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Novice Account Time Out

edited January 2011 in Game Suggestions
I'm ready for the hate mail so read this and let it rip...<br><br>Ok, there's thoughts being thrown around about novice accounts timeing about after a certain amount of time, the general consensus is a month but I do kinda think 30 days is a little tight. I'm personally thinking 3 months, you know, enough time to make mistakes but save yourself and make a nice niche. It's also enough time to make up your mind about whether or not you actually like the game enough to pay $20 for.<br><br>Unfortunately the only way it could work is to code an automatic IP ban because if the idea was ever tested out, those who had accounts closed down would just make another one and move all their dogs and play for free for another 3 months before it was time to move on again. Which would mean more novice accounts that are sitting around being useless. The "frozen" accounts couldn't be untouchable but the novices would be automatically directed to the upgrade page where they would have the option of upgrading or just look at a single screen.<br><br>Now I know I'm going to get the usual posts of "That's not fair, my parents won't let me upgrade!" or "It's too much money! I can't afford that!" or even "I can't make a money order, it's too expensive and I don't know how!" Guess what children, I live on Long Island and it only cost me 92 cents to make a $25 money order, 5 more bucks that you have to. Everything on LI is generally more expensive than other place... Yay for the Hamptons, rich punks...<br><br>Anyway, you can save up your allowance, escpecially since most (not all, so don't start yelling saying that you don't, I know not every kid has rich parents, me being one of them) kids these days are kind of spoiled and get a rediculous amount of money for their allowance each week. Money orders aren't even hard to make, go to the post office and make one, you just have to fill out a quick form and BAM! You're done. Then just mail it off to Nef and your set, it'll take a couple days longer than using a credit card or PayPal, but it's still worth it none the less.<br><br>Anyway, back to the original thought, the site is bogged down like no ones business, mainly because the VHR novices can't just go out and play for an hour or two, so I say lock out novice accounts after a little while, even if it's after a few months.


  • I personally will go for anything that keeps novices out. I know I use to be a novice but some novices now-a-days are using VP for ridiculous reasons. To advertise there own site, to fool around or kill time, use it as an online dating site (lol trust me, I've encountered that a few times). Anyways what about us sponsors who have novice holding accounts?
  • Thats where the IP thing comes into play, if all accounts created from the same IP as a sponser account were grouped together then their novice accounts wouldn't be affected. There would also be a problem with only one upgrade needed per household but that would be a lot better than multiple novices paying nothing, at least there would be one upgrade coming in. There's over 20,000 acounts, lets say only a 5th of those were upgraded, thats still a lot of money coming in, about $80,000. Of course most of that is going towards server costs and the like, but still, theres only about how many actual sponsors that play?<br><br>Probably not enough to completely cover the costs, let alone any other labor costs she may endur, I don't know, I don't have any real figures to look at, unless I ran a census. Then again, I'm not gonna go through 20,000 accounts, most of which are probably abandoned.<br><br>The timeing out thing would probably deter novices trying to sell their accounts since the novices buying it wouldn't know when they'd be locked out of them anyway.
  • I'm rather in favor of the idea, and 3 months to make up your mind sounds like a good time-limit. I played as a novice for 1 month and then upgraded, so three months to decide allows for lots of time to think.<br><br>If it'll increase site-speed and let me train dogs in a couple of lazy hours, it'll be worth it. Besides, I'm tired of being mobbed by some of those self-absorbed little snots that have nothing better to do than to ask me what other games I play in.
