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The General Board



  • I agree with the those who oppose the general discussion board. The only things on there that I find remotely related to the game or furthermore helpful to me are: <br>- Free Banner or Layout things (Which could/should? be located in the general service section...I think)<br>- Training advertisements... (Again there is a post for this)<br><br>The only thing that makes me slightly resistant to go one hundred percent "It's useless" is the stickys. I think having a list up of the highest starred dogs and having a master gify list are great ideas, but I can't figure out where they could go, if not on the general discussion board. Life is hectic, and complicated. VP is a game about having fun with dogs. The general discussion only seems to harbor fueds and "heated discussions" which most of the time result in hurt feelings or flames. Drama is prevelant everywhere, but this is a game, we don't need tons of drama that doesn't even have to do with VP, to deal with as well. <br><br>I can understand why people wish to be completely random and just discuss anything that pops into their brains, but isn't that something one can do in private messages? or chat? or somewhere else?<br><br>(Thank you for reading...and I'll be quiet now...)
  • I agree with points form both sides for all I have to say is...No comment. I don't want to start any drama here. (and plus, anything I say here can be used against me and I rather that not happen! lol :wink: )
    Pm me if I win anything or if I owe you something!
  • -Lucky- wrote:
    I agree with points form both sides for all I have to say is...No comment. I don't want to start any drama here. (and plus, anything I say here can be used against me and I rather that not happen! lol :wink: )
    <br><br>Don't worry, nothing can be used against you. This thread was created for open ideas. If somebody wants to judge you, then they shouldn't of made/replied to this thread at all.
  • To be honest, I'd like to see it go...<br><br>Those 'games' are rather annoying, and most of the time people just spam. This way, without it, less spam to deal with.
  • If the General board remains, i think it should be limited to VP or pet related general discussion.<br>Layout opinions, how to play questions, showing off your best dog, anything about VP that doesn't fit in one of the other topics could go here.<br><br>Also, pet questions, showing off your real pets could be allowed. But personal things like what to wear to school, my favorite color, I met someone famous, those type of topics should be spoken of in pms or other private formats. <br><br>This game is called VirtualPups, the General Board should be limited to game/pet related topics or removed entirely. But I feel it should not be a random posting free for all on any subject under the sky.
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
  • I do not understand why you are complaining about this.<br><br><br><br>The people that arent' really for this, aren't on the forums in the first place.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • I am not a very active player compared to some, and do not spend a whole lot of time in the general discussion forum, but I disagree with that it has nothing to do with VP. It is part of the community. It enhances the game to know who you are playing with. The same goes for this game. Yeah there is chat, but I am on off times, sometimes and it wouldn't be the same. I really prefer forums. <br><br>I guess I must miss a lot of the drama. (And that's not being sarcastic or saying it doesn't exist. I don't read a lot of threads.) Still I don't think it's worth taking away the board. I don't think there is anything wrong with being random or silly sometimes either. I do admit there are an awful lot of threads like that though, so maybe people could be considerate and post on a current thread instead of making another one. <br><br>I don't know. I would really hate to see it go.
  • As would I <span style="font-size:75">(hate to see it go that is)</span>! O.O <br><br>I just think it needs to have certain...limits to it. XD<br><br>Posting anything... not a good idea.
  • I can see why the games might not be the greatest...<br><br>THey just take up server space. Right?
  • SCWT345 wrote:
    If everyone didn't go into the general discussion board because they're annoyed, there would only be three or four people "talking" on the board. SOME of the board is great, like "I got a new puppy" posts are super, but posts such as "What color should I paint my toenails" are stupid. I am just suggesting that the discussion be limited to related subject matter, not just random crap that people tend to put on there.
    <br><br>Totally agree. I like that board :P Where else would I ask about what people think of a pic? Or tell people my rabbit died? People wouldn't know =/ <br><br>I mean, if you really don't like it that much why look at it?<br>It's not hurting anyone, is it?<br><br>You can delete posts after so many days or something? I don't know<br><br>Just my thought
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • I do not understand why you are complaining about this.<br><br><br><br>The people that arent' really for this, aren't on the forums in the first place.
    <br><br>Min, I'm for the whole getting rid of it/setting limits, and I'm very active on the forums....<br><br>Games=Waste of space<br><br>I got a new dog=Dog/Pet topic, a-ok<br><br>What should I wear tomarrow=Come on... :-|<br><br>Some topics need to go, and some can stay.<br><br>But I say if we set limits, that just gives Ops more jobs. They have to always lock posts that don't belong, post saying don't post this, and then we get those spam messages will dim down, and give mods less work if we get rid of it.<br><br><br><br><br>This goes both ways.
  • I personally think there are far more important things for Nef to do then worry about this.<br><br><br>The General Board is not causing problems.<br><br><br><br>Seriously. If you don't like, don't use it. Problem Solved.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • Ok, let's try this then, I know there are those who oppose, those who couldn't give a rats ass *raises hand* and those who think it should stay. Let's discuss some guidelines, personally, I don't want to see it go completely but I'm sitting on the fence and trying to be the middle man here.<br><br>Kick out some ideas on how to make it better, there's currently no line on which you can cross on the GD board other than the obvious ones, the naught naughty topics which aren't allowed on VP period...<br><br>Now the thing that has been brought up the most is the whole "games" thing, I admit, it's irritating and whenever I see a new post in that section it usualy has to deal with the games they have there... Perhaps limit it to one "Master Game" and that's the only one allowed to go on? We would have to pick which one it is though and just let that one go one forever.<br><br>Now, I will also admit that some of those posts are pretty pointless, and I could say that we could limit the new threads to things that the poster feels are important, but what one person may feel is important may not really be all that important to someone else. So what we should/need to do is set up a basis of what does and doesn't belong in there.<br><br>Now someone said that free layout and banners threads are there, and they also mentioned that they belong in the General Services area, which is absolutely correct, so while I have some time before my course starts I'm gonna start sweeping those "lost threads" into their correct categories (sp? forgive me it's early and I'm tired), and I will continue to do so in the future.<br><br>Now, what I want to hear is suggestions, if it bothers everyone so much (since it currently ranked that the GD forum should be eliminated) then these people should be the one to help us (the mods) figure out a diplomatic solution, especially since I think that even though only one person said they wouldn't come back if it was gone, that it would be a bigger hit than that. I don't want to ruin anyones experience here, I just want to help make it better, and so do the other ops, even though we've been stretched pretty thin lately.<br><br>So come on people! Ideas!
