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Scheduled Sponsor Time

edited June 2006 in Game Suggestions
<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">A two, maybe even three hour period of the day where only sponsors are allowed on their accounts. I think it should apply to their linked kennels, too, however, because I know I have to use my extra ones alot.<br><br>However, I think it would be great for site speed, and I know it's been suggested before, just formally putting it on this board. My real suggestion is to allow sponsors' linked kennels to be accessed.</span></span></span>


  • I think thats a great idea, I know they have sponsor time on VHR, but I think they should apply it to VP also. I know for me, there is always the problem of site speed when I'm training, and its taken up to 5 minutes for my training pages to load before. If only sponsors were on, that would greatly cut the number of people on during that scheduled time and really improve site speed.
  • And I guess it would be really annoying for a sponsor not to be able to access their novice accounts and have to wait. They paid for their account, so all of their accounts should be working.
  • I totally agree. IT is so annoying to train on such slow site speed, when you go and look at the MB and see that a lot of novices are just here to chat, or because they're looking for a boyfriend. No, I am not saying all novices are like that, but everytime I look at the MB there is atleast 1 or two. <br><br>I think it should be 3-4 hours, seeing as its out of a 24 hour period. I cant even fully beat one dog in 2 hours most of the time
  • I'm all for the idea.
  • Well, we got the sponsor time. :D
  • Aren't there more players on VHR though?<br><br>And if there is wouldn't that mean VHR goes slower than VP = VHR gets more sponser time than on VP?<br><br>I'm not saying there shouldn't be more sponser time, but I'm just saying that's probably why VHR has a scheduele.<br><br>I think the linked acconts idea is good though :)
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">We only get sponsor time currently when the number of players online exceeds the amount the server can hold, that's what the sponsor time was for tonight. It's not scheduled as of right now. It just bothered me when I was trying to breed my dogs in a breeding kennel, but couldn't get access to one because it was in one of my <span style="text-decoration:underline">novice</span> holding accounts.</span></span></span>
  • *sighs* I'm a novice, but I agree :D Or maybe novices could only get to a limated amount of stuff during sponcer time. Like, close the bb, chat, skill, finances etc. It might help to weed out some of the novices who are here only to chat and stuff, and every one would be happy :D <br><br>(did that make sence?)
    Call me Freebie (Thanks Loko:D )
  • I'm a novice, but have acces to a training kennel, so that isn't a problem for me. But I would hate it, if I couldn't get to my dogs in my novice kennel to send them to training.<br>Agree with the linked kennels idea. :)
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">No offense, Forever, but if you have other suggestions, please make your own board :]<br>Thanks for the support, you guys :D</span></span></span>
  • *sighs* I'm a novice, but I agree :D Or maybe novices could only get to a limated amount of stuff during sponcer time. Like, close the bb, chat, skill, finances etc. It might help to weed out some of the novices who are here only to chat and stuff, and every one would be happy :D <br><br>(did that make sence?)
    <br><br>Sorry for going off topic Erica, just thought I'd mention.... You can be on chat regardless of whether you are logged on and playing, you have to log on first, to get to chat, but then once you're in chat you can log off and still be in the chat room.<br>Again, sorry for getting off topic, just thought I'd mention that... :)
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">'Tis fine, Mel. I just didn't want a suggestion board started in my suggestion board XDD</span></span></span>
  • i don't like the idea...
    Peronal Pic Maker
    Personalized Banner Maker

