain people that misuse them and allow them to practically choke their dog -- that gets me a little ticked. <br><br>However, I do agree that they aren't always necessary. If you read up on what to do with a dog that pulls really bad, often a lot of time can cure the problem in around a week, like Tiffany said. And if they still have a bit of a problem with pulling, you could look into buying a Halti (head halter), which allows a lot of control over the dog. And then there's also those special harnesses that rub against the dog's armpits uncomfortably when they pull, and I know people that find those to work well, too.
  • Yeah in the real world I have used choke collars to train and if used right they are fine but as a vet assistant we show/teach people how to use the correctly and I do believe it is a common practice.. Our vets suggest these collars only when the owner id going to train the dog not as a perminent implament..... I just thought it would be a good idea not to have them to acctually keep the contraversees down not start any.
    I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Grow your own dope... plant a man.
  • i still love this idea!
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
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