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just say awsome!

edited December 2006 in Artist Alley
look how do u like them?<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />



  • Wow..... Those are so awsome.
  • rally could you tell the first lineart was by muah! lol
    People say i like shorty a little too much?
  • It looks very nice! But I'm afraid you don't rock. Some helpful tips would be to make sure the eyes are in the right spot and to work on paw structure. Other wise it looks great! <br><br>(I comment on structure only)
  • I think they are good! :D
  • :shock: there awsome :lol: may i color one
  • o_o<br>I dislike it when people have no sense of modesty. Even if it is for a joke :P
  • Modesty is a very good quality, but even I like to brag about something I'm proud of (and I've done it about... 5-8 times in my lifetime. :3), so I see nothing wrong with it (as long as it's not excessive). <br><br>So... It's obvious that you like them. I recommend paying attention to blood more. While the blood animation is cute, it is odd since the whole body should be convulsing in the effort to squeeze the blood out, plus the throat should puff out a bit depending on how much blood. Also, the entire row of teeth wouldn't turn red before the blood hits them, it makes no sense. You could consider rearranging your sequence so that it shows the red teeth last (and perhaps some blood dripping from them, since that's a lot of blood). Don't forget that the eyes would close (tightly).<br><br>You look like you're using the magic wand tool, which is good, but also is tricky. You're lineart was thrown out of wack because of it. Instead, take your time and color on a layer underneath your lineart all around the edges. Once you've gone around the whole form you can "fill" it with the paintbucket tool and then clean up the broken parts.<br><br>Muscle, always remember that even your most cartoony characters have muscles. It's the difference between an over shined image that gives the eye a very flat impression and a varied image that tricks the eye into believe it is three dimensional.<br><br>And remember to color the whole image in if you're going to call it a final work. Your last dog was quickly done, if you adjusted your brush size then it would make things easier to fill. :D<br><br>Because of your animation I'm not sure if the program you used was Paint Shop Pro or PhotoShop, since they both come with animation programs. I was refering completely to Photoshop, but the programs are similar.<br><br>Hope those TIPs helped. :D
    My Kennel
    Breeder of VP's first 4x4-8x4 weims
  • o_o<br>I dislike it when people have no sense of modesty. Even if it is for a joke :P
    <br><br>is that a bad thing or good thing? if its bad i didnt mean anything by it i just forgot to put lol after just say it i rock or whatever sorry i know i have a long way to go! lol flootey......urs are the absolute greatest! lol

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