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Novice Account Time Out



  • I believe her about the molestors becuase I like near LA and in a 5 mile radius we have at least 10+ convicted or accused child molestors. We actuall had a guy living next to us that would do innapropriate(i cant spell) things to young girls. But you should be able to do something to make some money. Try cleaning up without be asked, mopping the floors, washing your parents car etc.
  • Like I've stated, doing that is my job already... It's the price of living. XD Ah well... I will find a way.. I'll hold sword fighting demonstrations at the local community center or something...
  • Ashige, there are websites like MapQuest that will show you the closest post office and the route to take to get there. If it's too far to walk, do a search for a local bus route.<br><br>As far as making money goes, it's a lot tougher now for kids than it used to be just because of safety. One thing you could try, if you know anybody nearby that needs it, is house cleaning. Believe me, there's a lot of people out there that would rather pay somebody else to do it. :lol: including me :lol:
    Guardian Angels
    Well, my dog loves me.
  • edited August 2005
    There's an idea, but again, there are a bunch of people my dad does <span style="font-style:italic">not</span> trust.... And some of the people he doesn't mind, I know too well then to trust them. :)
  • You cann't put a IB ban on every computer.I go to the library every day.I have a few basic kennels along with two upgraded kennels.I'd be very mad if I could not get on my basic kennels because of a IB ban.I"m thinking of getting another upgrad and having maybe one or more basic kennels to go along with it.Mail me if this may go into effect.<br><br><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
    Looking to buy African Wild Dogs.
  • Ashige- Maybe you should save up vp money for a sponser account. Cause once in a while there is a sponser account for auction in the forums. Yeah, it would take a while but it would work right? lol<br><br>I've been playing this game for about a couple weeks.I really want one (like all novices) but I don't have all these excuses for not buying one with real money just that my parents think it's a waste of my money and not to do it. But I'm saving up with vp money to buy one.<br> :D :D :D
  • EURECKA! (sp?)<br><br>Answer and a half to the IP things... I was just on a site, I'm not saying which since it was kinda lame... Anyway, they had an option that VP doesn't, LINKING ACCOUNTS!<br><br>You go to your management page, put in your player ID number and your password for the account. Click the link button and you can transfer money or animals between accounts without the hassel of "This is an illegal transfer" I don't know if VP has that message, I remember seeing it on VHR though...<br><br>BUT! this could be used to "sponsor" novices and to link our own kennels so that when we have "Sponsor Time" our novice accounts won't get locked!
  • Ashige, as far as your making money delemma. Why not try something crafty?<br><br>For instance, I make jewellery and I bring in <span style="font-style:italic">at least</span> $60-$80 a month, half of which goes back into the product. <br><br>I feel you on the heat issue( I live in Carson City. Similar climate), when its 110 degrees out you jsut dont feel like doing anything besides stay in the nice air conditioned house. <br><br>But I would suggest the jewellery front. You dont even have to go outside! Just make practice a bit until you get the hang of it then start making your female family members wear your pieces and stick business cards in their wallet/purses to hand out when someone asks about it. Set up a website and take photos of the pieces you make then when people ar einterested they can use the site on your business card to purcahse jewellery if they are interested.<br><br>You dont even have to worry about web space either. If you have cable interenet (this is an if) they normally give you free web space.
  • well im not really up for the novice time-out thing because even though im a sponsor i made a deal with my parents that i would only do it for one year. then its back to being a novice for me! so the fact that i did pay for the game and that i know that when my account exspires that i cant play anymore isnt a very pleasant thought! and even if i raised the money my parents wouldnt allow me to buy it myself because they dont want me on the computer during school feeling like i almost have to be on because its payed for and i dont want to pay for soemthing and never use it (which ends up happening)
  • I'd make jewelry, and my dad would teach me, if those idiots hadn't taken off with all his tools... x_x My parents also think it's a waste of my life. I laugh in their faces... :lol: <br><br>Oh, and a problem about the novice account things... My dad told me my comp has what is known as a 'floater', which means everytime I log in the ISP is different. Trippy. <br><br>And I do have internet cable, or something very like it, but my dad eats all the webspace... e_e +beats down dad with a twig+ And usually with bussiness cards and what-not I need a pay pal account, which means I need a credit account, which usually means I need a credit card... And those and I don't mix.. O-o I'm a whole thirteen years old, so I'm stuck in school most of my life.. :roll:
  • It doesnt take paypal to do any of it. Only if your planning on selling it over the internet.<br><br>You only need the following tools and they tend to last you your jewellery making lifetime:<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Basic needlenosed pliers </span>(at the most 5 or 6 dollars)<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Scissors</span> (please tell me you have those)<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Crimping Tool</span> (at the most its about 7 dollars)<br><br><br>Thats all you need plus some $2-$3 dollar jewellery twine and beads which both you can buy at your local craft store and/or Micheals. <br><br>As far as Cable Internet goes I dont think it matters if your dad it 'eating' up the webspace, however I may be wrong so Im hoping Sable will answer that question.