  • edited October 2006
    Ok im going to imput my idea, because ive pretty much kept out of it till now.<br><br>Im a member to another forum (not mentioning which one) but they have a few extra rules there wich i think can help out here.<br><br>Such as:<br>1) No writing consecutive posts in the same thread.<br>2) No bumping posts without good reason - maybe this one only for the GD board, as auctions needs to be bumped, but general chatting doesnt.<br>3) Make Meaningful Contributions <br>Very short posts that do not add value to the current discussion/board are not allowed.<br>4) No Duplicate Posts <br>If there is already a post similar to yours do not add another topic for it, add it to the other post.<br><br>They are just rules taken from the other forum that seem to work really well there. <br><br>Im not saying we need to use those rules, im just putting the suggestion out there for consideration.<br><br>EDIT:<br>They also have a "Hall of Shame" - Where scammers names are put on it so that other people know who they are and what their violation was so they know to look out for them.
  • hmm... maybe something like a spam board like thing... for all the games and pointless posts? I've seen it somewhare else and it workrd there...
  • hmm... maybe something like a spam board like thing... for all the games and pointless posts? I've seen it somewhare else and it workrd there...
    <br>I like that, that's a good idea.
  • Ok, another thing I'm seeing is people showing off their pictures, so a "Spam" section and an "Artist Gallery" section.<br><br>Spam so they can be silly, and artist gallery so they can show off their latest work. Sound good?
  • Thats a great idea! *is one of those people who show off their pictures XD*
  • Ok, another thing I'm seeing is people showing off their pictures, so a "Spam" section and an "Artist Gallery" section.<br><br>Spam so they can be silly, and artist gallery so they can show off their latest work. Sound good?
    <br>*nods* That sounds better to me. That way, those of us who are against the GD board can simply ignore the spam board.
  • but then people will post their spam on GD because people aren't looking at the spam board ;) <br><br>Already happens all the time.
  • An Artist Gallery would be great.<br><br><br>Maybe a "Chat" board, where players can "mingle" and communicate. So, threads like, WHAT I WORE TODAY. etc, would go there.<br><br>I like how doodle put it, The General Discussion keeps vp a community.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • So, threads like, WHAT I WORE TODAY. etc, would go there.<br><br>I like how doodle put it, The General Discussion keeps vp a community.
    <br><br><br><br>Doodle: Verreh nice thought ^_^<br><br>Mineh, we absolutly positivlytastic need that. Maybe the GD could be split up into like...<br><br>-Artist Gallery<br>-Games<br>-Literature<br>-Random Thoughts<br>-and then the regualr GD, which would be dog discussion only...
  • I don't see how splitting it up in lots of different catagories is going to do any good. I mean we(ops) already get crapped on most of the time because we aren't on here 24/7 deleting spam posts. So making more catagories I think will just be creating a monster mess.
  • Zoe wrote:
    I don't see how splitting it up in lots of different catagories is going to do any good. I mean we(ops) already get crapped on most of the time because we aren't on here 24/7 deleting spam posts. So making more catagories I think will just be creating a monster mess.
    <br><br>True, but then if people don't want to deal with stuff like the games, there'll be a separate forum for 'em...<br><br><br>And, thanks guys. We got an art one ^_^
  • I think making a random/game board is a good idea. From the poll it seems that most people want the general board gone completely. I still say that the board fosters a feeling of community and VP needs that. If people are the type that want to flame and argue, it is my belief that they will find an outlet for that on any board. There is a social aspect to this game, and one of the reasons I play. It's the same in real life dog sports. When I go to an agility trial we do not spend the whole time discussing run strategies. A lot of time is just spent talking about whatever and getting to know each other. It makes you feel like apart of the community and keeps things fun. I know people are going to tear apart my comparison, but it's how I best feel about keeping the general board.<br><br>I think people could do a better job of labeling thier threads so that people know what it is about before they open it. It does make it easier for people who don't have a lot of time or not interested can skip things. <br><br>Maybe if people insist on posting on the wrong boards (not by accident or if they are unsure where the topic goes, but the ones who habitially do it ) can suffer some kind of reprocussion for doing it.
  • SCWT345 wrote:
    Ok, So I rarely come onto this forum board (General Board) because well, I hate it! People become petty and bitter and it is VERY annoying for the majority of the players. May I please suggest that the General Board be a board where you can talk about anything DOG? I frankly don't care who is getting their legs waxed or what have you, and the bickering is getting rediculous. This is a DOG game, keep that in mind!<br><br><span style="font-size:75">*waits for flames*</span>
    <br><br><br>The general board is avoidable.
  • Blegh...<br><br>I <span style="text-decoration:underline">really</span> don't see why anybody would suggest this (3rd time I've said that) the GD board is absolutley fine. The ops will soon delete all spam.<br><br>-If you don't like the GD board, don't post there, or don't look at it.<br>-If we get a board for just games they'll take up just as much space as the threads do on GD!
  • Funny how we are winning on the poll. The people that would like to see it gone. :)
  • Nice Banners Zoe! Lol
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