I don't know if anyone else has noticed this..but unless a neutered dog is a gift dog, or 10x4, or something special like that...no one wants it. Even then it's hard to get good prices for them. A good friend of mine who ran a rescue where she fully trained..FULLY TRAINED dogs to 200/280 couldn't adopt out dogs for 5000, yes only 5000 for a fully trained dog, because they were neutered. <br><br>Maybe there needs to be special events for neutered dogs? Some sort of bonus for training/showing neutered dogs? Something to make them worth something again? Most people just seem to want dogs to breed now, even though neutered dogs can and do win just as much if not more than intact dogs.<br><br>Or maybe even something like the tournament of champions run for neutered dogs only?
Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
Wolves of the Storm
Looking to buy African Wild Dogs.
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