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Werewolfs and grims?

edited June 2006 in Game Suggestions
vhr has unicorns and stuff like that, why can't WE? Why not a werewolf, or a Grim, or something??? :D :D :D :D


  • I do believe that VP is trying to distance itself from VHR as much as possible.<br><br>So that'd mean no fantasy animals
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • why fantasy animals would be sweet!!!! we have weird color that are fantasy abd some include wings and stuff.
  • I don't know... I mean, we already have goodie colors, I think fantasy dogs would be a tiny bit over the top
  • Yea. If all else failed, someone could dye a dog Werewolf ((Which there is already a Werewolf w/ Tinted Red Eyes or something)) or Grim and breed it a lot and call it a new breed.. XD
  • Yeah, whatcha gonna do? Enter a werewolf into a herding tournament.<br><br>Fault: Killed The Sheep<br><br>Or conformation?<br><br>Fault: Ate the Judge<br><br>XD
    Mail me if I win anything!WLDI's Domain!:
  • lmao LI<br><br>Yeah, no fantasy creatures... I already stay away from all the unrealistic colors on here as it is.
  • *jumps for Rebel's neck but misses*Fluffeh XD
    Mail me if I win anything!WLDI's Domain!:
  • *stares and pokes* You... okay...? 0.o XD
  • She dun like the name LI. Call 'er Fluffernutter like I do XP
  • Meh, alright LI... er, I mean, Fluffeh! :lol:
  • I learned that from my wolves XD
    Mail me if I win anything!WLDI's Domain!:
  • I just don't like this idea. I sounds just too...strange. It would be weird if someone was like, "I'm breeding only the best WEREWOLVES!", don't cha think? :?

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • yeah isn't being a werewolf like a virus? a human gets infected by being by a wolf or something... so technically you can't breed them
  • xD I still like 'wolves... ^^ But heck, I'm a slightly sadistic being...
  • i <span style="font-style:italic">would</span> acctually like to see somthing like that, but mabe somthing a little more realistic? ok, weird suggestion, mabe '<span style="font-style:italic">police drug dog</span>??? lol or '<span style="font-style:italic">guide dog</span>?? or, (i know these can really be any breed) make these into events! help the cops or bring the blind man home! :lol:
  • what about legends that could very easilt be real like the beast of guvidan (can't spell it) or the hound of the baskiville (from a book sherlock holmes) or even the grim isn't too0 bad it looks like a dog and tecnically is in the stories. i put this on the breed suggestion list along with the extinct tamanan devil wolf aka thylacine (not really a dog but a marsupiall, which just mean it has a pouch, sorta looks like a dog lot of controversie on it and the foxes being vulpins, because of the genuse and family's not important) like okay i did recomend wear wolves but they would be a bit weird sorry this post is kinda point less, but maby just one fantasy breed and see how it dose we did it with designer mutts aka (cockapoo and wolfhybrid) people might really like them.
  • This post is old...
  • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Heh heh, sorry, but I really think that would NOT be cool. I mean, vp should be realistic. I stay away from gifties, especially the really wierd ones. No wierd fantasy creatures for me, canines or not. No thanks. Nope. Nada. Not going to happen for me. Nope. No. Never. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Please. Sorry about all this, just trying myself? :oops:
    PM me if you have questions, or if I win something! Praying for Reeds, I'm just not good enough with computers to make banners that are, lets say, good. But get well soon Reeds!
  • Please don't bring up old topics :)
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