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Top 50 Kennels

edited April 2005 in Game Suggestions
Ok now this is just a suggestion, an idea if you will, so PLEASE don't get all defensive and jump me if you don't agree. I like friendly disagreements, not reputation breaking, enlist in witness protection program, change your name and put bars on your windows kinda disagreements. <br><br>I was noticing that the top kennels on VP are always the same, probably because they are some of the first kennels, so have been around longer in order to build up the fame points. My idea is that, in order to boost morale and maybe encourage people to play more seriously, to reset the top kennels monthly or bi-monthly so that newer kennels have an opportunity to make it big. We can of course keep the list of all time highs, but make an additional monthly ranking so that a new player doesn't feel so hopeless when they see what they are up against (eg. ten thousand some odd points ... or seven thousand and some points even to make the top 50) We wouldn't have to reset fame points each time, you can keep all your points, just make a ranking of top points earned each month. What do you think?


  • Thats a great idea!! I mean the top kennel has 21,869 points....thats a TON of points to beat.
    Stellcar Border Collies specializing in Lilac (Smooth Coated) and other gift color borders
  • I agree... I used to play Neopets, and it's outrageous how much the prices of everything had changed by the time I quit it. To become considerably "good" at things, you had to be REALLY good. You'd have to be on there playing games 24/7 to earn enough to buy quality items. As a newbie, it seemed you were practically hopeless unless you REALLY liked games.<br><br>I know that subject is off track, but my point is that I don't want VP to be like that. I think newbies should get chances, and more experienced players or sponsors should try to help them out (not as mandatory, but as an act of kindness).
  • Hey...Top kennel<br><br>I dont disagree with this idea at all, but I would just like to say, not all of us have been here a long while in order to get on the fame list, I have only been a member since 29th August thats only a little over 4 months, so please dont be disheartened if you set your mind on something anything is possible.....hope I have released some inspiration over at least some of you....if it helps any, I completely messed up on VHR and cant play that to save my life, and horses are my
    Dont push me I bite!!!!!
    Jealousy is a bitter pill!!!!!
    Those with the most faults are the most critical of others!!!!!
  • I do not disagree either with the idea, but I had joined in August about the same time as Bally, and I was on the top 50 list, before the big mess up and everything got resetted and people either gained or lost points. I lost points and had no chance getting back up there. Before the big glitch and the change in how many events you can enter, it was quite easy to get on there and I was a novice at the time. Now I could not bother to try to get back there.<br><br>SO I think it would be great if you can reset the list. The same should be done for the Records for dogs. Something for everyone to look to achieve.
  • Yeah, I lost points at the reset aswell and dropped a total of 15 places and was totally gutted we were all hit in one way or another.....<br><br>As for the resetting of the records, I not sure wether I agree with that or not, maybe to do it only once to reset them after people taking advantage of over statting their dogs with fame points, but to do it regulary would give us nothing to aim for in the improving of our chosen breeds..<br><br>For example I breed greyhounds and race them, I try to breed my fastest two dogs and get an even faster one in the hope that I can maybe break the record one day, if the record is changing regulary will people get lazy and stop trying to improve their breed???
    Dont push me I bite!!!!!
    Jealousy is a bitter pill!!!!!
    Those with the most faults are the most critical of others!!!!!
  • Haha, I'm so glad I didn't offend some of the Top Kennel people, that was definately not my intention. I would love to be able to keep a list of all-time highs, but still have a monthly ranking now that entries are limitted and fame points can't be added to dogs. I just think it would be a lot more encouraging to the smaller kennels if they made the top 50 every once in a while! As for the top dog thing, I think that should stay as it is, except for maybe the dogs boosted with fame points. But if the dog is awesome, it doesn't change with the kennel it is in, it could be sold and still be a great dog. If you get what I mean. The dog is good due to the breeding and other very fortunate coincidences or planning.
  • This is a good idea. i agree i wish ii could think up this stuff lmao
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • I think its a great idea! I just have another suggestion. How about there could be two pages. One that has Novice Top Kennels and The other page Sponser top kennels? Does it sound like a good Idea?
  • Well it's tougher for novices to get fame points because when I was a novice I worked so hard to earn fame points and I only started playing the game 3 months ago because I had quit some time ago because of things. So I just started replaying and only earned around 1800 fame points but when I became a sponsor that shot up plus the glitch, I tried not to take advantage of the glitch but I became envious of all these new sponsors getting 8k on there first 5 days playing. So I started thinking if everybody used that glitch???? I'm not agreeing to reseting it or disagreeing it but maybe they could have seperate lists for the people who joined before december or something like that. This idea was good but I'm not willing to lose my fame points lol. I love them too much and try hard every day to raise it.
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