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edited January 2007 in Game Suggestions
I'm getting a little tired waiting for another sponser to play their events - usually these players ask too much money and expect to get entirely fulled events :roll: <br><br>And I've tried messaging these people to get them to run their events, like pulling teeth :? <br><br><br>I had enough hassel trying to fill my events with merely a $10 fee...<br><br><br><br>I think that there should be a limit on how many days an event can remain un-run until it is automatically run.<br><br><br>I mean, look at this<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>3 days quickly approaching four - somethings got to be fixed
BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune


  • I don't like the idea. <br><br>A lot of people make events and wait until they are full and then run them.. You get more money and the dogs get more points, I think.
  • more dogs in event = more points dogs who place get, also = more fame points for running the event I *think*
  • I disagree.<br><br>When events get several days overdue, you can ask Ops to run them if it is important to you.<br><br>However, the idea of charging "too much money" as an entry fee confusing me. For people with good eventing dogs, $1000 events show good returns. I believe it should be up to the individual what the entry fee is - I myself tend to only enter $1000 events when I have giid eventing dogs. [not that I event that often]<br><br>Still, that's not the point.<br><br>IMO, its up to people if they want to wait for their events to be at least half full, or almsot completely full before they run them.<br>And as I said, if you ask an Op to run long overdue events, they almost always will.
  • *cough*<br><br>If you want more dogs and more fame points than the simplest way is to make the events cheaper than the average $1000. <br><br>Reason why<br>Novices don't want to pay that much when that much money can go to breeding animals instead of wasted on an event where the chances of their dogs winning are slim to null<br><br>Many sponsers, myself included, don't enter those types of events unless serious about showing simply because it is a waste of time waiting for another person to consider running that event.<br><br><br>That kind of explains why in a previous general discussion post why events had so few entries.<br><br><br><br>and I'll prove this by a simple test<br>$10 fee entry <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>$1000 fee entry <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>$0 fee entry <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>$100 fee entry <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • yes .. if you want more fame points.<br><br>However, not everyone evetns for fame points. <br><br>Just a note: I am also a sponsor =]] Not that it makes much difference. I also happen to know that many sponsors do enter "that type of event"- I believe its a roughly equal split. <br><br>I also don't appreciate the idea that all novices are poor, and want to spend all their money on breeding. I know that some novices have a lot of money, more than some sponsors, and when I was a novice, not all that long ago, I know I had over 1 million VPC. <br><br>That clarified, back to the point.<br><br>I do not wish to turn this post into an argument between the two of us. <br><br>Equally, the idea of novice's dogs having no chance of winning also makes me think .. my first dog, a border collie, won a handful of events, and placed in others. <br><br>My point: I disagree with your suggestion. My reason: People may wait for their events to be full to earn more money or points. They may simply be delayed a day or two in getting online.<br>Many people out to earn money from showing [a common novice way to make money, by the way] use the $1000 events [which sometimes fill slowly] with their well trained dogs to gain bigger prizes if they win or place.<br><br>And as for your evidence, i could, with a little effort, find a full $1000 event and an almost empty $0, so i personally feel it is worth little.<br><br><br>If you wish to continue picking holes in my argument, you're welcome to. However, IMO, that is not the point of this thread. In posting in game suggestions, you are inviting others to disagree with you, and express their opinion on the idea. <br>I've given you my opinion and my reasons. I'd thank you to accept that my opinion is different from yours, and take into account my reasoning.<br><br>Thank you,<br>Arctic
  • Yes I do enjoy a good verbal "spar" as the old saying goes... but that doesn't mean I'm going to sit back while you poke holes in my idea Artic :lol: <br><br><br><br>Anyways, I didn't say novices were poor, my indication in the mindworks of a novice - trust me I was a novice for over a year on this game - <br><br>Is why spend money of events where your dog has very little chance of winning any money when compared to dogs trained by sponsers or novices with enough money to request a sponser trainer to train their animals?<br><br>Similarly, the multi-starred pointed dogs mostly come from sponsers and the more advanced/mature novices who have common knowledge on how to play the game and actually get somewhere.<br><br><br><br>My point to the previous posting was look at it this way<br><br>As a novice with a poor trained dog, why spend that 1k on an event where that money could most likely be lost when you can use it for breeding, get so many pups, and then sell those pups to other players for a possible benefit/increase in playcash.<br><br><br><br>Similarly, with sponsers who wait and wait for events to be run, it turns many sponsers off of simply entering because the only way to get that event run is to message a game op - and most of the cases the events are of so little importance to the actual entry that what's the point with such a request???
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • BrunDrake wrote:
    Yes I do enjoy a good verbal "spar" as the old saying goes... but that doesn't mean I'm going to sit back while you poke holes in my idea Arctic :lol: <br>
    <br><br>haha me too :P
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