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  • Probably :wink: <br><br>Anyways, I don't like this idea. One, I like VP becasue it desn't ahve graphics and is simple. Two, there are so many errors to be still fixed.
  • Well frankly, I'm a bit upset that VHR gets so much more attention than VP. VHR got VHR Olympian which was available only for sponsors. We all wanted a VP Olympian but that didn't happen. I figured it would in time, but Nef had a lot to deal with. Then, before we even got a VP Olympian, there is a VHR2? I think that VP should get something really new and I'd be happy with an Olympian because I'm saddened to see VHR getting all the new features.
  • I use xanga! If you wanna see my webpage!
    <br><br>hey leave a link to ur kannel

  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Click on the DEMO thingy and download the game to your comp...<br><br>Message me on VHR2!<br><br>Imperfect is my player name on VHR2
  • I don't think you should pay unless you get SOME type of difference of novices... Like, More dogs, of stuff like that.. Hey, Goodies would be ADORABLE!!!!
  • imp. that is a great idea help me keep a list i alreay have <br>1:lolo94<br>2:imperfect<br>3:kate<br>4:palecat5<br>5:rockinrainbowz<br>6:xtraordinary<br>so if u see anymore that want the VP2 write them down<br><br>Hey i thought id mention i have 2 unmade imports for sale the highest bid for 1 so far is 2mil going on 3 mil so bid higher

  • I would LOVE a VP2! Great idea, and I agree that VP does not get as much attention.Also, I find that Nef pops in and out of the VHR forum, answers a few posts and such, but I have never seen her post here. No critiscism, but just saying, it's sorta odd.... Or is it just me?
  • I don't want to see a Vp2 anywhere in the near future. There are to many things on vp that need fixed. Plus with VHR2 just getting started..Takes alot of time to make a game like that. And I don't see how we can get a better Vp. I love vp the way it is right now..Well as long as hyper bug gets fixed..Then I would be very happy :)
  • Zoe wrote:
    I don't want to see a Vp2 anywhere in the near future. There are to many things on vp that need fixed. Plus with VHR2 just getting started..Takes alot of time to make a game like that. And I don't see how we can get a better Vp. I love vp the way it is right now..Well as long as hyper bug gets fixed..Then I would be very happy :)
    <br><br>what hyper bug???and i agree i would still like this game more beacause it is sooooo real<br>oh and zoe im gonna try to be an op when i get alil bit older

  • Yey someone who sees things like me.. There are too many bugs that need to be fixed in this game before we even consider a VP2
  • Krimes wrote:
    Yey someone who sees things like me.. There are too many bugs that need to be fixed in this game before we even consider a VP2
    <br><br>ya i take both sides VP2 would be cool.maybe they dont have to make it 3D it would be cooler if it was like this but all the probs were fixed.and some people would think a 3D would be cooler.but me i take both sides...well they should make a VP for just sponcers too

  • <span style="font-weight:bold">My input on VP2</span><br>I think that maybe... VP2 should be a TINY better than VP... Like, not 3D, and nothing special about it, but the bugs be fixed, and tons of the great suggestions be put in there, and then we could call it: VP Reborn <br>Or something like that! And then have it the same layout and such, just make it better!
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">My input on VP2</span><br>I think that maybe... VP2 should be a TINY better than VP... Like, not 3D, and nothing special about it, but the bugs be fixed, and tons of the great suggestions be put in there, and then we could call it: VP Reborn <br>Or something like that! And then have it the same layout and such, just make it better!
    <br><br>ya thats perfect and the name is cool tooo we get to keep our old accounts but all the bugs are fixed and more cool stuff is added

