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no breeding limit?

edited November 2004 in Game Suggestions
it just seems anoying having a limit...what do u all think?


  • depends what limit you mean. On VHR you got 12 breedings a week, then it was reset. on here you get 25 breedings never to be reset. So the VP kind of limit or the VHR kind of limit?
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • Well.. seeing as I am a sponser, it doesn't matter to me but you have to remember that you get a lot more pups than you get foals on VHR cause you can get 6 pups often when you only ever get 1 foal on VHR
  • Well I would say 1 breeding per week, seeing as after those 25 breedings even if it may take a while to use em all up, after that what are you to do ? especially if you breed for colour and such :D although some can upgrade I just barely managed to upgrade on VHR
  • This is why you find breeders, and then ask them to breed for you. When the pups are born you then buy the pup you want. Its actuallyt very realistic. ;)<br><br>If say you want a Salt& pepper to breed to a Red& White, just to see if you can get another color, just ask a breeder who has the female you'd like to bred, and find a stud.<br><br>Then the breeder and you make a deal. :)
  • What?? That limit is for ever? It should /atleast/ be reset yearly. I mean, as realistic as 'the going to the breeder to breed you a pup' is, I'd rather use my own dogs and I'd rather not have to always get someone else to do it.<br><br>Also my litters always tend to be of 1 or 2.. But yes there should be a limit but not a permanent limit. It should be like the vhr limit.<br><br><br>(And I swear.. if someone says ' omg then just upgrade your account if you want to breed.. I'll kill them ;P)
  • Oops, that last post is mine. :lol:
  • yeah exept that kind of breeding costs money, and if you breed your two dogs toghether, its free. And what if they trick you by taking the money for the lease and not breeding your dog. And if your breeding a certain kind of dog, thats alot of hassle. Becuase when your breeding a certain kkind of dog, you usely breed it when alot. So imagine the leaseing costs and buying the puppy cost. And if you made a deal the breeder could keep one, and only got one puppy, how would you work that out?
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • normal dog owners get 1 or 2 dogs at the breeder of their choise however most people that are into showing their dog breed it themselves with a suitable partner, as it is now novices arent considered to be breeders if I have gotten it right but merely dog owners :D
  • Alana: Basically yes. ;)<br><br><br>Kaliegh: Get a sponsor account ( bad sense of humor ) ;) *runs like mad to keep from dying!!* ACK! <br><br>Oreo: That makes sense, and yes you can't really protect yourself from scumbags who play this game as if you can WIN it. :P<br><br>This is not a game one WINS at. You keep going, keep breeding, keep playing. If you get a top dog, whoopie! If not, you can still play. Its not like the game is over. <br><br>Sadly there are people who are buttholes. You just have to find out the good ones over the bad. With the game so small still, this is easier. Once it gets bigger then you have issues.<br><br>Maybe if the game is rest yearly, that would help keep the over-breeding down some. Or if people would Neuter/Spay their dogs more in game? *shrugs*<br><br>Breeding costs money no matter what though. You are paying for the pupies feed once they are born. Asking a breeder to breed for you, you can swap out a deal with them. Rather then pay for the stud fee, you can offer them choice.<br><br>I've offered folks I've traded breeding stock with, if not choice, then more then one puppy. In fact If I pay the stud fee I keep choice, and wil give the buyer all the rest of the puppies. Yes the buyer doesn't get the "top puppy", but that doesn't mean one of the siblings won't out preform them. ;) *chuckles*<br><br>But as you said, you can't trust everyone. Plus when real life jumps in and you can't get back to a previous contract, the buyer will feel jipped. It happens. :/<br><br>I would suggest a rating system for breeders, but then that would eventually become a populairty contest. :P<br><br>In the RW you can find out a lot about a particular breeder if you do a little research. ;) This way you can protect yourself.., maybe there could be a way in which something simialr happens? *shrugs* Like Ebay's Star rating system?? *grins*
  • I agree that there shouldn't be a permanent (although I also think that a year is a bit much...) limit. even if not weekly, why can't we have one that is, say, monthly?
  • Monthly sounds good. And lower breedings, like 15 breedings a month
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • *nod* even 5-10 breedings per month would be better than 25 for always!
  • I agree with Oreo. We don't have to have a lot of breedings, just enough to keep our kennel going here. And Drakenhart, some people can't afford to upgrade. I sure know I don't so please stop saying that people. :D
    Come visit me for quality italian greyhounds! I always have new pups coming in so don't forget to stop by regularly.

