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Five stars?

edited June 2006 in Game Suggestions
Hullo peeps...I know that most of my ideas have but stupid...and this one probably is too, but I just wanted to know your opinions. <br><br>I've been thinking about different 10x4 dogs, and then started thinking that it would be cool if we could have 10x5 dogs. I mean, I know that our 10x4 dogs would be a waste if she did make it, but then we could breed like a 9x4 and a 10x4 and possibly get some pups that are 1x5 or 2x5 or 3x5 etc, etc. <br><br>I know that this would be a big change, but I think it would be cool. Please vote and post your opinion :)

My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

Postal Rank: 45


  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">So, we would have to work to get 10x4 dogs, then breed those and get 1x5 dogs? Too much work. :| That would practically erase everyone who's gotten 8x4-10x4 dogs' work.</span></span></span>
  • Yeah...I'm too lazy... :|
  • i like it, but it is to much work so i think that you only deserve a 5 stared dog if you worked hard for it.
  • Laziness :P<br><br>Well...I'm also saying that Nef can get a few imports that start out with a couple 5 stars, too. And...if you get a 10x4 with a 10x4..or a 9x4 with a 9x4, it could go up to 5x5 stars, which isn't that bad.

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • I <span style="font-style:italic">kinda</span> like the idea, because its adds a new challenge to the game... but at the same time, Nef would probably have to adjust other data to make it work... like the caps, for example, would prolly hafta be increased and that would then make training longer and harder. Plus, there are already too many things that need to be upgraded/fixed right now to even add new features like this. Yeah, JMO...
  • Yep..I agree with you, Rebel. I just wanted your guys opinions :)

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • I'm going both ways with this... Yes, it adds a fun new challenge to the game, and the dogs would be worth more if you wanted to sell them. But, then 10x4's would be worth nothing, as they wouldn't be the best of the best.<br><br><br>But, I dunno... Nef would have to do a lot of changing. I say it's an ok idea. It isn't bad, and it isn't great. ^^
  • plus a lot of breeds can't even get 10x4s so what would happen? :evil: :idea:
    Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
  • Not to be mean or anything, I just dont understand what the point is. I mean all these people work really hard to get 9x4 and be the best only to find out that they worked all this time to get nothing. So Sorry I really dont like it. And like everyone else says its mostly laziness :wink:
  • I have worked really hard and spent a lot of money to get my 8x4's and 9x4 (note that the 9x4 is single... I am hoping for a male for that one).If we had to start all over to get x5's that would really put me in trouble with my main stud. He wouldn't be as much of a winner as he is now, he would have poor stats, I might not get my 10x4 litter of Great Danes that I want to be some of the bes on VP. It is a good idea, but now since there are so many players and dogs on VP it is too late to make that change.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • Right. Here's my view.<br><br>If there was a five-star function added, that would make 10x4s equivelent to current 10x3s.<br><br>Horrible, right? So, I say no....
  • Here's what i think:<br><br>Yes, its great that we could reach to new heights with stats and things. it would be alot of work but i suppose it could be in a good way....but then there's the question i have on this: What's the matter with 10x4's? <br><br>I'm not trying to be rude but if you think about it everyone would keep suggesting things like this and then we could end up with 10x10's. then what would we do? <br><br>I do like the idea of trying to reach a new standard with vp's dogs though. My imput would be to have Nef wipe the x4's out of the game and start over... This accually might happen unless more breeds are added in the future. Anyway, those are my thoughts on this, a good idea, but needs more time to be started..
  • I don't agree with the idea that 10x4's would be like 10x3's. If the x5's were implemented, I'd only ask that they were very very hard to achieve. So hard that it'd be almost impossible to get 10x5. I like challenge, and it'd mean that people couldn't just breed their 10x4's and suddenly have the best.<br><br>I am neutral on whether or not the x5's do get implemented.
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