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Ending events early

edited April 2005 in Game Suggestions
I feel that if an event is full, you should be able to end it early. its just taking up space otherwise. anyone agree?


  • I agree. It is a waste of time to have to wait a looong time to run an event when it's full. There is no use for it. No one can enter, so why not run it?
    back for a bitt. =D
  • I think there would have to be a requirement that the event HAS to be full in order to run it early. If all events could be run early, I can see a lot of abuse happening where the creator of the event just enters their dogs and runs them to ensure top places. This leads to another question ... if you run the event early, would you be able to make more events that same day? So more than 4 (or 8, depending on your kennel settings) could be made and run in a day? I think the idea is an interesting one, but my events are rarely full so it doesn't really effect me :D haha
  • Is it even possible to get a full event before 24 hours anymore? Before the event setting was changed i would get about 30 dogs in about 5 hours and now i bairly get 16 in two days
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • deedee1 wrote:
    I think there would have to be a requirement that the event HAS to be full in order to run it early. If all events could be run early, I can see a lot of abuse happening where the creator of the event just enters their dogs and runs them to ensure top places. This leads to another question ... if you run the event early, would you be able to make more events that same day? So more than 4 (or 8, depending on your kennel settings) could be made and run in a day? I think the idea is an interesting one, but my events are rarely full so it doesn't really effect me :D haha
    <br>exactly. my events are always filled like halfway into it and I still have to wait like a half a day to run it. what I'm saying is the only way you should be able to run it early is if the event is totally full/over full
  • stupid me *damn voting polls XP* i thought i clicked no i dont agree XP but in stead i hit agree. it's not so much that i dont 'agree' it's that i jsut dont see the need for it. here are the reasons why.<br><br>1. events can be run by the creator after 24 hours. <br><br>2. we can creat 4 or more events at a time (depending on the sponser accoutn type) why create more then that in a day.<br><br>3. events that have been going on for a week or more can be run by an op at players request.
    "One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him." - Chinese Proverb
  • I'm a no on this.<br><br>24hrs is not that long to wait, the chances of filling up a show early is well a bit slim. It could also lead to cheating problems. *shrugs*

    Vixen Kennels brands star with VX .
  • its not slim, mine fill up about 90% of the time everyday before the 24 hours and I dont enter any of my dogs in them.
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