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Should there be a way to cut down on spam?

edited June 2005 in Game Suggestions
Is anyone else out there sick and tired of PM's begging for money, or telling you about dogs for sale that you dont care about? I've tried to cut down on the spam by putting on my search info that I DO NOT CARE about dogs for sale ect but that doesnt work. probably because people now a days dont bother to read things anymore.<br><br>Not sure exactly how it would be done. I dont think there's any code to help but maybe a rule against spam or something?<br><br>also: if you say no state your reasoning!


  • Oh god, Miroku I seriously have to agree with you! I mean if people need money then they should go earn it like everyone else and quit bothering people who couldnt care less. I've lost count of all the people who msg me asking for money or telling me that they have a certain dog for sale when on my kennel page it clearly states that im only interested in Black and Tan Coonhounds. <br><br>But the thing is im not sure how to stop it :(
  • Exactly! Its the same with me. on my kennel search info it says DO NOT Pm me about dogs for sale I DO NOT CARE yet they always seem to miss that... :roll: <br><br>Yeah, same here. I think a rule would help, like 3 strikes and your out or something. like if your reported a certin number of times your account is banned then if it happens again you get an IP bann or something. I dont know a lot about HTML and what not but SOMETHING has to be done, its getting rediculus. It will also cut down on spam
  • I completely agree with you guys; I also have a message on my kennel saying that I am interested in pit bulls, and that I do NOT care for spam of any sort. I still, of course, get dumb people messaging me about dogs for sale and such. If they could maybe read my kennel and say something like this:<br><br>"Hey.. I saw that you are interested in pitbulls, so I thought you might like to know that I have some fine quality dogs for sale"<br><br>Then I might be interested :)
    This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time; learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

    Castlerock Kennels
  • Strange thing for me is that I never get spam, just the occassional," Do you train for the public?" and that only happens about 3 times this month. I just don't post anything about it and they just kind of miss my kennel when looking for a trainer or for someone to sell anything too. It's just wierd lol I barely get mail except when I'm talking to my friends. I think you guys are just overreacting because it's probably just you they are targeting. You don't see jinxx, leuline, kiarei, kellyjeanwood, squall, kei, sableantelope, or other sponsors posting about this except the same bunch of people. This post wasn't meant to be rude but its just you guys posting about spam. If they are bugging you about selling a dog just say,"What the F****!, can't you read, I specifically said don't message me about sales because I don't give a care". Lol just don't say it in that term, just be really rude to them and they back off(sometimes).
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