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Breeding Guidlines....

Here is my suggestion:<br><br><br>I think there should be some Breeding Guildlines. With these guildlines, this could reduce the number of puppy mills.<br><br>-Parents Must be somewhat Training (Five out of the Ten Stats, over 100)<br>-Parents Must be the same breed<br><br>I know the training thing might be hard for some novices, but If they were serious about playing Virtual Pups they could get it done.<br><br>And, the parents must be of the same breed suggestion, I just think that makes the most sence. We shouldn't be able to breed Mutts.<br><br><span style="color:red"><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Notice</span></span></span><br>These are just my suggestions from my point of view. Please do not spaz/panic/freak/get angry etc. because of what my point of view is.<br>Thank You.
minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.


  • Not trying to "spaz/panic/freak/get angry etc." but this would fall under the "telling people how to play" thing.
  • I guess it would. But, Virtual Pups still tells people how to play, for example, If you send a Chain Letter you get "Suspended" because another player think its wrong.<br><br>I think Puppy Mills are wrong and annoying. So, should the Puppy Mill kennel be suspended?<br><br>My Main Point is....<br>There has to be Guidlines, we can't just have kennels breeding and breeding. If these "Guidlines" went into place, Puppy Mills would be almost gone.<br><br>Real Life Scienario(sp?):<br>In Minnesota, you have to wear a seat belt. And, if we don't we are fined. The Government is telling us how to drive.<br><br>Why can't Virtual Pups set Guildlines/Rules for Breeders? It would make Virtual Pups a better place.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • People who send chain letters are suspended because it is against the rules:<br>
    7. Post or transmit chain letters or pyramid marketing schemes. This type of material places an unnecessary load on the Virtual Pups/Orbis Games Services and is considered a nuisance by many members. Certain types of chain letters and pyramid schemes are also illegal. Such prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, the transmission of letters or messages which offer a product or service and which are based on the structure of a chain letter.
    <br>As for puppy mills, they are a disturbing projection of a real life problem onto a game, puppy mills do not exist on VP as they do in reality so I would greatly appreciate if this term did not come back into use, it was gone for a long while and then a few choice players just had to use it again.<br><br>There doesn't have to be guidelines for breeding, there doesn't have to be guidelines for anything, if people want to breed horribly statted dogs, that's their perogitive, and no one, not even the game owner herself can/will tell them otherwise.
  • Darn Nitty! Stop proving me wrong. lol.<br><br>I guess your right. :)
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • Yeah, not trying to critisize you, Min., but I think it wouldn't be as interesting if everybody had nice dogs. :oops: Plus, if all the dogs were well bred, then rescue kennels would go down the drain a bit.
    PM me if you have questions, or if I win something! Praying for Reeds, I'm just not good enough with computers to make banners that are, lets say, good. But get well soon Reeds!
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