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • Not all novices are bad, and not all of them are in a position to pay for an upgrade. If Jinxx hadn't been able to get me one as a gift I'd still be a novice, since I have been unemployed for over a year and am an ADULT and any money I can scrape together goes to pay bills and such. Yes, I managed to get several sponsers, both through friends helping me and through using stuff I'd gained on here, but not everyone can do that.<br><br>I'd really hate to see some of my friends have to quit just because they can't afford an upgrade. But I fully expect to hear all the sponsers chime in that they should just pay then. <br><br>Course if they did do this they could always solve the problem of multiple novice accounts owned by sponsers by adding the back kennel sorta like a rescue to all sponser kennels like I suggested when the actual sponser types were added (though I know several people have posted trying to get credit for that idea since). <br><br>Actually I haven't really noticed much of a being bogged down since they did the upgrade the other day..but I've also been busy and not sitting on here all day. VHR has lasted a long time with novice accounts like they are, I think if anything VP needs to be cut loose of VHR completely so what they do doesn't affect us.
  • Yeah, I know what you mean, VP opened back in August and some of the novices I've played with since then only just upgraded now. I guess a script that would make more sense would get rid of the abandoned ones. It's not like you had no intention of upgrading though, and I doubt you had spammed players, or harrassed anyone. I would suggest something like a player by player basis thing, but that would do nothing but have Nefs email swamped with kids begging to not get shut down, what I do think is a good idea would be to put an IP lock of some sort to make sure that only one account could be made per household, or maybe two if it's valid that there's more than one kid that plays.<br><br>Keep in mind, I'm not putting down people who had every intention of upgrading, maybe something like if a novice can't upgrade for one reason or another, a sponsor could "take responsibility" for that novice, like a sponsor but of a different sort. I'd have a better expanation but the thing I'm thinking of escapes me at the moment.
  • sorry about the short post, but I'm about to go to bed. I totally agree that novies should only have 2-3 months to upgrade before they're frozen with an IP ban thing. it would bring so much more mney in for nef along with get rid of the un-dedicated people that come on just to kill time
  • <br><br>Keep in mind, I'm not putting down people who had every intention of upgrading, maybe something like if a novice can't upgrade for one reason or another, a sponsor could "take responsibility" for that novice, like a sponsor but of a different sort. I'd have a better expanation but the thing I'm thinking of escapes me at the moment.
    <br><br>Perhaps.... a Sponsor? Like, someone who sponsors for someone else, maybe? :D
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • Mage wrote:
    <br><br>Keep in mind, I'm not putting down people who had every intention of upgrading, maybe something like if a novice can't upgrade for one reason or another, a sponsor could "take responsibility" for that novice, like a sponsor but of a different sort. I'd have a better expanation but the thing I'm thinking of escapes me at the moment.
    <br><br>Perhaps.... a Sponsor? Like, someone who sponsors for someone else, maybe? :D
    <br><br>You're like my new best friend! ::Huggles:: When I wrote that I couldn't think of what to say that would make sense... I didn't want to say it but something like an AA sponsor, someone to look out for you... I'll probably get banned for that statement alone, but I can't think of a better analogy.
  • along with get rid of the un-dedicated people that come on just to kill time<br>
    <br><br>But it's a game, isn't that what it's for? *L* <br><br>Though I think like 6 months is long enough to either decide you want to continue playing or upgrade. It'd be nice if there was 'pool' option. So say a novice player joins and is very nice and has lots of buddies but can't afford to or isn't allowed to upgrade or whatever. Players could put money in paypal in a pool to upgrade them. Instead of just one person chipping in the whole cost someone could give 5 someone could give 2 someone could give 10 someone could give 1. It might make it easier for them to get sponsored. And say if in a month they don't get the required amont the people who put the money in would get a refund or have the option to apply it to someone else.
  • My initial response to the 'pool' idea was that it would be really nice. Then I flashed on all those people who beg for money to feed their poor, starving puppies, and I shuddered. If I wanted to hear 'Mommy, buy me this!' my kid wouldn't have four legs and a tail. :P I'm in favor of the pool idea if someone can figure out a way to keep players from harassing others for money.<br><br>
    Mage wrote: <br>Nitara Dahmpiel wrote: <br><br><br>Keep in mind, I'm not putting down people who had every intention of upgrading, maybe something like if a novice can't upgrade for one reason or another, a sponsor could "take responsibility" for that novice, like a sponsor but of a different sort. I'd have a better expanation but the thing I'm thinking of escapes me at the moment. <br><br><br>Perhaps.... a Sponsor? Like, someone who sponsors for someone else, maybe? <br><br>
    <br>How about a mentor? It's kind of a guide/benefacter/advisor type person.