  • But you see we don't need a new game if all that is going to happen are game updates and bugs being fixed.<br>We just got game updates not to long ago. A new server, new breeds were added, Finances, Kennel changes, new events. We do get new stuff on here. It just takes Nef time to to do all this stuff.<br>And if Nef thought about doing a Vp2 and didn't have it 3D what would be the point. I mean it would basicly be Vp. <br>And I don't think you can get any better than Vp the way it is. :)
  • Zoe wrote:
    And I don't think you can get any better than Vp the way it is. :)
    <br><br>^^ Ditto.
  • I love VP the way it is, without 3-D and everything. I just want to see the kinks ironed out before we even start *thinking* about anything else. Even if there was a 3-D, I would play regular VP
  • Italian wrote:
    Well frankly, I'm a bit upset that VHR gets so much more attention than VP. VHR got VHR Olympian which was available only for sponsors. We all wanted a VP Olympian but that didn't happen. I figured it would in time, but Nef had a lot to deal with. Then, before we even got a VP Olympian, there is a VHR2? I think that VP should get something really new and I'd be happy with an Olympian because I'm saddened to see VHR getting all the new features.
    <br><br>I do agree with Italian's opinion, but I also understand how much longer VHR's been around. They have a right to have more features, but I do think that VP has been semi-neglected. And I'm with Zoe on the hyper bug.. That'd be nice if it was ironed out. <br><br>For everyone who supports a VP2, VP is a fairly new game and still has way too many bugs and kinks to even consider a second, much less a more complex second, VP. Especially now that VHR2 is out- A 3d game requires much more troubleshooting and testing than a game like this. There's download/installation troubles, video cards, drivers, and so much more.. just to get your computer to display the game. VHR2 will probably be sapping most of Nef's attention for a while to come, so a VP2 is out of the question at the moment.. especially with all the bugs on normal VP.<br><br>While I don't oppose the idea of a VP2, I think that people need to be patient and consider other sides of a subject. If you could snap your fingers and VP2 appeared, and no bugs ever bothered it, Nef would have already made it. :P
  • Kiarei wrote:
    Italian wrote:
    Well frankly, I'm a bit upset that VHR gets so much more attention than VP. VHR got VHR Olympian which was available only for sponsors. We all wanted a VP Olympian but that didn't happen. I figured it would in time, but Nef had a lot to deal with. Then, before we even got a VP Olympian, there is a VHR2? I think that VP should get something really new and I'd be happy with an Olympian because I'm saddened to see VHR getting all the new features.
    <br><br>I do agree with Italian's opinion, but I also understand how much longer VHR's been around. They have a right to have more features, but I do think that VP has been semi-neglected. And I'm with Zoe on the hyper bug.. That'd be nice if it was ironed out. <br><br>For everyone who supports a VP2, VP is a fairly new game and still has way too many bugs and kinks to even consider a second, much less a more complex second, VP. Especially now that VHR2 is out- A 3d game requires much more troubleshooting and testing than a game like this. There's download/installation troubles, video cards, drivers, and so much more.. just to get your computer to display the game. VHR2 will probably be sapping most of Nef's attention for a while to come, so a VP2 is out of the question at the moment.. especially with all the bugs on normal VP.<br><br>While I don't oppose the idea of a VP2, I think that people need to be patient and consider other sides of a subject. If you could snap your fingers and VP2 appeared, and no bugs ever bothered it, Nef would have already made it. :P
    <br><br><br>well i dont give VHR more attention quite frankly i like VP better and i just thought it would be a good idea no reasont to be a ll man everyone and a few more people think it would be a good idea too...but VP cant get better i just think a 3D one would be cool too and VHR2 is not as cool as VHR<br><br>And how long has VHR been around???

  • i like the idea but i don't want a VP 2 this one is great an no matter what there may always be "bugs" Nef already does alot of work and she now added VHR2 so there are more bugs to fix
    Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
  • ok i haven't read all of the entries, but i think it would be a great idea. Although it would be alot of hard work for Nef, and i bet your not the first person who made it up. I had thought of a VP2 since the very first time i heard of VHR2. Other then those ideas it would be fanastic to have a VP2, although VP is absalutly fine the way it is.. =P
  • I totally agree it is a great idea, but I am not sure I would try it if it did come out because I could never get on VHR2 and I wasted a lot of time. I just could not find out how to get it working and I could find no one to help me. IF it were easier or better explained to us dummies :lol: I would defintely pay 50 bucks for it.
  • Tigris wrote:
    I had thought of a VP2 since the very first time i heard of VHR2. Other then those ideas it would be fanastic to have a VP2, although VP is absalutly fine the way it is.. =P
    <br><br><br>I totally agree with you. I have VHR2 && i dont like it that much.. well as much as VHR (up for sale if anyone wants it) So think about it. VP2 is a excellent idea but .. this game VP is excellent also .. so .. why have VP2 if its gonna be like VHR2 .. its kinda boring. && i dont think i would pay 50$ for it .. had to beg parents to buy this for me.<br><br>A.A.S
    Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
  • I came to this game from VHR and even with all its extra features and what not i very much prefer VP. Even when asked what game suggestions i have i can honestly not think of anything that would be better than what we already have (past the basic fixes and upgrades). <br><br>Keep up the great work nef!
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