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The General Board



  • Zoe wrote:
    Funny how we are winning on the poll. The people that would like to see it gone. :)
  • AhiFlame wrote:
    Zoe wrote:
    Funny how we are winning on the poll. The people that would like to see it gone. :)
    <br><br><br>Your only ahead by 2....<br><br><br>Meaning, that nearly half still want it.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • But...<br>We are still ahead. :wink:
  • I seriously do not understand this.<br><br><br><br>You don't have to even click on the General Board. So, just because people have problems with it they want to ruin it for everybody else?<br><br>There is no rule that says you have to use it.<br><br><br>If you don't like it, don't use it.<br><br><br>Problem Solved.<br><br><br>btw. Nice banner Zoe. =]
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • I seriously do not understand this.<br><br><br><br>You don't have to even click on the General Board. So, just because people have problems with it they want to ruin it for everybody else?<br><br>There is no rule that says you have to use it.<br><br><br>If you don't like it, don't use it.<br><br><br>Problem Solved.<br><br><br>btw. Nice banner Zoe. =]
    <br><br>No, the problem is not solved. If it was that easy, then this thread wouldn't have come up in the first place.<br><br>There are many other things in the general discussion section that most of us do like, or we need to look at. Almost all of the stickies in the GD section are important to me, and I like to look at someone's newest eventer, or read about the funniest thing someone's dog did today from time to time. What I don't like is the randomness. It wastes my time and gets us all into fights frequently.<br><br>If the forum was strictly about dogs, which is what the game is about afterall, then I think things around the forum would run a lot smoother. Not as many fights to break up..not as much drama..just a better running game with a much better atmosphere.<br><br>In my opinion, the people that are for the GD area of the forum are simply people who want to chat. I suggested many ideas in my last post that suggested things that were for talking and I don't see anything wrong with any of them. The forum is about virtualpups, not about chatting, so I don't see why it should be on the game.<br><br>And if you still think not clicking the general board is the answer, what about the ops? They aren't able to do that option, and though I'm not required to go in there, I wish I had the right not to go in there and be bombarded with things that do not relate to the game. <br><br>Oh, and btw, we're winning with almost 50% of the vote.
  • I seriously do not understand this.<br><br><br><br>You don't have to even click on the General Board. So, just because people have problems with it they want to ruin it for everybody else?<br><br>There is no rule that says you have to use it.<br><br><br>If you don't like it, don't use it.<br><br><br>Problem Solved.<br><br><br>btw. Nice banner Zoe. =]
    <br><br>No.. you dont have to.. true.. but what about those people who want to read the General Board but it's ruined for them by all the senseless posts.<br>You're saying that what those people think doesnt matter at all? They simply should stay out of the General Board so others can keep posting random stuff?<br>Dont know about what you think, but I think that's not how a community works. Saying "well then just dont look" is not a solution.
  • Smartah. I agree.<br>There is a separate site I currently go on, and their GD has turned into a horrible thing. A ton of trolls and what not. I would hate to see this happen to VP.<br><br><br>PS~ I love you.
  • This is a completely pointless idea.<br><br>Like Mini said: Ya don't like it, don't look at it.<br><br>It's that simple.
  • Doodle_Dog wrote:
    This is a completely pointless idea.<br><br>Like Mini said: Ya don't like it, don't look at it.<br><br>It's that simple.
    <br>It's NOT that simple - a lot of times I'll go into the GD to see if there are posts by players needing help or whatnot...and then I'll see a post title that could be anything, so I click it...only to find it's more of that annoying randomcrap. So, no, it is not <span style="font-style:italic">simple</span>. Something needs to be done, because obviously there are several players that are having issues with how it is now.
  • Ok....<br><br>There's an explanation to that. Just don't click on that stuff, and possibly report it if it's inappropriate.<br><br>Yet I will say that there is much spam/randomness on that board<br><span style="font-size:9">But no matter what I'll neva agree with this... :roll: </span>
  • Doodle_Dog wrote:
    Ok....<br><br>There's an explanation to that. Just don't click on that stuff, and possibly report it if it's inappropriate.<br><br>Yet I will say that there is much spam/randomness on that board<br><span style="font-size:9">But no matter what I'll neva agree with this... :roll: </span>
    <br>I wasn't referring to the spam messages that are posted by non-playing bots. I was referring to the random posts made by players....if something has titles like "I need more powerful software" or something about pills or whatnot I'm not dumb enough to click it thinking that it's a player needing help... :roll:<br><br>And for the posts that have titles that could be anything that are made by players...I'm saying it's annoying that I click on it with the intention of offering a helpful opinion or whatnot if it's asked for and then find that the post is actually a weird game or completely pointless post. *sigh*
  • This argument is getting tired.<br><br>Trying to tell the GD lovers why it is a bad thing is like trying to teach Homer Simpson nuclear physics. Even though he works in the plant he can't grasp the simple concept of why it's big, bad, dangerous thing.<br><br>There. THAT's enough said.
  • Chibi wrote:
    This argument is getting tired.<br><br>Trying to tell the GD lovers why it is a bad thing is like trying to teach Homer Simpson nuclear physics. Even though he works in the plant he can't grasp the simple concept of why it's big, bad, dangerous thing.<br><br>There. THAT's enough said.
    <br><br>XD That was funny...<br><br>Anywho...<br><br>Even if the 'Get rid of GB' wins, it doesn't mean it IS going to happen. It's just a might.<br><br>I think that if we just stick to dog related stuff, it wont be a problem. But that just gives Ops more work to watch a board to make sure it is all about dogs.<br><br>But I will admit, I'd like to see it go... It's just not worth it.
  • Ok, here we go with the fighting again, the one main thing I was trying to avoid, like I said, we will do what we can to help stop the complaints and make the forum better for everyone but you have to WORK WITH ME on it. Please stop with the bickering, it just leads to more crap.<br><br>I've written down the greatest possible solution with consideration to all imput put forth here, there's already an artists corner set up so the people who want to show off their work can go here. Give me time and others should pop up as well.<br><br>Just please, for the sake of Nitty's poor fragile sanity, stop fighting for a minute and come to a mutual agreement.<br><br>PS:<br>Zoe, I love you hun, but you're reeaaallly not helping XD
  • I think it should be limited to dog or VP topics only. I stopped going on there because I can't stand to read posts about people wanting opinions on what to wear or gushing about their boyfriends. These are things that are 1) annoying to those who are looking at posts looking for VP related topics because this IS VP's forums, and 2) dangerous because predators could take all these little posts after a while and make a big enough file out of them to be able to prey on people. <br><br>General discussion is the most looked at forum, and the first place people go. It's not fair to tell everyone who doesn't like nonsense posts not to look there. All the other games and forums I've ever been on use general discussion but limit it to the topics of the forum. Personally I only go on there when I have a ton of time on my hands because you have to wade through 1000 nonsense posts to find anything VP related.
  • I totally agree with Squall.. *clears thoat* The safty of the children on this site should be kept in mind with the G.D. I for one dont go there any longer due to the drama that goes on and I honestly deal with enough of that at home with my kids. However, if it were more of a Dogs related discussion area then I would enjoy visiting. I do believe one could gain a lot of personal information from some of the ppl that use the G.D. and this could be used to track them down and harm could be done.. I am not saying to totally do away with it per say but maybe make and enforce more strick rules of discussion.. I believe if you want to get someones opinion on "What to where to school" or "I broke a nail" it should be taken to private messages or other means not posted on the G.D. However, subjects such as VP dogs and maybe RL dogs (animals) could be discussed within reason *steps off from podium*
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