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New feature for Rescue kennel

edited June 2006 in Game Suggestions
So far rescue kennels can rescue dogs, heal dogs, and vaccinate dogs, but vaccinating doesnt do anything. Maybe rescue kennels can re-name dogs? The dog will still have its birth kennels brand on it, but I've rescued so many dogs with rediculous names, like 1234567890 or random symbols and it gets annoying if you want to keep them for showing purposes. And I think rescue kennels could use a boost to bring more people into them. Most people now think they're useless because there arent any dogs to be rescued, but thats not true i rescue loads of them


  • Although I don't know how much coding/time would go into that, I do like the idea. Also, to touch on the "no rescuable dogs" topic. Each time I clear out my Rescue Kennel and go searching for more, I get LOADS of Rescuable dogs. I've never had a rescue binge where I came out with less than 400 dogs.
  • Re-naming dogs is a game operator power for a reason, it could be abused very easily. I don't know if it could be coded to be limited 'just' to dogs in someone's rescue kennel, and you definitely don't want people able to change the names of any dog on the game they want to.
  • Well, say it could be coded that Rescue Kennels could rename dogs; but ONLY after the dog has been resuced. Kind of like a Reset button for Rescue Kennels; but only if the dog's name begins with a number or symbol? For example, if a Rescue Kennel rescued a dog named Mr. Truffles then the name could not be changed. But if the dog's name was !*!I_Luv_Dogs!*! then it could be changed. I know the coding can be done, but I'm not sure how much work is involved in it.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">I think that the rescues should be able to make the dogs unnamed, not change them, so that way the new owners can name the dogs themselves once they adopt. I for one would adopt more rescues.</span></span></span>
  • well if they could make them unnamed that'd be the same as being able to change them.<br><br>If it was only allowed for dogs ACTUALLY IN the rescue kennel then that might be alright. But you wouldn't want them to be able to change 'any' dog name on the game they wanted to, that's just asking for trouble, and you wouldn't want them to be able to do anything but the dogs in the rescue kennel because then people would just start advertising/selling 'name changes'.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">I think that's what was meant. [as in, only changing names in the rescue kennel] :wink:<br><br>But, if the rescues could make the dogs unnamed again, there'd be more people adopting dogs.</span></span></span>
  • O.o yes...I think the general idea was for ONLY dogs that were Rescued would be able to be changed. And I also like Radical's idea. Instead of finding a name that you like, why not let the people who want the dog name it? I think you're right, Radical. That might actually make people want to adopt more Rescue Dogs.
  • Well that's not what the original poster said, and things that aren't clarified usually get turned into a big mess if it's turned into a change. :D They had just said 'generally' that rescues should be able to re-name dogs. Not dogs that they'd rescued, so it could've been taken either way.
  • Rescued means rescued, not dogs you buy. you dont rescue dogs you buy, that is buying dogs. If I had ment all dogs, I wouldnt have suggested rescues being able to do it. In real life, Rescues rename dogs most of the time. I do like the Idea of it becoming unnamed too, so either would be fine for me.
  • Well you mentioned vaccinating, and rescues can do any dog it doesn't have to be in their rescue kennel, so I just wanted clarification that you didn't mean a button like the vet one on any dog to rename it.
  • Well, it was clear to me, but I can easily see where someone might have read it the other way, like WoS. But now that's cleared up and I believe the general consensus is a yes to the possibility for a Rescued Dog's name to be changed to Unnamed so that whoever adopts the dog can rename it to what they want; yes?
  • Its a good idea i think...ive seen some really good dogs in rescue kennels but the fact that their name is .*!!Doggie..-Dogg!!*. or something as abstract as that completely put me off adopting them. I am all for the rescuers being able to unname dogs.
  • Yeah, I'd deffinetely addopt more dogs if they were unnamed. However, it would have to be done very carefully. You wouldn't want people to be making their dogs condition, grooming, mood, etc. go down so that a rescue kennel could rescue them, unname them, and then for loads of mula sell them back to their orriginal owner. That would, to put it simply, not be good. :( But, I do like the overall idea, it just must be done carefully. We're on to something!!!! :wink:
    PM me if you have questions, or if I win something! Praying for Reeds, I'm just not good enough with computers to make banners that are, lets say, good. But get well soon Reeds!
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