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New Speed Suggestion!

edited August 2006 in Game Suggestions
<span style="font-weight:bold">Ok, I don't know if a thread has been made on this already but oh well.</span><br><span style="font-size:75">(so <span style="color:red">no</span> need to remind me if there has been)</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Ok I suggest that Sponsers recieve sponser time. With all VP's members it gets really slow at times, and sponsers can't train fast or anything.<br><br>It also gets really annoying. So If you support the idea great! if you don't, no need to make this a flame thread. <br><br>Just please post your opinion, and no bringing down other people's idea, opinions, or suggestions. Thankies!</span>
Please PM me if I win/bought anything!


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