    Guardian Angels
    Well, my dog loves me.
  • <br><br>You're like my new best friend! ::Huggles:: When I wrote that I couldn't think of what to say that would make sense... I didn't want to say it but something like an AA sponsor, someone to look out for you... I'll probably get banned for that statement alone, but I can't think of a better analogy.
    <br><br>Heh, you're welcome. I don't think that would be worth a banning though, since you aren't calling anyone a drunk.<br><br>Like Marleen said, I was thinking that Sponsors could sponsor for up to two different novices [by checking on the IP] (just to stop any unscrupulous novices from making multiple accounts and keep them open if they just happen to have a paid Sponsor buddy), basically take them underwing and say, "Yes, they're novices, but they can't upgrade right now, but I'm saying they're cool to stay and that I'll look out for them."
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • Mage wrote:
    <br>Perhaps.... a Sponsor? Like, someone who sponsors for someone else, maybe? :D
    <br><br>I really like that idea. It's like keeping the good novices that play this game cuz they want to have fun and actually play by the rules and keeping the bad novices who use this site as advertising/dating agency/etc. out. :D
  • What if pools are hidden except for sponsors? That way a novice doesn't know if they're getting polled or not?<br><br>I just think it would be nice if a few people could front the cost rather than just one.
  • What if pools are hidden except for sponsors? That way a novice doesn't know if they're getting polled or not?<br><br>I just think it would be nice if a few people could front the cost rather than just one.
    <br><br>I like your idea a lot, theres a few people I wouldn't mind chippin in a couple bucks for.
  • <br>Anyway, you can save up your allowance, escpecially since most (not all, so don't start yelling saying that you don't, I know not every kid has rich parents, me being one of them) kids these days are kind of spoiled and get a rediculous amount of money for their allowance each week. Money orders aren't even hard to make, go to the post office and make one, you just have to fill out a quick form and BAM! You're done. Then just mail it off to Nef and your set, it'll take a couple days longer than using a credit card or PayPal, but it's still worth it none the less.
    <br><br>The only problem is that I don't get allowence -ever-. I do chores and what-not, but my parents claim I'm working off my 'living' expensenses... And unfortunatly, very few people tend to enjoy me on VP, and the ones who do can hardly afford their own sponsor account, if they have one. <br><br>I encountered a game like VP last month... It was quite addicting, but only had a seven day trial. Then -poof-! Without -any- warning, my account froze up and -all- of my virtual critters died or were sent off to the pound. I, myself, don't even bother playing games that are strict P2P... I usually don't even bother trying them...<br><br>I have been playing VP since it came out.. Before that I was a VHR addict, but it's changed... If someone took away my VP, I <span style="font-style:italic">would</span> go into withdrawls, as sad as it may seem.
  • Miroku wrote:
    sorry about the short post, but I'm about to go to bed. I totally agree that novies should only have 2-3 months to upgrade before they're frozen with an IP ban thing. it would bring so much more mney in for nef along with get rid of the un-dedicated people that come on just to kill time
    That's the only reason I get on... Is to majorly kill time.. That and I'm a bid dog fan so I tend to latch onto what ever semi-free virtual dog game that comes my way...
  • Ashige wrote:
    The only problem is that I don't get allowence -ever-. I do chores and what-not, but my parents claim I'm working off my 'living' expensenses...
    <br><br>So you couldn't be covert at all? Like asking for a couple bucks for the movies, then just hanging out at a friends house and pocketing the money... If it were school season I'd say go without lunch for a week or so, sounds harsh but if you want something bad enough you have to make sacrifices.