  • I have scissors... But it comes to the never ending question: How am I going to pay for the tools? XD And as for selling the jewelry- I could sell it in my general area and stuff I suppose... Hmm... :D
  • You could go without the pliers, just dont make wire jewllery. All you would need are the breads, crimp beads (used to close twine and hold peice together), and the cimping tool.
  • Okay, I didn't check the whole thread since I'm fairly tired from fishing, and I wanted to say something..<br><br>I like your idea, Nitty, and I say that <span style="font-weight:bold">daily</span> novices should have the max of 1 hour on the game. They have 24 hours to use it, and once it's used, they must wait until the exact time the next day to get on. It would help site speed too. I mean, what do most novices do? Condone puppy mills with the time they have, and make the site lag.
    back for a bitt. =D
  • Since i am a sponser, i love this idea. But novices arne't the only ones who slow down site speed, thier are 60+ sponsers online on a dialy basis.
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • Ok, this probably won't be taken seriously but, when you think about it, this game resembles a food chain.<br><br> You have Nef, being the creater and ultimate 'She Who Must Be Obeyed<br>- Nef wouldn't have the game if she did'nt have sponsers because she would go bankrupt da-de-da-de-da<br><br>Than you have game ops<br><br>Then you have sponsers.<br>-sponsers would go bankrupt (on vp) if they didn't have novices clamoring to get their services.<br><br>Then you have novices<br><br><br><br>What would be the point of buying a sponser if there was no one to train for or breed for etc.? It would put sponser rescue kennels out of buissness because there would be no dogs to rescue. It would put boarding kennels out of buissness because sponsers have unlimated kennel space. It would put trainers out of strong buisness because it is quite easy to get enough fame points to become a trainer. It would put clubs out of strong buisness because over half the players would be gone. It would make shows less succseful because most of the players would be gone that normally enter! I beleive it would ruin the game, even for sponsers! it would be boring and easy. Who wants to play something boring and easy???<br><br> This is my opinion. Is it resonable? I don't know. This is how I think, is it right? Who knows. Does it make you think about the consequences of something so extreme? I hope so.<br><br>
    <br>Please note that I am not trying to defend the players who use this site for dating, game advertising etc. I am simply standing up for those who are not allowed or have no wish to upgrade.
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • I don't think most sponsors make their money on novices.<br>Generally I've noticed that sponsors import and train for other sponsors generally because they have the money to pay and generally novices don't.<br><br>I don't offer training or breeding and I make plenty of money. (my sis does train on SableAntelopeIII publically from time to time but again it's mostly only for other sponsors who can afford it. Novices generally can't pay the prices)<br>I make my money winning/hosting shows, selling dogs, studding dogs and the only service I ever really offer is art commishes. Then again because it's 2 mil a pic it's only really sponsors who can afford it.<br><br>So no I don't think any sponsor is going bankrupt do to account time outs for novices.<br><br>Not that I necessarily agree with a novice account time out, just I think there's a lot of falicy in the reasoning not to have it because it would crash the VP economy. <br><br>Look at VHRO, that's a sponsor only game and there's a healthy economy on there.
  • Generally I've noticed that sponsors import and train for other sponsors generally because they have the money to pay and generally novices don't.<br>
    <br><br>+waves arm around+ I cans afford junk! :D +has 2+ million, which is alot on her standards+ And I'm making more as I speak by entering eventes.
  • That's not the general status of the novice population though, hence the gratuitous use of 'generally'.
  • Ah. They needs to work harder then. :twisted:
  • SableAntelope said<br>
    I make my money winning/hosting shows, selling dogs, studding dogs and the only service I ever really offer is art commishes.
