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The color dye change

edited October 2006 in Game Suggestions
You know what, nevermind, I've taken this to Nef. If you're unhappy with the change I suggest you do to. The Ops don't have the power to do anything but argue about it anyway.


  • Wait what happened? I missed whatever new 'fix' was made
    I'll miss you Sernie<3
  • edited October 2006
  • oh so like Say I made a color <br><br>ex. Sunset w/ splashed paws<br><br>and then someone decided they liked it they could pay to get it as well?
    I'll miss you Sernie<3
  • I pretty much breed for those colors and, of course, stats, so I dun really like the shortcut this presents.<br><br>And, this has pretty much made keeping a color rare worthless. WHeee! I can make as many as I want, and dye them back to normal later [/sarcasm]
  • edited October 2006
  • Hadn't thought about it that way. I agree that stinks :(
  • :? I see know I just looked... But for lab your choices are still Golden, Black and Chocolate
    I'll miss you Sernie<3
  • This doesn't stink.<br><br>Rare colors awere valued at nothing anyways. People could just import dogs to get the "Rare" Color.<br><br><br>Now we get to choose the color, or so to say. Which, I think its GREAT. I've always wanted Pure WHITE [Non Racist Remark] Maltese lines. <br><br>I think this was to give Gifties more value. Now, there are no more "rare" colors. Only gifties.<br><br><br>You should be thankful that Nef has actually done something :wink:
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • edited October 2006
  • I honestly don't think this is THAT big of problem.<br><br><br>Rare colors would have become more populated ANYWAYS.<br><br><br>I think this isn't that big of deal. This will bring less value to Rare colored dogs, which weren't valued that high {color wise}.<br><br>People get to choose the color now, its fine. Its not that big of deal.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • edited October 2006
  • I see exactly what you mean, and have nothing against your opinions (I actually agree with your reasons). But what's done is done, unless Nef was to un-do the change, nothing can be done about it now. <br><br>I personally like the option, mainly because it allows me to change any gift colored dog with high stars I might not want and want to sell out to the public to a non-gifty color. <br><br>Yes... I did too feel pride when I got my OESs a "rare" color after a million breedings, but I've decieded to look on the bright side and hope and pray I don't accidently click the change color button on one of my fingers do have a way of slipping... <br><br>Maybe I don't have anything to worry about though, I have yet to use the button myself, if a "Are you sure you want to change the color?" pops up, thank goodness for Nef and her helpfulness with people with slippery fingers such as myself. XD<br><br>I can only suggest you look on the bright side, Squall, and be glade she didn't allow "All" the colors (including already made dyes) to be available as a color. :wink:
  • I understand what your saying Squall.<br><br><br><br>I like her add on. And, I always will.<br><br>-Done-
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • BlacknTan wrote:
    I pretty much breed for those colors and, of course, stats, so I dun really like the shortcut this presents.<br><br>And, this has pretty much made keeping a color rare worthless. WHeee! I can make as many as I want, and dye them back to normal later [/sarcasm]
    <br><br>Exactly. It makes my efforts at actually KEEPING my color rare worthless when someone can breed a zillion of their color then dye over it and go..look, I'm responsible, I'm trustworthy..I have rare me millions for my rare colors. <br><br>It's not rare, it was bred and bred.
  • edited October 2006
  • edited October 2006
  • Really, why do you have to be responsible about keeping your colors rare and not destroying the trust other people have built in you by not breeding colors? :roll: <br>I'm kind of leery about letting my colors out intact now that people can breed them, and just dye them when they're done.
  • Really i am with mini on this his reasoning is really reasonable! :D :P <br>Not to say that yours isnt squall but i like the idea :D :?
  • edited October 2006
  • I just have one thing to say - I was bashed about the adding a "don't make dye color in offspring button," on that it was too hard to do for Nef because she had to do every giftie and blah, but I guess that we don't have to worry about that. We can just change the color :roll: <br><br>But I do disagree, and that's the end of me. *poofs*
    back for a bitt. =D
  • XD<br><br>Ah well... at least I tried. I've already said what my thoughts on it were... Really don't feel like going on about something that can't be changed... but, then again, guess if I were you I'd want to rave and rant too. XD Can't blame me for trying though, can you? =3 <br>I'm sure this'll boil down and everyone will look on the good side like I am and see it isn't as bad as it may seem. =3<br><span style="font-size:75">People always want to look at the bad instead of the good nowadays...</span><br><br>Alright! I shall leave you all alone seeing as I'm pretty sure no one wants to be bothered with my irritatingly high spirits. XD<br><span style="font-size:75">Hope you don't leave becasue of this, Squall, even if I don't agree with alot of the things you say </span><span style="font-size:59">(most of the time)</span> <span style="font-size:75">I still respect your opinions and they way you bringing things to light in only a way an adult can </span><span style="font-size:59">(or very smart kid)</span><span style="font-size:75"> (even when they are usually looking at the negative and not the positive, IMO).</span><br><br><span style="font-size:75">-Now Done, I shall Disapear-</span>
  • I wouldn't have been so harsh on this if there was a way you could determine it was a dyed a little asterick* on the 'rare' dyed pup, so you know it isn't true or something.
  • edited October 2006
  • Just my thoughts..<br><br>It upsets me that Nef did this. <br><br>The idea has been turned down before, and we have so many other problems with the game. I don't have any personal background with this, but I understand and feel for the people that do. I've watched some of my friends work to get great colors and stats with their lines, and now that's all gone down the drain. I know that it takes a lot of time, and great patience in order to be able to breed and breed and breed till you get the color you want. It made the game more challenging for all vpians striving for color, and now it's easy. Not to mention it ruins the work of the people who have accomplished it the way it was before. I'm so sorry to all people who worked hard for their hard earned colors.
  • Is it honestly that hard to get the rare colors?<br><br>You just have to breed and breed again, until you get a good litter.<br><br>Theres not really that much work involved. [In My opioion]
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • edited October 2006
  • Squall, in my opinion that is the most baised opinon poll I have ever seen, you kinda left out the choice of, yes I like it because I feel it will keep my colors rare.........all your choices are well, biased.<br>Go for it, flame away LOL :lol:
  • edited October 2006
  • We had already discussed talking to Nef about getting the colors to be plain/normal colors ie-Black Brown Gray etc... so why not wait and give Nef a chance to decide if she can/will do this before getting all upset about it? And I certainly don't feel only custom dyed dogs are the only good ones on here, not by a long shot, my dyed ones better be able to compete or they are worthless. I know that view is shared by many players. But there also is nothing wrong with players that like to collect colors. Everyone is different, that's what makes the game fun :D
  • edited October 2006
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