  • I wish this would change I want to be a Great Pyrenees breeder but i cant because of the breeding limit and I cant buy a sponser acount my parents wont let me :cry:
  • Um, may I mention something here? If you only breed once a month, you can be breeding dogs for 2 years and 1 month. That's kinda how I'm working things. Then, maybe you'll be able to get a sponsor account. If not, you've still had too years to build up a kennel and should have plenty of good show dogs. <br><br>*Dodges rotten veggies*
  • I am no sponcer and yet a great breeder I just ask sponcers to lease my female and breed her only takes a turn or 5 if hses not in heat at the moment most do it for a pup or around 100 and some even do it for free so I no longer see the issue the same way as I did when I first heard of this, now i say lets leave it be breeding isnt everyting as some might belive I see way to many people advertising pups from untrained parents and thats no way to help breeds or make money on here.
  • Well, <br> I think it is actually pretty realistic. In real life a dog can breed same as it can on this game. As you breed, your dog ages. Takes the same amount of weeks for the dog to have puppies on here as it does in real life. And then it actually take longer in here till the dog comes into heat again. Cause in real life a female can come back into heat immediatly after giving birth!<br>So since they try to base this off real life as much as possible, I think that the breeding limits are perfect.
    MASTER TRAINER Zoolady of Honeydog Ranch
  • how about if there has to be a limit why no limit the breeding per dog..say females only can have 2 breedings n males 5 or 6....if u get what i mean.<br><br>but i defo think that there shouldn't be a permanant limit. :evil:
  • Yeah... i agree that it should be like, a weekly limit. but one problem could be that you are a breeder and a lot of requests come in and they can't wait and they won't pay you...
  • Perhaps a breeding limit of 10 and have it reset monthly. That might work out, but there are so many breedings already... eh...ignore me. Anyways, you could always search for a really trustworthy breeder(which would probably be hard... v.v) and just lease your dogs on a breeding contract to them and have them breed them. <br><br>Hm...just a suggestion. But I understand all of your frustration. Heck, I'd be frustrated too with the only 25 breeding limit. :P
  • yea i think 10 breeding per month would be fine..or even 5 a month would be better then 25 4 ever :P
  • yes I suggested this too
  • 5 :D
    Proud to be specializing in Alaskan Klee Kai, Arctic and Timber Wolves:
    Destiny Kennel
  • I agree that not everyone can afford to upgrade their accounts-especially if you have accounts on both VP and VHR. That just gets waay to expensive. I'm not a kid, so I don't have to ask my parents, BUT I do have a son and a husband that come first.<br>I also agree with the idea of breedings not be limited forever. Novice players only have limited ways of being able to make money and keep their kennels up and running. However, resetting them sounds like a much better idea that would more than likely work for everyone. There are alot of decent sponsors on here, just like on VHR, but there are also some that are real jerks and just want to make money.<br>And, for whoever would like to become a Great Pyrenees breeder, please come by my kennel sometime. I have a breeding pair of Great Pyrenees and would be more than happy to sell you a pup for a very reasonable price if you're interested. :wink: [/b]
  • Hmm...<br><br>
    Novice players only have limited ways of being able to make money and keep their kennels up and running.
    <br><br>I have to say that as a novice I make absolutely no money on breeding and selling pups its actually like in real life a loss to have pups as they cost more than I get for em at sale.<br><br>the best way to make money on here is to Show your pups and for that you dont need loads of breedings, I make around 50K a day from eventing so please dont say breedings is a good way to make money coz it really isnt :D
  • well, for me it is.. I've got a few well trained almost stat-maxed trained dogs, but they still stink in events...
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • i think the limit if prefectally fine. Here on VP we breed in litters. the chances of your dog having more then one pup at a time is higher then just having 1 pup. This also puts a limit on the amount of neglected dogs. However..neglected dogs will still happen. Keep in mind that a novice account is the same as a trial account. Most trial accounts..or trial anything ends in a certian time periode.
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • The only problem I have with leasing my females out for a sponser or someone else to breed for me is.. they will be missing weeks worth of training, and since I am not a sponser and I've been training my own dogs (haven't missed one week of training :P) I woulden't like for them to be forced through weeks just to have the pups.. I still excersize, train and care for all my pregnant females.
    Dea di oscurita'
  • Does the sponsor that you lease the dog to HAVE to keep the dog during the whole gestation period? And can't novices that are out of breedings still purchase pregnant dogs? What I'm getting at is can't you just lease your female in heat to a sponsor for 1 turn, the sponsor breeds the female to a stud, and then returns it? I'm asking this because I'm a novice that still has all of my breedings.
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