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Food Pricing

edited June 2006 in Game Suggestions
The food pricing, especially for sponser trainers and breeders, seems to be a real hassle. So, I was thinking, that if you are a sponser breeder or trainer, you should only have to pay 10$ for food, or even nothing. It makes a lot of people happier, and training and breeding easier.


  • I think in the end that will cause bigger problems in the sponsor vs novice ryft. But at the same time i think the price maybe should come down for training kennels (sponsor and novice alike) breeding kennels are not such a big deal, its the trainers that will either have to raise their prices (which allot of novices cant afford as it is) or risk going broke. <br><br>At the end of the day i give a BIG thankyou to nef for dealing with our problems, whatever the outcome may be!
  • I say no...<br><br>I mean, we've never had to pay. It isn't that much's only 25 dollars. A lot of us get 400 to 600k for training, anyway...<br><br>Also, we can raise our prices a's not hard.

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • I could talk to Nefertete about those with the kennel management skill to get lowered prices for turns since those with ranch management get that on VHR< it would only make sense to do it here too.
  • -jumps in-<br>Loko likes that idea :lol: <br>-jumps out-
  • *jumps out of closet*<br>yeah I really like that idea<br>*jumps back in closet were shes holding Lokos dog hostage*
  • Yeah, I like the idea of lowering the price for certain sponsors types, preferably training.
  • Really, I find almost no issue with the fee. It is very small. And trainers, just charge at the end of the training 25 per turn taken for training. This will pay you back, and make you happy. There should be no training prices raised, just a small fee for the charge. I think that people are overreacting over this. I did too until I realized that sponsor rescues don't have to pay for rescue dogs because they aren't in the main kennel. But now I know about this, I feel better about the price. It will encourage people to breed less, age less, take less turns, etc. I think that if you think you have to sell your dogs because of a tiny fee, then you have too many dogs in the first place. I don't mean to sound rude but people are making a big deal out of nothing. I foyu have different views on this please don't attack me.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • I didnt see it as a big deal either ...until I started training. Its not that big of a deal, no, but it makes enough difference to have players raise prices for training and even breeding. Especially for people who have low prices set for training/breeding. Like my prices are low compared to a lot of trainers Ive seen, so I wont hesitate to increase my prices because of this. Im going to at least add a fee of 25k which covers the cost of 1,000 turns worth of food.
  • 25 per dog is a lot better then 75 per horse on VHR, I'm not complaining and I'm a trainer/breeder/rescue/pristiege/boarding.
  • Food for thought here:<br><br>My training kennel is on Week # 153033 <br><br>Training one dog at a time for that many turns with the new $25 per dog per turn thing is: 3,825,825<br><br>for ONE dog. Sure it might not seem like much if you're just turning here and there...but that's quite a lot of money if you're one of those people like me who have kennels that rack up a lot of turns.<br><br>'s absurd for it to cost $25 per dog. I feed my REAL dog expensive food and there's no way it comes close to $25 a week to feed her.
  • Well at my house we have two dogs. We buy IAMS overweight dog food for my dogs. This comes up to abput 50 dollars a week for us. The food pricing here is unrealistic. To have it realistic the price would have to depend on your dog's size, age, weight, the number of dogs you own, AND the health of your dogs. The price therefore would differ from kennel to kennel depending on the dogs they own.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • Thankies, guys for the honest opinions. :D
  • I think that the feeding rules should be different from kennel to kennel. Like a mini pin isn't gonna eat as much as a great dane...and either way it won't cost 25$.. :roll: <br><br>Maybe people are making a big deal of nothing but if you train a lot or have a lot of dogs, it is a pain. But if virtualpups is suppose to be real-like then they are doing a good job because dishing out money to feed dogs is generally a pain. <br><br>For all you guys that have a lot of dogs, think about whether you need them, or even need to turn them.<br><br>For all those trainers out there, I feel for ya. Training is already hard, I agree that training kennels should get a big discount. <br><br>It is a nice way to get people from making useless breedings, especially for all the poor kennels out there trying to make money from it. <br><br>Do you go into the negatives if you don't have any money or can you just not turn your dogs?<br><br>P.T
  • I'm a novice who on average has about 18 dogs. I seriously can't afford to pay $25 dollars per dog because I don't make a lot of money doing anything. I spend a lot of time training my dogs, and I take quite a few turns for that. My funds were short enough without having to pay for food (with trying to show my dogs). I'm selling a lot of dogs I never thought I'd have to get rid of.
    I'm a Novice (Not By choice)