    PM for the above
    φGreat Dane Country Clubφ
  • What?! We had Sponsor Time?! :O Bad people for not telling Gabby!!<br><br><br>I agree. 100%. And supposedly I'm the only one who has complained about site speed?
    back for a bitt. =D
  • Radical_ wrote:
    <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">'Tis fine, Mel. I just didn't want a suggestion board started in my suggestion board XDD</span></span></span>
    <br><br>People are free to post whatever they wish this is a public forum. Erica you are not an op so please do not tell other posters what they can and cannot post :).
  • I'm all for the sponcer time, but i can see a slight glitch we may have....<br>we have players from all over, right? and say Nef put the sponcer time at say, 5:00pm US? someone like me who lives in the UK would have to be up at 11 '0 clock to get some sponcer time. I'm all for it, but I don't fancy logging on for 3-4hrs at 11pm! lol :)
  • yeah, i see the problemn JarraLass.<br>You'r in England? I am too. um.. maybee we could have it at a time that makes sense for eeryone, or an hour or two at 5pm GMT and then the same at 5pm EST, or w/e
  • No matter when we have it all the times will be different. There are like 12 Time Zones, I think.<br><br><br>We would have to see where most of our players are from. And, I'm thinking most are from The United States and the United Kingdom.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • yeah, that was my guess, and in europe, its only UK +1 and occasionally 2 in areas like Finland, so 5pm UK woul be only 6 or 7pm there
  • VHR has sponsor time on the highest traffic hours (7-9pm EST) and a chart telling everyone from each timezone when their sponsor time is. It seems to be working great. They get two hours.. Why should we get 3-4? I'd be happy with two. It might take that long to train a dog to 11 years or so.. But VP isn't nearly as slow as VHR, and during the early morning hours on both games, you can get on and train many dogs. 2-4 am EST on both sites is a lot like sponsor time for me, and VP's fairly fast in the couple hours just before prime time, while everyone's eating dinner. :)
  • Okay, whatever *shrugs*<br><br>But bear in mind, quite a lot of people on this game are kids, who aren't able to get up in the early hours due to parents.<br><br>I see why we shouldn't get mroe time than VHR, i was just looking for alternative solutions. <br><br>Having a chart seems like a good idea, it would help a lot :D maybe a time could be found, however, that was sane at least on weekends for both main countries..?
  • I think 7-9 EST would be great.<br><br>It would be 6-8 CDT for me :D
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • Mm..No. I'm a sponsor but I don't like the idea personally.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">Sorry, Tara. Just a request. :|<br><br>I live in EST, I think 2 hours would be great, 7-9 pm would be perfect for me XD.<br><br>May I ask why, Ahkahna?</span></span></span>
  • see, 7-9 pm EST would be awul for the UK.. its 12-2 am <br><br>:D
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">Hahaha, stay up late, Arctic. :D<br><br> :twisted: </span></span></span>
  • that is the busiet times though. Is 7-9PM EST. (At least I think it is) So, it would make sence.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • Sorry, I don't like the idea. Well, that could be because I am a novice. I am a novice <span style="text-decoration:underline">because</span> I do not wish to spend my money on computer games. Sorry, we are intitled to our own oppinions, I for one save for college, or buy tack for my spanielle and husky whom I show. I spend more time with real animals than virtual animals and also pay for my horseback riding. This leaves me no room for computer games. However, I am very thankful and only a bit jealous of those who have enough allowance to pay for this. They keep the game going, so go sponsers! *cheers* :D But still, I see no reason why sponsers should get more time than us novices. They already get a billion other things that bennifit them and give them the upper hand in this wonderful game. Ok, not a billion, but a lot. My point is, lets not try to show to much favoritism, ok?<br>PS, it's not really favoritism, you know what I mean. :roll:
    PM me if you have questions, or if I win something! Praying for Reeds, I'm just not good enough with computers to make banners that are, lets say, good. But get well soon Reeds!
  • sorry to pick this apart..<br><br><br>
    I am a novice because I do not wish to spend my money on computer games.
    <br><br>that is a novice's choice. Sponsers pay and keep the game open. Without sponsers you would inevitably have no game. as you mentioned a bit later.<br><br>
    However, I am very thankful and only a bit jealous of those who have enough allowance to pay for this.
    <br><br>what allowance? *looks at her empty piggy back* I work hard for a living. 5:30- 7:00 mucking stalls, lunging, taking care of horses, taking care of thier riders, etc. Although i scrimp and save I have not put more than my origional 20 odd dollars into this game. I worked hard as a novice to sell/train/show dogs to get VP money to trade into goodies and sponsers. I trained 30 dogs for a sponser once. Why because i could and it didn't cost me a penny.<br><br>
    My point is, lets not try to show to much favoritism, ok? - PS, it's not really favoritism, you know what I mean
    <br><br>I do agree favouritism is the wrong word here. Sponsers are getting benefits because that's what they are paying for. If you wanted to pay 19.95 USD, then you too can get it. Mind you 20$ isn't alot, and although sponsers go for 24-30million, that number is not so far out of reach if you have 8 trained dogs you constantly show (in the right events) avoiding all the 'freebie' shows
  • *waves hand tiredly in the air..* I agree totally with Krimes... I don't have "an allowance"...I, to, work at the barn for the little, very little money I have, and apart from school clothes and stuff, I don't walk around spending it...I have to save for boarding, vet bills, college....stuff like that. i only paid 20 dollars, i am not spending any more on this, but still, that was earned money....
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