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Making Foundation Dog Only events

edited June 2006 in Game Suggestions
Let's face it..right now foundation (imported with no parents and the worst stats) dogs don't show all that well (generally, there are some that do, just most don't). So foundation dogs are used mostly for breeding. <br><br>I like to show my foundation dogs. I think it would make foundations worth so much more if you could make 'foundation only' events. (Make it an option like the breed type specific events). <br><br>This would level the playing field for imported dogs, and people could show them without being stomped on by 10x4s. :D


  • i like the sound of that.. i'm in
  • I do kinda like that idea actually. *nods*
  • I thought it would be a good idea especially given people are paying 2+ mil per import right now, it'd at least give them a chance to make part of the money back they put out to buy the dog.
  • *nods in agreement*
    back for a bitt. =D
  • I like the sound of that :)
  • Uh huh!! Great idea! Got my vote
  • Silly Squall. Gotta refine the idea more, like making them breed specific since each breed is programmed with a maximum of what it's allowed in each stat, otherwise all you would have to do is find the breed that has a higher average birth stat and voila, kick everyone else's ass.
  • well making them breed specific would just make it so it's real easy to win. Foundation/breed specific...and you'll still win if you find the highest possible birth stats on a foundation. Part of the challenge would be to find which breed in your breed 'type' would win over the others.<br><br>But hey I'm all for breed specific events, that's even better than foundation only, Jinxx and I and several others have always wanted them, now that there's so many people and so many breeds maybe we do need them.
  • I like the idea. But, Nitty has a good point.<br><br>I wouldn't want to show my imports/foundations personally, I would rather show my high statted dogs.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • i like it -trys to think of a comment-
    Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
  • I like the <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-style:italic">idea</span></span> of being able to make events more specific, whether it be foundations or breeds. But there is a lot of opportunity for someone to just rack up the points if they have an obscure breed that very few people have ... ie. If I'm the only one working on Dog Breed X, then I can make events specifically for them and guarantee myself places 1 through 4 ... more money and fame for me. So as far as the idea goes, I could take it or leave it ... yeah I know, constructive input, right? haha If it's adopted, it would need to be tweaked a bit, maybe increase the number of dogs required to be in an event before it is run so that more than one person has to be competing? As it stands now, only 4 dogs are needed to be in an event before it can be run. If I enter 4 dogs in my own event, I can run it and win all the moolah, but if the minimum was increased to 6 or 8 dogs before it could be run, then there is guaranteed to be at least some competition within the event. That is me rambling, though.
  • Well if people really wanted to they could probably do that now, Dee, just have to find a breed in a breed group that no one shows in a certain event then make your events for that breed/event type.<br><br>I definitely don't want to see the amount of dogs needed to 'run' events raised. There's already too many events that sit forever unable to run because they can't even meet 4 dogs. <br><br>Besides, even if it was raised to 8 people could still find ways to enter 8 of their dogs to be able to run it and win all the cash. <br><br>I don't see how that'd still be a problem with just foundation events. It'd still allow you to only split by breed type..all breed types in the group would be able to enter. <br><br>I just thought that even though some foundies are born with higher stats than others in the breed group, 1/2 stars or 30-40 points between foundies still gives everyone a chance. Right now you have to show foundation dogs against dogs that could have up to 3 more stars than your foundie and over 150 points in birth stats.
  • I see what you are saying. And just to clarify (I guess I didn't really state it in my previous post :oops: ) but I do like the idea of the foundie only events! I'm just not completely convinced on the breed specific events ... yet.
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