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Good idea. READ

edited June 2005 in Game Suggestions
I just thought of a really great idea (I don't know if this is possible but....) I think there should be a place where players go and let their dogs rest and play and run. Like a park. You just leave them their when you are taking care of some stuff on VP and you don't have to worry about the dogs because they'll be having a fun and safe time at the park. <br><br>Then when they are in the park, the come out and are really happy, but they may be tired. It depends on how long they have been their. And every virtual day, they get autamatically fed! I think this would be really cool if this happened. What do you think? Answer te poll and tell why you chose what you chose. Thanks!<br>~Chloe :wink:

My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

Postal Rank: 45


  • umm.. check boarding kennels
  • I think it'd be cool if there was an option on the training list called 'dog park' that wouldtake energy but restore the entire happiness bar to full in one turn. Of course, the downside to this would not getting any happiness points ;P
  • Yeah! There would be happiness points...Except it would be in mood :wink:

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • And not everyone has boarding kennels...If thats what you mean Krimes

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • not what i meant.. i meant that is what boarding kennels are for.. the park suggestion would be like a freebie version of a boarding kennel..wouldn't it render those who paid for that specialty have usless accounts?
  • Hummmm...You've got a point...But...It can cost money to get an account for the park.. Of course, it wont cost as much as the sponser account but very little money. You will get to go to the park and get your dog happier, etc

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • Dog/horse wrote:
    Hummmm...You've got a point...But...It can cost money to get an account for the park.. Of course, it wont cost as much as the sponser account but very little money. You will get to go to the park and get your dog happier, etc
    <br><br>But that would still throw out Boarding Kennels. If people could just buy there own park for little money, it would still not work.
    Thank you Lothe (sorry if i spelled that wrong) for the wonderful banner :mrgreen:
  • I don't like the idea all that much. We already have the option to play with our dogs to improve their mood. We can send them to Rescues to heal them. We take a turn to increase their energy. If we throw in a doggy park it makes it sound ... hmm how to say this without offending ... kinda childish. Next people are going to want pet shops to buy pretty leashes and toys. I would hate to see VP go in that direction.
  • Hmmm. You're right...Bad idea :oops:

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • i totally agree with deedee i do not want it to turn into furrypaws becasue that how deedee is explaining it and no way is that going to happen
  • Just a point, once a thread is over a month old from the time the last post was made (and this one is), there's really no need to bring it back.
    I am always willing to train for gift-colored Pit Bulls. Running 28 shows a day and counting ^_^
  • i think this would be cool but it should cost you like $200 every turn that the dog's left there until you hit the "reclaim dog" button (yes nef would have to add a reclaim dog button lol) i think that would work
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