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Putting people on ignore

edited June 2006 in Game Suggestions
Well a while ago Nef made it possible to ignore people through messaging, meaning they cant message you at that account anymore. I was wondering if it were possible to ignore people from your kennel?<br><br>Someone on ignor cannot: Buy dogs, breed to your studs, enter your events, message your account<br>It could possibly apply to your linked kennels as well. <br><br>What do you think? Because I know there are some people I dont want buying my dogs, people that dont train and overbreed ect


  • that's an awesome idea!!<br>such brilliant minds
    PM if i win something or something i ordered ish ready! ^.^ i tend to forget these things...
  • I agree. It makes a lot of people frustrated when you see ntrained dogs coming out of your kennels that are overbred. I dont like selling my dogs neutered but I sell them unneutered so that if the buyer wants to breed AFTER they train them its alright. Ya see where I'm getting?
  • yeah, it would also stop certin people from adopting from rescue kennels. I know someone just adopted one of mine to re-sell it for a profit :x
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">I really like this!</span></span></span>
  • This sounds to me like telling people how they have to play the game. I don't like it at all. People can play this game however they wish. You don't have to like it but harassing them over it solves nothing. Once a dog is bought or adopted from your rescue you have no control over it. It's not your dog any more.
  • It does sound a little bit like telling people how to play, however I can see the other side to this one as well.<br><br>First off, Tara's side is playing on the people who do see this as only a game; and a freedom to do as you wish with that game. After all, this game is about being able to do what you want with the dogs you own in your kennels. If you want to breed like crazy and just sell your dogs no matter what they're like, you have the freedom to do that.<br><br>On the other hand, the overpopulation and undertraining of dogs has led to inflation in prices because the "good" dogs are being sold for more than they should be. People are becoming afraid to sell their dogs because of everyone else who breeds like crazy and sells "poorly statted" dogs. I can see how people are becoming wary of whom they sell to and why they do this.<br><br>I do not feel, however, that this post is harassing anyone. It was a suggestion; which is what this part of the forum was made for. And Tara, if you were talking about other situations and not this particular post, then forgive me ;).<br><br>I mean, people get mad at me because I rescue dogs, keep the ones I want, then neuter and release the rest. I do this because these dogs were abandoned to begin with, and there are far too many dogs on this site as it is. Thus, I try to at least help keep the population down. At that point, my argument is that this is just a game and I am free to do with my dogs what I will. However, when I see people greedily taking Gift Colored dogs and breeding them like crazy until there are hundreds of that color on the game, it makes me wonder why people even bother. Why not just breed yourself one pup with that color, neuter everyone else, then keep the line going like that. If you want to keep the color rare, keep it for yourself. But that is another topic entirely and I'm beginning to ramble, so I'll be stopping now :D
  • This has way too much potential to be abused, especially with banning people from your events. All you would have to do is ban all the dogs that keep beating yours and start racking up the fame and money ... not fair in the least. As for preventing certain people from breeding with or buying your dogs, all you have to do to avoid the business of certain people is put your dogs on private stud and place them for bid or private sale instead of public sale. I vote no.
  • deedee has a point, all people would have to do is buddy up to the sponsers and ask them to ban certain people. on the other hand, i would love to keep certain people from breeding my dogs, i dont put my dogs up for stud because i am afraid they will get overbred.
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  • *jumps in*<br>well I don't think that we have to go that far but If you put someone on ignore they shouldn't be able to message you bid and buy your dogs. That is all I have to say because I think the rest would be going to far<br>*jumps out*
  • I agree that this feature could be way too easily abused.<br><br>However, it would be nice if you had the option to approve a breeding of your stud dog beforehand. Just like when people bid on a dog, you have to approve to sell it.<br><br>And perhaps for the "invitation only" events idea, people have to apply to enter and the host can either accept or deny. No kicking anyone out afterwards though. Also, maybe make it so that players can only create one of these types of events out of the 4 at a time so people dont abuse this privledge? Its an iffy idea but just a suggestion...
  • I like the stud approval idea.
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