    My Kennel
  • I too, think it's quite a lot in the long run. I think it should be a tiny bit lower...
  • Hm... Honestly, most training fees and breeding fees make enough profit to cover the food fees. If you train a lot and you rack up a bigger food fee, you also manage to rack up more profits, too. <br><br>Pricing on VP isn't very realistic..<br>Some low-statted dogs sell for $800, training costs half a mill, etc.
  • I don't think its necessary to get rid of the <span style="font-weight:bold">whole</span> food idea, but maybe lower the price a bit (maybe a few people have a Sam's card and buy the Economy sized bag :) ). But People like me, who don't earn a lot of money, have got to keep selling dogs to be able to feed the others.
    I'm a Novice (Not By choice)

    My Kennel
  • *brooke* wrote:
    I think in the end that will cause bigger problems in the sponsor vs novice <span style="color:red">ryft.</span>
    Heehee. Y'meant 'rift' I think... :P <br><br>All the same, I think that the food should go back to being free for sponsors at least... Sure, I'm a novice, but it might cut back on the whole over-breeding thing that's going on 'cause people won't want to waste money on taking ten turns to get pups you can MAYBE sell for $100 each... x.x
  • i agree that the price for food should be lower for training kennels, because for people like me who dont have a set price for training or charge very little, just to improve the breeds, can end up losing a lot of money. like i used to only charge what the person can afford to pay...sometimes as low as a couple thousand or less....but now i have to set a price so that im not losing money
  • I`m a novice and I don`t have that many dogs,I used to be a sponsor but sold that account.But anyway I think that novices could get a little off of food because it kills us so bad because many sponsors training prices are alot of money and we can`t afford to keep our dogs fed AND pay for those training prices.Especially since most of them were raised because of food prices.I understand that novices aren`t exactly a top priority in this situation but please think about it because it is getting REALLY hard to keep up with prices. -*Samantha*
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  • Novices shouldnt have lower food prices than sponsors. :? Why should people who pay real money to play this game have to pay more VP cash for something than novices? If the price is lowered, it should be lowered for sponsors, if not all players.<br><br>I think the fee should be lowered to $10 per turn for all players. Thats what it used to be correct?
  • i don't like the idea bc novice will probly feel really jpped. also it's not that big of a deal. for most trainers a full training will only cost 65k in food not a big deal. plus this will improve the vp economy Less money in circleation means it's worth more economy goes up. like euros pounds and dollars. in the long run it is really a good thing. long disscussion on this in general disscussion but i say leave as is
  • I like the food pricing how it is now. Novices who have 20 dogs in their kennel and complain about needing to pay so much probably shouldn't have 20 dogs there. :)<br><br>I'm a trainer. I don't train as much as WoS or Rayne, but I do train. 40,000 turns on my kennel. I don't really care about a $25 a turn cost.. <br><br>When it comes down to it, there are quite a few different views on the subject.. it's more than "yes" and "no."<br><br>Poor novices/sponsors: Want price lowered. Say unfair.<br>Rich novices/sponsors: Don't really care about loss of money.. not big deal.<br>Trainers rich/poor: Say they use too many turns.. should get discount.<br>Game-minded players: This will lower inflation. 'tis good, even if ye need to shell out a little more.<br><br>I'm the last one and the second one. ^^ I'd pay $50 a turn if it lowered inflation.. inflation is the real enemy of new players and existing novices these days.. Attack that, and then they will be able to afford good dogs and trainings to win events.<br><br>If they can afford good dogs/trainings and win events, then they won't be in jeopardy from these food prices. <br><br>If they aren't in jeopardy, they won't mind the food prices.. and it will make it a better game for all. If novices can succeed without being heavily dependant on sponsors and helpgroups, the novice-sponsor rift will grow less. <br><br>I like the idea of novice help groups a lot. It's great for sponsors to help novices like that, community spirit, etc. But I know that some people don't like to accept charity.. they like to make it on their own.. Maybe stubborn, but they have dignity. When it's impossible to succeed without help, these people might not want to play. I say that in the long-term, these food prices are fine, beneficial, even. :)
  • Thank you all for your input, good and bad. I believe that the food pricing has been lowered, so there's no need for this thread now. Anyways, Kiarei, you convinced me, I now want the food pricing to be 25 a turn XP. But it is what it is. No need to post here anymore.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">Why's it matter so much? It's now $15 a turn, and yes, I did complain about it at first, but now I realize that it wasn't alot.</span></span></span>
  • Rebel912 wrote:
    Novices shouldnt have lower food prices than sponsors. :? Why should people who pay real money to play this game have to pay more VP cash for something than novices? If the price is lowered, it should be lowered for sponsors, if not all players.<br><br>I think the fee should be lowered to $10 per turn for all players. Thats what it used to be correct?
    <br><br>I agree with Rebel andthe price was $10. The food fee is kind of good though because it stops be from buying dogs just for the heck of it :lol:
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