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The General Board

edited October 2006 in Game Suggestions
Ok, So I rarely come onto this forum board (General Board) because well, I hate it! People become petty and bitter and it is VERY annoying for the majority of the players. May I please suggest that the General Board be a board where you can talk about anything DOG? I frankly don't care who is getting their legs waxed or what have you, and the bickering is getting rediculous. This is a DOG game, keep that in mind!<br><br><span style="font-size:75">*waits for flames*</span>


  • Seconded, agreed and hurrah for this idea.
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
  • well, the point of the general discussion board is so that poeple on vp can get to know each other to the extent(sp?) of not knowing who they really are. it also allows people to ask opinions and get bad and good comments.<br><br><br><span style="font-size:75">waves goodbye and crawls into hole</span>
    The banners or pictures in this signature exceeded size limits and were removed ~ Staff
  • edited October 2006
    I third it XD<br>second it...<br>w.e you want to call it :P<br><br>I agree.<br><br>Regards,<br>Ruffian/Sarabeth<br><br>-EDIT-<br>I also second what Zoe said >.<
  • I actually hate the Gen Disc board. Its gone downhill bad. And really quick. :x And that is all I am going to say about that.
  • I don't like going there much. Some things are OK, but all the games and randomness just annoys me. x_x
  • Its General Discussion.<br><br><br>It says below : Discuss anything.<br><br><br><br>If it bugs you, don't click it. Problem solved.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • And also, games are supposed to be fun.<br><br>One thing that's fun about VP is the forum, and can be<br><br>^_^
  • Ok, just so I understand your are advising that if you don't like it or agree you should not click it so in essence, go somewhere else to play? How nice :D <br>Mauser
  • If everyone didn't go into the general discussion board because they're annoyed, there would only be three or four people "talking" on the board. SOME of the board is great, like "I got a new puppy" posts are super, but posts such as "What color should I paint my toenails" are stupid. I am just suggesting that the discussion be limited to related subject matter, not just random crap that people tend to put on there.
  • SCWT345 wrote:
    If everyone didn't go into the general discussion board because they're annoyed, there would only be three or four people "talking" on the board. SOME of the board is great, like "I got a new puppy" posts are super, but posts such as "What color should I paint my toenails" are stupid. I am just suggesting that the discussion be limited to related subject matter, not just random crap that people tend to put on there.
    <br><br>plus the occasional ad posts by people who "just joined", post one subject, then get kicked off.....
  • Its General Discussion.<br><br><br>It says we can post anything.<br><br><br>And, if it honestly bothers you that much, nobody is asking you to look at it.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • amen MinneapolisTheNorthwest! lol
    The banners or pictures in this signature exceeded size limits and were removed ~ Staff
  • Cinnababy wrote:
    amen MinneapolisTheNorthwest! lol
    <br><br><br>lol. XD
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • Cinnababy wrote:
    amen MinneapolisTheNorthwest! lol
    <br><br>I second that ay-men<br><br>^_^
  • <span style="font-size:75">I don't agree with this. All of the other boards are for dogs and only dogs (mostly). I think General Discussion is a board that you can just talk on have fun.</span>
  • Its General Discussion.<br><br><br>It says we can post anything.<br><br><br>And, if it honestly bothers you that much, nobody is asking you to look at it.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">I agree.</span>
  • I normally don't get into these flame thread things..but I couldn't resist on this particular one.<br><br>I agree with the idea fully.<br><br>Seeing all of these posts that talk about completely random, not to mention useless things, annoys me. In my opinion, it clogs up the forum with things that don't need to be in here. <br><br>If you want to chat and get to know people, you can go into Chat and talk there. I mean, isn't that what it's for? To Chat. Or if you're going to put up a fight and whine about it, I wouldn't mind if there was one thread on the forum that was devoted to discussing things pointless to this game. <br><br>To add to this, I personally think that the general discussion board has lead to these certain relationships and friendships that people have formed between each other. All this tension and well..spite between others has started mostly in the General Discussion area. Without it, I frankly don't think people would be as rude to each other.<br><br>This is a game that I come to play because it's fun, and creates a challenge to me to get high statted dogs. Not to chat to other people. I get enough drama being a teenager in high school. I really don't like how I come onto this game to get away from it, and find more of it. <br><br>I'd like to be able to come onto the General Discussion board and be able to post on threads without the fear of getting flamed because of my opinion on whether or not a celebrity was at the fair or not. But obviously that isn't going to I think dropping it would be a wonderful idea. Personally, I think it'd make vp a <span style="font-style:italic">much</span> happier place.
  • I agree with ya Lindsers =3 <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Wonderfully said</span>
  • I can see what your saying Lindsers.<br><br><br>But... I still think there should be one board thats completly random. Its General Discusion, we should be able to discuss everything.<br><br><br>There could be another General Discusion, where only certain topics were allowed.<br><br><br>People should be allowed to "Chat" on the forums, AOL customers can't get into chat, so the forums is a "backup" for them to chat. I think that would make the pretty upset. And, chat also plain and simply doesn't work for some people. <br><br><br>I think General Discussion should stay "random".
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • I think no rules like this should be made, but I do see Lind's point about the drama...<br><br><br>Tis a good point.
  • Minneapolis..<br><br>I've heard many people say they love vp. But if they love the game so much, then why are they fighting for a part of the forum that has nothing to do with vp? I like vp pretty much because it's not anything else. My point is the game is about virtualpups. It's about training dogs to the best of your ability. It's about getting stats up to improve breeds. It's about learning more about breeds you didn't know even existed before you joined the game. It's about training your dogs so well that they do well when showed in events and can get to international eventually. I love the game because of these things.<br><br>My suggestions:<br>If you feel the need to chat to others, that's fine. But why not do it somewhere else? It'd be possible for someone to make up a forum, not related to vp at all, and privately pm all that they wanted to join the forum to chat there. Or there is always the possibilites of IMing (on MSN, AIM, or yahoo) the people that you might want to chat with. Or chat rooms, I know all three of the IMing networks let you go in a chatroom with all of your friends at once and talk together. If you'd like to meet other people on the net, there are many, many chatrooms that are filled with people that are willing to talk if you get bored. And then there's mirc of course, like I suggested before. And I don't think I need to mention the and messaging kennels. There are many ways of getting in touch with others besides that part of the forum so no one has to lose their friends if they delete that part of the forum.<br><br>One reason I have a problem with it is because of the drama. I'm so sick of it. Do you know how many fights and arguments have started in this section? You should. It's ridiculous to me how upset people can get at each other when they don't even know each other in real life. It's a game, and people shouldn't get that angry. Yet..unfortunately they do. And don't even get me started on the rudeness and disrespect that goes on in that section. Sometimes I just have to log out of the forum altogether because it disgusts me so much how crappy people are treating each other.<br><br>So maybe now you can see why I don't want the General Discussion Board. It makes vp tougher than it should be, and creates problems that could have not occured if the section wasn't there in the first place. I like the happiness of vp, but it seems that at least once a week, one of these threads comes up that someone feels the need to flame. Well I'm just sick of it.<br><br>So again, I'm not for the general discussion unless it strictly relates to vp/dogs.<br><br>I also didn't understand something you mentioned. Having two general discussion threads. I don't really see how that would help the situation at hand, or do anything at all.<br><br>If you still don't agree with me, fine. But think about it this way.<br><br>I'm not sure if you've studied this in school I'll give you the full story. The 18th Amendment prohibited alcohol from being sold, imported, exported, or transported anywhere in the USA. But people didn't like it. It created problems and made things worse in the USA. The government had to work around the clock to keep the 18th amendment even somewhat lawful. So eventually after a while of continuous protest against the 18th amendment, it was repealed by the 21st Amendment, which stated that alcohol was allowed to be sold, imported, exported, and transported again.<br><br>Think about vp. VP is given a General Discussion Board. Everything runs pretty smooth for the most part at first but then problems start to occur. The problems begin to be a bigger problem and hassle to vp. The ops (like the government) have more problems to be dealt with and more fights to be broken apart. Therefore, shouldn't the General Discussion Board be "repealed" and make things in vp run smoother?<br><br>I just think that it'd make vp a better place. So you might not get to know some people quite as well. I'm sorry. But at least you'd know there wouldn't be as many fights, and isn't that worth it? I know it is to me. I'd rather be happy then fight with others in a silly manner.
  • Lindsers and Mini, I say to you both "Amen"!
    Posting Rank ~ 198 Need to post more

