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edited December 2006 in Artist Alley
Well I absolutely love redrawing my old pictures, so I decided to do it again!<br>The last time I did this was around a year ago. But I was digging around and found my <span style="font-size:150">VERY FIRST</span> piece on the computer. I took it, redrew it in /almost/ the same pose. <br><br>The picture itself should be pretty much self-explanatory. Enjoy!<br>(This piece I did in 1 1/2 hours in Photoshop 7.0 with my Wacom Graphire2 4x5 tablet)<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Hopefully some other people will do the same. Please redraw a picture and post it here! I look forward to seeing it!!<br>And a poll for the heck of it.


  • Wow O.O This has given me hope that maybe someday, I will improve too. XD<br><br>I'm going to try to find an old picture that I did and redraw it to see how much I've improved so far. ^^
  • ^.~<br>Anyone and everyone can improve.
  • :shock: :shock: :shock: <br><br>If You Open to The Public DRAW FOR ME!!!<br><br>lol<br><br>what program do you use?? Im trying so hard to try and do this.. but i dont know what to download :cry:
  • Omg i love that picture, could you draw one for me
  • Please redraw a picture and post it here! I look forward to seeing it!
    <br><br>Here's mine XD<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>I tried to do it as close as possible. Atleast I'm getting somewhere.... :D
  • Well I absolutely love redrawing my old pictures, so I decided to do it again!<br>The last time I did this was around a year ago. But I was digging around and found my <span style="font-size:150">VERY FIRST</span> piece on the computer. I took it, redrew it in /almost/ the same pose. <br><br>The picture itself should be pretty much self-explanatory. Enjoy!<br>(This piece I did in 1 1/2 hours in Photoshop 7.0 with my Wacom Graphire2 4x5 tablet)<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Hopefully some other people will do the same. Please redraw a picture and post it here! I look forward to seeing it!!<br>And a poll for the heck of it.
    <br><br>i have photoshop elemnts 4.0! how do u do that...maybe its the same

  • Maybe I should do Photoshop lessons... Cause I know Photoshop like the back of my hand XD<br>If anyone is interested please post. Maybe I'll make a new thread or something.<br><br>Charisma: Wow!! You improved so much!! And honestly, you'll probably surpass me by the time you get to my age *feels old* >< *stares at her 7th grade picture in comparison to yours*
  • IM INTERESTED!!<br><br>I Really want to learn how to use this stuff
  • <br>Charisma: Wow!! You improved so much!! And honestly, you'll probably surpass me by the time you get to my age *feels old* >< *stares at her 7th grade picture in comparison to yours*
    <br><br>Thank you! :D <br>Back then, it seemed like it was the best picture I had ever done...and now when I look back at it I've realized how much it sucked :lol: <br><br>I got a tablet though...and a new program so I'm sure that helped a lot ^^<br><br>I'd be interested in learning about photoshop too :D
  • Grr everyone has tablet!!! i want one!!!<br><br>how could i tell my mom why i wanted one.. i do want to learn how do do all these awesome photos though and i love to draw
  • Hm... don't get a tablet unless you really need one.<br>Okay! This can be turned into the Photoshop learning board! Or would you like me to make a new board?<br><br>We can pick a topic and have everyone draw something according to that topic/lesson. :D
  • Hm... don't get a tablet unless you really need one.<br>Okay! This can be turned into the Photoshop learning board! Or would you like me to make a new board?<br><br>We can pick a topic and have everyone draw something according to that topic/lesson. :D
    <br><br>Love the idea flutey :D But I need to get photoshop first >.<
  • I ould, except I don't have photoshop... :x <br><br>But anyways, I think that Flutey and Charisma have improved a whole LOT!! Your pictures are amazing!!!
  • oh does elements(photoshop elements) or what ever its called does it work like photoshop?
    Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para
  • Its not that i NEED Tablet.. i just really want one..<br><br>Id love to beable to draw nicely without smudging it and getting led all over myself... beable to colour...It sounds like so much fun!!
  • We can pick a topic and have everyone draw something according to that topic/lesson. :D
    <br><br>That'd be fun! :D
  • that would be fun!
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