  • I get free lunch at school, and I don't hang out at random places... My parents rarely trust me wandering the streets alone, none the less going to the movies... +sighs+ Besides, at this rate, I couldn't afford one anyway. All my could-be money is going towards buying my dad new tools because someone broke into his truck and stole near $15k worth of tools.
  • Hmm... Your dilemma is completely understandable, but what I don't understand is why you resign your self to the "fact" that you will never have enough money. <br><br>Collect cans on the street... Do your parents drink beer or anything? Take the cans/bottles to the store with you next time you go. <br><br>Look on the ground when you walk, gutters and grates often hide dropped quarters and dimes. I once found a five dollar bill on the ground.<br><br> Check pockets before you do the laundry. My mom claims anything she finds is hers because she always does the laundry. <br><br>Sell some old toys or books in a garage sale. Salvation army might pay small amounts for old clothes that don't fit you. <br><br>Ask for money for christmas and your birthday instead of that new video game. Technology only gets cheaper, you know. <br><br>If you have anything at all that might interest friends at school (pokemon cards, action figures, old gameboy games) you can sell them. No school is a school without an illegal black market. :D <br><br>...Just a few ideas for geting money. Few that I have had to resort to, as I do get an allowance... But useful notheless. Think along the lines of salvage and you could rake in the change in no time. :wink:
  • Well, the problem with some of those is I live in Arizona. It's too hot to go outside to do -anything-.... School doesn't start for another 2 1/2 weeks.. My parents check their pockets, as well as all the other pockets in the house before putting it in the laundry room...<br><br>I'd do a car wash except we have three second degree child molesters on our street alone... Our store doesn't exchange bottles/cans for money... My step mom steals everything we don't use and donates it to good will... My birthday is in January, and I believe we all know when Christmas is...<br><br>And joy for the black market... Except we (seriously) don't have one at our middle school. I know of at least ten cops that partrol campus.
  • Well if you have an excuse for everything then you'll never get the money. I grew up on a farm in a place where many of my friends didn't even have running water. We still found ways to make money.<br><br>And if you can't even go outside in your neighbourhood to do a car wash or walk dogs for folks or mow lawns maybe you should really talk to your folks about moving. <br> :?
  • Well if you have an excuse for everything then you'll never get the money. I grew up on a farm in a place where many of my friends didn't even have running water. We still found ways to make money.<br><br>And if you can't even go outside in your neighbourhood to do a car wash or walk dogs for folks or mow lawns maybe you should really talk to your folks about moving. <br> :?
    Hmm... What can be done in Arizona... <br><br>Walking Dogs= Dogs get burned paws... Save the puppehs!<br>Car Wash= How many people are stupid to let a thirteen year old wash their car?<br>Mow Lawns= There's an idea. If we had lawns around here, I'd be -happy- to mow them! :D<br>Moving= Let's go to Scotland! :) <br><br>I've tried a lemonade stand, I've tried a toy auction, I've tried selling my neopets accounts on e-bay (talk about desperate!)... Maybe I'll try a bake sale... Where's the flour.... :wink:<br><br>I love being pessimistic! If I only had five dollars in real life for every million on VP... xD
  • I think Sabe was referring to the 3 child molestors on your street, although for some reason I think that's a load of BS, but I'm normally wrong about everything.
  • I think Sabe was referring to the 3 child molestors on your street, although for some reason I think that's a load of BS, but I'm normally wrong about everything.
    xx We gotted three different reports in the mail... I'll scan them if I can find them! :o
  • Ashige wrote:
    I think Sabe was referring to the 3 child molestors on your street, although for some reason I think that's a load of BS, but I'm normally wrong about everything.
