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edited August 2006 in Game Suggestions
I'll admit it, I'm borrowing this idea from VHR but I happen to feel that it's a good idea<br><br>If you've played VHR before, you'll know that when you did a wrong cross bred for ther first year and a half in the game, you would end up with an infertile hybrid.... Well now, that's been changed to grade horses of varying levels - from D to AAA......<br><br>Anyways, what's wrong with creating something similar to for the dogs.<br><br><br>I mean, "Mutts" as people like to call them happen to do better in real life in many events and/or happen to suffer from less dieases than pure breed animals.<br><br>So, seeing as people like breeding so many mutts in the game, why not grade the mutts based on the parents' skills.
BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune


  • this has already been suggested to Nef.
  • That is a good I dea then people don't have to complain and everything about them. I think If you took to very good stated dogs that it should be worth something if it comes out at 7x4 :)
  • <span style="font-size:75">Everyone seems to be trying to make VP the same as VHR. Why cant they be totally different? I'm all for mutts being labelled 'crossbreeds' and stuff, and letting them breed... But people keep comparing VP to VHR. They're totally different games (with the same genetics idea, and everything, but different). In my opinion (as unwanted as it normally is) I'd rather keep VP the way it is-- mutts and all. It makes it different from VHR.</span>
    Faded Dreams Kennel...
    Trying hard to raise the best.

    Currently raising: Labrador Retrievers
    Will Raise: Australian Cattle Dogs
    Have Bred: Pitbulls
  • <span style="font-size:75">Everyone seems to be trying to make VP the same as VHR. Why cant they be totally different? I'm all for mutts being labelled 'crossbreeds' and stuff, and letting them breed... But people keep comparing VP to VHR. They're totally different games (with the same genetics idea, and everything, but different). In my opinion (as unwanted as it normally is) I'd rather keep VP the way it is-- mutts and all. It makes it different from VHR.</span>
    <br>My god, I almost just busted a vein in my forehead.<br><br>Change needs to happen, people are quitting left and right before VP has lost it's spark, I'm already working stuff for it and I'm pushing for breedable mutts regardless of the opinions that people are bringing forth. If you don't like it, don't crossbreed and you won't have to deal with it.<br><br>No ones trying to make VP like VHR, VHR has good ideas and I never liked the idea of mutts being unbreedable and I'm not the only one. If I wanted to make VP like VHR I wouldn't even know where to start, I'm just trying to make it make more sense.
  • I also like the idea. everyone's been saying yes too. People think that the dog is worthless just because it's called a Mutt & they can't breed it. This would probably make more people join, & you would probably see less people quitting just like Nitty said. Almost every Mutt on the game is for sale. They aren't worthless at all. I think they should have a new name too. People don't seem to hate grade horses, but some just want their studs to be bred purely. I really hope this change passes.....<br><br>although, i'm not saying i'm against Mutts......
    Puppy For Sale and Import for Highest Bid
  • Not every one's been saying yes... For instance, I say no because of one reason. People would breed the mutts and if they were breedable those dogs would be aged bred, aged again, bred, aged and so on and so forth. This would add to the overpopulation of mutts and low statted dogs. that is my only reason.I have a few mutts I would consider breeding but I don't know if I ever would. If I could.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • I know what you're saying Rage, but people have been doing that to border collies, and golden retrievers, and labradors like no ones business. I want the game to make a bit more sense, and I can't even tell you how many support messages a day we get from people who do nothing but complain about the mutts not being able to breed.
  • I know. I can't even find a nice Labrador stud anymore because people have made their dogs untrained. Or a Golden Retriever for that matter male or female. I know it makes more sense but if we had more responsible breeders it wouldn't bother me as much but oh well. I don't have to breed them so that's fine.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • Rage wrote:
    I know. I can't even find a nice Labrador stud anymore because people have made their dogs untrained. Or a Golden Retriever for that matter male or female. I know it makes more sense but if we had more responsible breeders it wouldn't bother me as much but oh well. I don't have to breed them so that's fine.
  • yeah i agree with some people why does eeveryone keep trying to make vp like vhr they aer totally differant amd i love mutts but i meen... people are breeding them too much and stuff and i meen i have an account on that game and there is to much stuff to do on vhr it gets oo confsing with everything they have i think the game is fine the way it is
    stephvan-Aussie and german shpherd owner-
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