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  • I think there should be no general discussion board. They're trouble. They fester with unnecessary topics and comments. I think people who need to advertise the fact that they bought a new T-shirt or saw a dead possum on the road and used it as last night's stew should get a blog. I think the VP boards should be for VP topics. I have many different places I go to indulge in my different interests and the VP General Board only serves the need of "I need to be reminded why I don't come here."<br><br>If you want to tell us you saw a cute dog, that's a place for general discussion. If you wrote a peom Zoe's hyena that you just groomed to 23 years, you should write it there. If you are new to VP and want to meet people, post a "Hi my name is Slim Shady." If you just catalogued every dog in the game and you want to tell someone? Post it there.<br><br>If you want to tell me that you have a burning sensation while making water, I don't care.<br><br><br>In closing... I have played many games where the general discussion board brought down the game. Not right away but grudges and frendships that developed from it end up killing any game. The Chatters always Vs the Posters. So move into whicher area I'll be drafted.... yey.<br><br>Let me conclude with: Unless I am posting on my club's thread... I will most likely not aknowledge you unless you are in chat.
  • I can understand what you guys are saying.<br><br><br><br>But, if it honestly bugs you, you don't have to even look at the General Baord.<br><br><br>Chat honestly bothers me. I'm not in there very often. Just because I dont' like what they talk about in there, doesn't mean that there aren't other people that do.<br><br>General Discussion hasn't "ruined" VHR, and I'm most certian it hasn't ruined VP.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • make a poll and see what the actual forums users anonamously vote. If they want GD to stay or go. That way no one has to worry about being flamed and can get their opinion out.
  • Lindsers and Chibi, I agree whole-heartedly. Very eloquently said. ;)
  • I took the liberty of making a poll, I guess if enough people don't like what's been going on we can see what we can do to either set up guidelines or whatever.
  • you are such a leader you, you, you leader you :P
  • Tote wrote:
    you are such a leader you, you, you leader you :P
    <br>Heh, I know, it's freaking me out XD
  • edited October 2006
    I personally think this is an incredibly bad Idea.<br><br>Like Mini Said, if you don't want it, don't look at it.<br><br>It doesn't hurt VP at all, it's just some people join to advertise, and the ops take care if that.<br><br>Terrible Idea.<br><br>If that board goes buh-bye, I go buh-bye. Otherwise, there's no point to the forums.<br><br>The forums are for people to enhance their VP experience, and without the general discussion, the forums would be practically pointless.<br><br>I don't see why anybody would ever suggest a thing like that.
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