    xx We gotted three different reports in the mail... I'll scan them if I can find them! :o
    <br><br>It jsut seems weird, like all the child molestors flock to Arizone, precisely where you live, and I think Sabes right, if that's the case I wouldn't stick around in a neighborhood with pedophiles walkin around, especially CONVICTED pedophiles.<br><br>Personally, I'd be infuriated at my parents for forcing me to live in a situation like that, what's the point of being a kid if you can't go out and play without the fear that theres someone, possibly nextdoor to you, that's going to try to prey on you.<br><br>My upbringing wasn't much different than Sabes, I grew up on a potatoe/corn/sod/vineyard, never had much interaction with kids my age other than school. I grew up kind of handicapped when it comes to socializing with people because I never really did, my mother died when I was 8, I had been living with my grandparents since I was 6, but I always found ways to earn cash.<br><br>I was the princess of all the local farm stands and horse farms. I worked my butt off when I was a kid, for 20 bucks a weekend I busted my butt taking care of 12 horses, I had my friend helping me (another farm brat) but it still wasn't easy.<br><br>O.o I get off topic so quick it's unbelievable...<br><br>Anyway, personally I don't think you have the drive to do anything, I think it's just larthargy and excuses. When I worked on one of the horsefarms near my house my grandmother wouldn't drive me in the mornings nor pick me up at night, so I had to walk a mile and half in the summer heat, plus Long Island is so insanely humid in the summer, walk around all day carrying grain and walking horses, then walk another mile and a half home after 10 hours of being on my feet. For 20 stinking dollars...
  • Let's see... I've never lived in the same place for more than three years (unless you count that I lived with my grandma for five).... I volunteer at the zoo, and would volunteer at the dog shelter if they didn't want me to pay $250 each year...<br><br>There are CMs everywhere, not just in Phoenix... There's a couple near my grandma, and at least one near where my friend lives.<br><br>I'd go out and do stuff, but I was up all flippen night with my dad on look out for the accursed thieve that stole my dad's tools. I would babysit (again), but my dad won't let me. I've also tried to open up a small critter grooming (ferrets, rabbits, gerbils, etc), but the only one I washed was my friend's ferret... And I didn't get payed then anyway.<br><br>I admit I'm not the most outgoing, but I -have- had $20 saved for a VP account, but my dad wouldn't let me use it because he didn't trust the neighborhood enough to send it by mail, he had to 'work' (on his web site) so he wouldn't drive me to the post office, and they wouldn't even consider paypal. My grandma is the same way.<br><br>But I do try... At the moment I'm (attempting) to learn Le Parkour, but that's not turning out too well because the best place to jump is over five miles away, and no one thinks my futile attempts are good enough to waste gas on.
  • Nitty, it doesn't need to be that all the ones in the state came to his area, it's just that there are <span style="font-style:italic">so many</span> child molesters and rapists out there these days. I found a thingie from the state department that lets you look up who's in your area, let me see if I can find it here.
    I am always willing to train for gift-colored Pit Bulls. Running 28 shows a day and counting ^_^
  • Nitty, it doesn't need to be that all the ones in the state came to his area, it's just that there are <span style="font-style:italic">so many</span> child molesters and rapists out there these days.
    <br><br>Her.. xD Common mistake, I know, thanks to my player name... It's Japanese for something, but I don't remember what.
  • You can't walk to the post office?<br><br>See I dunno. Seems ridiculous to me. People in a lot tougher circumstances who love this game have found ways to become sponsors with out an excuse for everything.<br><br>And you can't live your life in fear of what someone might do with you. Everywhere in the world has it's problems, violence, disease, crime, etc., people live in the situations they have.<br><br>And ND I grew up working at a ranch too. That's how I bought my horse.<br><br>And Ashige is really just a proper name, comes from a 'grey dappled horse'. Though it can mean leg hair. *L*
  • I could walk if I knew where it was. I know I make excuses for just about everything, but it's no excuse to lunge at my throat. I was just expressing my opinion, as it is my right. I understand if you think I'm lazy or something. but in truth I'm not... <br><br>I doubt that Nef will make it so there's trial accounts, because the fun part of this game is that it's free.
This discussion has been closed.