    <br><br>When you think about it though, many of the pwople who entery your events are probably novices. Right? Well they would'nt be there any more. I'm sure that a few novices have used your studs, right? Well, they would'nt be there either. As for personal pics, i agree, not many novices get hand drawn ones but I had to complete the quote :roll:
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • I make no money off of novices. I dont train for the public and i bairly ever sell any of my dogs to novices b/c i dont want them puppy milled. I'm not saying all novices do it, but I dont take the risk
  • Ya, but if novices were gone, who would annoy you???? Lol!<br>*runs around like a mad woman laughing histaricaly*
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • Ya, but if novices were gone, who would annoy you???? Lol!<br>*runs around like a mad woman laughing histaricaly*
    <br><br>You totally lost your point... Also most of the players who show are sponsors, I rarely see a novice entering my events unless it's a novice account of a sponsor player. Novices aren't around to annoy us, they just happen to do it.
  • No most of my events are run with sponsor entries and most of my studs are 1 mil plus so no not many novices do use them.<br><br>Sorry, it's just not a very good reason. Not that there haven't been reasons raised on both sides of this discussion in this thread, just that happens to not be one.<br><br>VHRO being the best example to the contrary.
  • Also most of the players who show are sponsors, I rarely see a novice entering my events unless it's a novice account of a sponsor player
    <br><br>If this is true than how do so many novices become 'grand master handlers'?
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • Also most of the players who show are sponsors, I rarely see a novice entering my events unless it's a novice account of a sponsor player
    <br><br>If this is true than how do so many novices become 'grand master handlers'?
    <br><br>Did I say ALL? If I did, please show me... There's over 10,000 kennels, and that was when I checked over a few months ago... Most of them are novices, active or not, there are only a handful who show, but it doesn't take a million and one shows to get 100 fame points...
  • Yes grand master handler has to do with fame points, not actual success as a handler or shower. It's also the only skill title that novices can set, so if novices have a skill title set it has to be that one.
  • Ok, this probably won't be taken seriously but, when you think about it, this game resembles a food chain.<br><br> You have Nef, being the creater and ultimate 'She Who Must Be Obeyed<br>- Nef wouldn't have the game if she did'nt have sponsers because she would go bankrupt da-de-da-de-da<br><br>Than you have game ops<br><br>Then you have sponsers.<br>-sponsers would go bankrupt (on vp) if they didn't have novices clamoring to get their services.<br><br>Then you have novices<br><br><br><br>What would be the point of buying a sponser if there was no one to train for or breed for etc.? It would put sponser rescue kennels out of buissness because there would be no dogs to rescue. It would put boarding kennels out of buissness because sponsers have unlimated kennel space. It would put trainers out of strong buisness because it is quite easy to get enough fame points to become a trainer. It would put clubs out of strong buisness because over half the players would be gone. It would make shows less succseful because most of the players would be gone that normally enter! I beleive it would ruin the game, even for sponsers! it would be boring and easy. Who wants to play something boring and easy???<br><br> This is my opinion. Is it resonable? I don't know. This is how I think, is it right? Who knows. Does it make you think about the consequences of something so extreme? I hope so.<br><br>
    <br>Please note that I am not trying to defend the players who use this site for dating, game advertising etc. I am simply standing up for those who are not allowed or have no wish to upgrade.
    <br><br>ok i have a few things to say!<br>well first of all, i do agree on tiger woman.. if all the dogs were stat maxxed to 200 then it woulnd't be so special to have dogs that sat maxxed, i think that its not a good thing for the site to be used as dating or advertisement, its made for simulating haveing a dog of yur own!but i am a novice account and yes there is ways for me to make money and i will try, but i mean what if parents simply wont let u have a sponsor account! (my parent wil though)and i deffinently like the idea of like sponsors for for novice kennels. anoher thing is i didn;t get hooked on it until at least 6 months into ownign one! and 3 months is half of that! i think that it just isn't fair! and also if u BIG BAD sponsors had not as many novices then u wouldn't be so big and bad! Also if i cant get on VP then i cant get into chat! and i LOVE chat!! well yah this is the only chat that my mom has approved of! yes i know that i wcould get the adress or wtvr then i could go to the chat, but it would never be the same :( i think hat yes some novices just puppy mill and thats annoying, i think that its a good idea to do that thingy where people sponsor novices !
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